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My Latest Sporting Odds Problem


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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

I've had a reply off Sporting odds. I'll put it up later.
Here it is.:( Dear Andrew, Thanks for your email. We are very sorry to hear that you have had difficulties once more and we share your frustrations. {1}Rather strangely, I have never seen the message you have received before, nor can I recall any other clients reporting it - although this may well be because they have not been as vigilant as yourself with regard to screenshots. I have taken the liberty of pasting the initial response from our technical team below - with a view to reaching an effective resolution. "This error appears when the table windows don't report back to the main lobby window correctly. Most probable cause is an error with the {2}players' computer. For example, from the screenshot it's evident that he runs WinXP, which is a very resource-demanding operating system. Combine that with {3}128 or 256 MB of RAM, and you may have errors like this. Of course, this is just one of many possible reasons why these errors could occur. {4}Ask the client to send in his dxdiag, then we can pinpoint any errors with for example hardware. If the client clicks on "start" and then run and types dxdiag it should tell him any hardware that has a conflict. If he screenshots that and sends it through we may be able to diagnose the problem. There's no 1 solution for this one, since it can be due to a number of reasons. {5}My experience though, tells me that it's often the hardware in the players computer." Many thanks for you continued efforts to report these faults to us, we sincerely hope that this can be resolved swiftly and to your satisfaction. Kind regards, Jim Folliard
  1. Obviously the guy never plays poker on Boss media sites. If anyone wants to help me prove a point, please get a screenshot like the one shown on the previous page.
  2. Of course its my PC.
  3. I have 624mb available RAM. Not masses, but sufficient I'd imagine.
  4. So do I send the first page or 8? Or is this a case of "get him to jump through hoops" and then nit-pick.
  5. See 1.

It is completely out of order to suggest that my PC, which has never given me serious problems (it is however getting a little old), is the source of the trouble when so many other people experience identical difficulties, either at the same or different times to me. So what do I do now? I feel like telling Sporting odds to shove it up their Britannia Stadium (shit-hole), and closing my account, but at the same time I'm extremely angry because I don't see how it can be blamed on individual PC's. I'm that cheesed off now I'm seriously thinking about taking a lengthy, even permanent break from poker. Ok, I don't mean it, but.....

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

{2}players' computer. {3}128 or 256 MB of RAM' date= {5}My experience though, tells me that it's often the hardware in the players computer."
Complete and utter disregard of the problems. Its not their fault, its all of us. We've all bought crap pc's (that work on other poker sites) and we should have known better. Guess them being the only site that rejects my card is because of my high spec pc that has the audacity to run Windows XP. Amateurs I tell ya..........
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem SECONDS OUT! ROUND 2. ding-ding. Dear Jim, As you know I am in a fortunate position as I am a member of a betting forum called PuntersLounge. The poker section is excellent, and we use the Dollar Up MTT as a Forum competition. No prizes other than bragging rights are being played for, but twice a week 20 or so forum poker players descend on Sporting odds Poker and try and win. The last 3 MTT's have been won by a PuntersLounge member, and the one before that (06/11/05) we had a player (nickname nuts1) get to the final 2 only for him to suffer the same disconnection problems I have. The point of the above paragraph is to help me answer the first paragraph in your e-mail "Rather strangely, I have never seen the message you have received before, nor can I recall any other clients reporting it ". You see almost to a man every single forum member has experienced issues with this poker software, which is why I view the technical teams' reply with some scepticism. This was in my first e-mail 'In a previous e-mail with the same problem I said,"You see in my limited experience the first signs of site 'malfunction' begins with the individual users experiencing problems". 24hrs later there were plenty of users experiencing the problems I did.' Strangely the technical team or yourselves have chosen not to even acknowledge that amazing coincidence/prophecy/customer being right. So, for the record here is another experience. BetFred Poker recently ran a freeroll competition "Telegraph Fantasy Football" with a fantastic prize fund. What happened was there were an influx of users that the server could not cope with. Result? Plenty of frustrated users who could not play in the qualifiers, and these problems continued all the way up to and including the night of the final. Pokersupports reply to the many complaints was,"the players computer". I have not taken a screenshot of dxdiag as your technical team requested, because I would imagine that more information would be available to them if they had the dxdiag text report, which I have attatched titled "DxDiag 15-11-2005". Kind regards, Andy Higgins

