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My Latest Sporting Odds Problem


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I've been enjoying playing in the daily $5 Heads up MTT on Sporting Odds at 2100hrs. I've played about 3 or 4 times now, never won my money back, but getting some enjoyment out of the format (and practice). Last night to cut a boring story short I was neck and neck in my 1st match (which I'd waited 20+ minutes for), and fancying my chances when I get the "Lost connection with lobby, this window will close after this hand". I had the presence of mind to type in the chat that I was being thrown out (for proof), and thought I'd taken a screenshot, but I hadn't. I'm sure you can guess the rest, and I was out without having played a full match. So I fired an e-mail to SO complaining (5th or 6th this week!!), and requested a refund. Am I in the right, or are they going to tell me to take a hike?

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

I've been enjoying playing in the daily $5 Heads up MTT on Sporting Odds at 2100hrs. I've played about 3 or 4 times now, never won my money back, but getting some enjoyment out of the format (and practice). Last night to cut a boring story short I was neck and neck in my 1st match (which I'd waited 20+ minutes for), and fancying my chances when I get the "Lost connection with lobby, this window will close after this hand". I had the presence of mind to type in the chat that I was being thrown out (for proof), and thought I'd taken a screenshot, but I hadn't. I'm sure you can guess the rest, and I was out without having played a full match. So I fired an e-mail to SO complaining (5th or 6th this week!!), and requested a refund. Am I in the right, or are they going to tell me to take a hike?
I've had this happen several times when i have been playing cash tables....................... bloody pissed me off, in a good position, having the biggest stack at the table, then kicked out and 6 people before me on the waiting list for any table when i get back on again :@
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem IMO - The Sporting Odds client is one of the least stable at the moment of our regular haunts... (in spite of the upgrade they put through) I never understand with sporting odds, WHY they say you've lost your connection, we're going to disconnect you after this hand ..... if you've lost the connection, how are they telling you that? How are they allowing you to finish the hand? And if they can let you finish that hand, why can't they let you finish the next? And the next? My opinion, is that these problems are their end (when SO tell me I'm going to lose my connection shortly, I don't have any problems with other rooms/internet) I think you're worth a refund .......

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Thanks guys, I've had the problem many times in the freerolls, obviously but this is the first time I've had it in a paid for tourney. I checked their t n c's but couldn't find anything that covers disconnection in MTT's. I found these lttle snippets that may come in useful in other matters, though. Membership to [POKER NAME] can be revoked at anytime for any reason. The funds in a player’s account will be returned unless the player has been found to have cheated another player or players, in which case some or all funds may be distributed to the victimized players. In no event will [POKER NAME] simply confiscate a player’s funds and retain them for [POKER NAME]. 3. Cheating of any kind: If management suspects such an activity, the player(s) accused will be investigated. Players found to have been, or reasonably suspected of cheating in any form, will have their account privileges terminated throughout Boss Media’s casinos indefinitely. Using the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt" to indicate cheating, [POKER NAME] has the right to confiscate any funds won while cheating. Confiscated funds will be distributed to victim players. Boss Media/[POKER NAME] will never keep confiscated funds. Any player who has funds confiscated for cheating will be told the screen names of the players who have received their money. 4. Team play or collusion: Team play or collusion is the act of two or more players “teaming up” to gain a competitive advantage by signalling card values or making raises and re-raises that are intended to force a victim player out of a pot. If customer service receives a complaint about such an activity or management suspects such activity, the players accused/suspected will have their accounts and playing activity reviewed by management. Players found to have been acting, or reasonably suspected of acting as a team, will have their account privileges terminated throughout Boss Media’s casinos indefinitely. If warranted, [POKER NAME] has the right to confiscate any funds won while acting as a team. Confiscated funds will be distributed to victim players.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I received this e-mail at 1831; :unsure Dear Andrew, Thanks for your email. Although there seems to be no sign of other customers having difficulties at this time I have credited £5 to your sportsbook account by way of an apology for your inconvenience. Kind regards, Jim Folliard Customer Care Supervisor SportingOdds.com Now although $5 in exchange for £5 is a good deal, I'm not sure I'm going to let this end with 'Although there seems to be no sign of other customers having difficulties at this time'. Because I had problems. The wording of this is almost 'oh here's a fiver, now go away'. What if the next time is when I'm scrapping for a money finish in a decent tourney? Will they look at my file and think "he's trying it on" or what.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem First of all, thank you for the £5. I would have been quite happy to have my entry fee refunded. However I am concerned how this matter is resolved. You see in my limited experience the first signs of site 'malfunction' begins with the individual users experiencing problems. I am only sorry that I did not act in time to get a screenshot, but I must assure you I told my opponent that I was about to be thrown out. I appreciate that you are busy, but is there a quick way of checking the table chat, as very little conversation happened? The benefits would be 2-fold. One, you would see I'm not trying it on and had a justifiable complaint, the other would be that you (or Boss media) may be forewarned of a potential problem. Thank you for your time, Andrew

