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Is This Cheating?


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Playing in a freeroll on Poker.com the following happened; aliant is the Dealer Shuffling Cards NENORMALNOTO Posted Small Blind 25 darco123 Posted Big Blind 50 Dealing Cards RABEYE Folds stoksie Folds GiddieUp Folds KATS833 Calls 50 Intheempty Raised to 100 BIGKINGXXACE Folds toooonnny Calls 100 Valiant All In NENORMALNOTO Calls 595 darco123 Folds KATS833 Folds Intheempty Calls 520 toooonnny Folds Dealing Flop (5h,4d,3h) NENORMALNOTO Checks Intheempty: check*This was typed into the chat box* Intheempty Checks Dealing Turn (4s) NENORMALNOTO Checks Intheempty Checks Dealing River (9h) NENORMALNOTO Checks Intheempty Checks NENORMALNOTO shows (Ah, Qd) Intheempty shows (9c, Ac) Valiant shows (8s, 8d) Intheempty Wins 2060 from pot 1 with : Two Pair, Nines and Fours

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Re: Is This Cheating? Hmmm. Typing 'check' into the chat box? I wouldn't have thought so. :lol I assume you mean that both of them had no intention of betting against each other after the flop after you put youself all-in and that the first guy declared his intention and the second one followed implying something funny was going on. I'd suggest it's sneaky rather than cheating as both of them thought they had a good chance of knocking you out pre-flop and one of them eventually did on the river. Neither hit anything on the flop and you can count yourself unlucky that they guy who had AQo didn't bet.

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Re: Is This Cheating? I cheated the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. I got re-seated on a table with 2 others and seven "sit outs" with the blinds at 200/100. I brazenly announced to everyone "lets take it in turn to steal the blinds - who's up for it" The other two were and we got to around 4K each before we were joined by two others, it was hilarious with everyone bantering away "call him" and "Yessssss" and "NH" - suppose you had to be there really.

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Re: Is This Cheating? Like DAC I've offered to share blinds if table includes a sit-out, usually on STT when down to last 4 or 5. Usually gets the sit-out back in ! I've also reminded players if a sit-out is all-in in MTTs that best chance of removing him is to all wait for the river, but obviously only when the sit-out cannot meet the full blind - certainly would never suggest it to put out a live player.

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