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I was having quite a few problems with "losing connection to lobby window" one way i found round this was not to have the lobby window displaying the safety net,as this cannot now cope with the volume of players and the information frequently travelling back and forth. My solution was to bring up a lobby window tournament that had no one in it. It has stopped breaking my connection but is a pain when your trying to keep up on your and the chip leaders position. In the dollar up i have not had this problem yet. My main theory to the losing cents is Superman 3 kinda plot, where Richard Pryors character siphons off the half cents and transfers them into an account of his own. The new twist to this plot is added disconnections to build the balance up. I have noticed a LexLuthor playing on sporting odds.;) The person i seem to e mail the most is Ben Walton who seems to be the poker manager and has been quite supportive in his help. Keep up the Battle Mr V:clap

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Well said Mr V!!! i'm still waiting for a reply to my e-mail that I sent last FRIDAY evening. They'll be getting another one when I finish work with the 2 screenshots warning me of my impending disconnections last night!! The sad thing is that I know I'm wasting my time as I'm windows XP too so there lies the problem. They ain't winning any awards for customer service that's for sure. I'll leave 5 dollars in the account for the rest of this months tourneys but the rest is coming out today. Totally fed up!! By the way thank Pocket Lady for her kind words last night but the chat wasn't working - it would have been all swear words anyway.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

Well said Mr V!!! Totally fed up!! By the way thank Pocket Lady for her kind words last night but the chat wasn't working - it would have been all swear words anyway.
No problems George - I'm just sorry that others are having the same problems as Mr V. - I get fustrated but I can't imagine how he, you and the others feel. sad2.gif
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

Here it is.:( "This error appears when the table windows don't report back to the main lobby window correctly. Most probable cause is an error with the {2}players' computer. For example, from the screenshot it's evident that he runs WinXP, which is a very resource-demanding operating system. Combine that with {3}128 or 256 MB of RAM, and you may have errors like this. Of course, this is just one of many possible reasons why these errors could occur.
I have 2 gigs of RAM and I get the same error sometimes.
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I think I hurt someones' feelings; " I can totally understand your scepticism and we are aware that it is perfectly likely that other users have experienced this issue. However, I have been totally honest in my reply that this is the first time this particular error has come to my attention. Obviously you will find this difficult to accept if you have seen this regularly but I have little to gain from not giving you an truthful reply here. The simple fact that the other players at this table were not disconnected gives me the distinct impression there is more to this than a simple server overload or disconnection. I hope you can understand why we want to be in possession of as much information as possible to try and achieve a positive outcome from a frustrating situation for all concerned. Having worked for other sites previously I'm well aware that poker rooms can often be seen to be blaming the individual players' setup to excuse poor site performance but we have no desire to indulge in that here and will readily accept that there have been repeated problems at our end recently for a variety of reasons - none of which are acceptable from a customer standpoint. However, we still cannot ignore the fact that, when this particular error occurs, it seems to only affect one user at the table. Why this particular problem would target one client over another is what we are striving to get to the bottom of - and you have been a great help to us with this thus far. With regards to your "prophecy" from last week, I'm afraid this is a bit of a red herring in this instance. The problems that materialised 24 hours after your complaint were caused by database issues in Antigua and were not restricted to the poker room, but also affected the sportsbook, games and casino clients across the board. Whilst this does in no way excuse the problems that occurred that night I'm afraid that they were entirely unrelated to the individual error message that you alone received in the poker room the previous night. Again, I thank you for your constructive information and look forward to some positive news from our technical team." As he was good enough to answer I did concede a little ground and mentioned Sharpe's possible solution. I also asked him to look at Wayne and TQM's issues; " You are quite correct that I'm operating as a middleman, to an extent, as far as our poker room is concerned. We have quite limited back end access here and our poker support team should really be contacted directly at [email protected]. However, we like to try and ensure SportingOdds clients are looked after accordingly so we are happy to take these cases up on the players' behalf in instances such as this. I'm aware that the poker response team are very busy and unfortunately there can occasionally be a tendency to prioritise the emails according to the stakes involved - hence a freeroll issue can regrettably take longer to resolve than we would like. Of course, the answer to this is to not have the problems in the first place ensuring more time is available to deal fewer issues! Your suggestion below is most interesting and I shall be discussing this with our tech team shortly - but if you could keep me informed it would be most appreciated. With regards to your other members, although we did not seem to receive SSpeircey's initial email I did respond to him yesterday too - in the hope that he may provide similar information to that given to us by yourself. With regards Waynemcke I'm afraid I'm not aware of a specific banking issue and I notice his last transaction was some time ago. My last correspondence with him was concerning raked hands which seemed to be resolved amicably. Due to lack of space, we did have to relocate our finance team to a new office recently. Unfortunately the new premises has had issues with power cuts which slowed our payment processing down slightly and was highly frustrating for all concerned - these issues are now resolved but it is possible your friend was inconvenienced during this time if I were to make an educated guess. Again, this is all extremely regrettable but is an unfortunate consequence of the speed of growth we have been experiencing due to the aggressive nature of our promotions across the sportsbook, poker room and casino." Which kind of lends support to my BetFred example. Mrs V. has also had to chase up a banking transaction, only for it to be sitting for 3 days in the Sportsbook in-tray. Tell you what. Lets club together, buy 'em out and run it proper.:lol

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem For the record. These issues apart I do still enjoy playing on there. If it was totally useless I wouldn't be so persistent, but if SO Poker comes out a better place to play then it will be worth it. I'm only updating now as I feel I'm making some headway, and would like to share it with you all. If you get bored with it, let me know.:ok

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Keep up the good work Mr V.:notworthy :notworthy I received a prompt reply yesterday evening from SO and found it was almost identical to your one in that they have basically excluded themselves from any blame and I was to run the Regit programme and send it to them for analysis. That'll be a last resort. I also sent them a copy of the e-mail that was sent on Friday but that appears to have been ignored again - shame that, as it took me quite a while to compose. Last night was spent totally clearing out my computer to make sure that the problem does not exist at my end and by 11pm I managed to connect to Sporting Odds 1st time :loon but I'm unwilling to pay any money only to be dis-connected after a few minutes so I'll see if I can get in the Safety Net tonight and find out if the performance has improved. :hope

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Mr V I keep reading that you are having the disconnection problems where the tournament tells you in advance of a software collapse that applies solely to you. I think that it is childish to keep ranting on about it as the problem is clearly at your end as no other people are disconnected on the table. I had a similar problem with sporting odds and I pursued the same line of questioning as yourself. I couldn't get a satisfactory answer initially. Eventually the answer came and it made perfect sense. The answer I recieved was straight forward and common sense. You really should stop ranting and getting upset and think about it like an adult, as I did when I recieved the following anser. " The telephone lines that you are using to connect to sporting odds poker are too thin and it takes longer to fold the cards up and send them along these thin lines. The result of playing lots of hands quickly is that the telephone lines become blocked with the cards being sent to you and you sending them back upon folding. It is usually somewhere under the mid atlantic where these blockages occur usually as the telephone line may have developed a small leak and the cards have become slightly wet and mushy, causing a paper mache (?) pulp to block the lines even more so. The thin telephone lines are owned by the telecommunications company and we, at sporting odds, are not responsible for there condition. If you insist to the telecommunications company that you are signed up with, that they install wider telephone lines so that the cards we send to you in a hand can pass more freely, then the problem should abate. In short, the thin lines that you use are the problem, along with poorly maintained under sea cables, and as a result.....it is not our fault in any way. We look forward to you joining us when you have wider phone lines so we can begin to send you straights that are beaten on the river by the most unbelievable full houses and so that people calling a raise with 7 2 can beat your aa on a regular basis, as with Danno375. Yours sincerely, Hank McBison Stretcher Sporting dogs poker. " So you see Mr V, you are at fault and not them, so smile on and get used to it. Danno375.:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :moon

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