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Same here. Just watched pocketLady getting knocked out (sorry) and 1 min to interval. Lost connection with about 8500. Not unusual for me to lose connection i know, but started getting that invalid password error. This is probably the first time i've played properly in sporting odds and i'm not impressed. When you lose the connection it also takes an age to get back in compared to betfred :ok Just sent an email before coming here. For some reason their live help is not working.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

chatinfo.gifPlease wait for a site operator to respond. chatinfo.gifYou are now chatting with 'Bruno' Bruno: How may I help you today? you: hi bruno you: ok, i'm having trouble logging in you: i'm being told invalid password you: which is strange because i logged in at 7pm you: and everything was fine you: i'm worried someone has hacked into my computer somehow you: and changed the password Bruno: Our technical department is aware of the problems with our poker room and are currently working on a resolution. Although we do not have an exact timeframe for when it will be fixed, we hope that it will be soon. Please try again later. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. you: i'ts not just the poker room bruno you: it's your main site Bruno: My system is currently down, So i cannot assist you Bruno: It is our site you: oh right
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I noted the time that I received the e-mail, because I think that SO are keeping an eye on us. Sporting Odds 'phone support closes at 1800hrs, but I get mail 1/2 an hour later - incidentally also 1/2 an hour after I started this thread. I am SO glad that I sent that very polite reply back to them, as I will look forward to being able to use it as a stick to beat them with at a later date. I'm sorry that you've all had connection problems, but I TOLD YOU SO.:rollin:rollin:rollin Although its not funny.:$

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Turns out customer support are there til 8pm - sorry. Dear Sir, Thanks for your email. I can confirm that all issues of this nature are forwarded to our technical team as a matter of course, regardless of whether or not I resolve them from a financial standpoint myself. I don't believe it makes for good customer service to keep the client waiting for a potential explanation from our technicians that could drag on indefinitely and may ultimately be inconclusive. My response was based on previous correspondence with yourself which led me to believe the likelihood of you "trying it on" in this instance was pretty much zero. After speaking to the poker support team, they were able to verify that you lost your connection but they also verified that other clients on the same server did not - at exactly the same time. A little strange, and as such we have requested that they look specifically for signs of problems at our end in the logs that were present for you but not for others - and more importantly why. We will keep you informed of any positive developments and you are correct that a screenshot, should this occur again in the future, would be most helpful indeed. Kind regards, Jim Folliard :clap Customer Care Supervisor SportingOdds.com Email: [email protected] Telephone: 08000 727 727 (9am - 8pm) Well played that man.....but, oh see above.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

My response was based on previous correspondence with yourself which led me to believe the likelihood of you "trying it on" in this instance was pretty much zero. After speaking to the poker support team, they were able to verify that you lost your connection but they also verified that other clients on the same server did not - at exactly the same time. A little strange, and as such we have requested that they look specifically for signs of problems at our end in the logs that were present for you but not for others - and more importantly why. We will keep you informed of any positive developments and you are correct that a screenshot, should this occur again in the future, would be most helpful indeed. Kind regards, Jim Folliard :clap Customer Care Supervisor
tell me they are taking the piss pleaase!!!! somebody!!!!!! if they fail to recognise us then blanket ban them, full stop!!!!!! THAT CARRY ON IS DISGRACEFUL!!!!!!
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem My first course of action was to telephone Sporting odds. The rep. improved my mood by saying "2,000 or more others are playing without problems......". :@ :@ :@ :@ It took all of my resolve not to give this person a mouth-full of asterisk laden abuse, and get the guy to understand just HOW pissed off I am. I accept it on freerolls, and even the dollar up, but I'd spent 4 ****in hours to get to that point, for a (possibly) once in a lifetime opportunity. Anyway. Below is a text of an e-mail I plan to send to Sporting odds. Please can you have a look and tell me anything else I should include/exclude before I send it; Hello. My username is ___________, my table nickname is Higgs23pl (Yep, me again!). Playing in this qualifier was the highlight of my poker week. I had been playing for 1hr 40 minutes when I got the following message:Internal error. Lost connection to lobby window, closing down after this round. It was several long minutes before I was allowed back in. This involved several restarts of SO poker, where I would log in the lobby would appear, the table would start to load, then disappear. When I got back in, the blinds had passed my station, meaning I lost 900 chips from a stack of 3,500. Because I had gone from a comfortable position, when I could choose how and when I play my hands to one that was in a precarious position I got back to my table in time to feel I had no option but to go all in to recover my unnecessary losses. which I did with QQ and lost. Although I was allowed the chance to choose the method of exocution, I feel that SO's bug ridden poker software are responsible. The history of the game cannot possibly show how well I was playing in this MTT, and although at the time of disconnection I was outside the qualifacation placings, I know enough about poker to know that the way I was playing was good enough to get me into those places, and into The Scottish Festival. In a previous e-mail with the same problem I said,"You see in my limited experience the first signs of site 'malfunction' begins with the individual users experiencing problems". 24hrs later there were plenty of users experiencing the problems I did. Please find enclosed a screenshot that I managed to capture as I was being disconnected. The fact that the software you use makes me wait until the hand finishes is to me a clear indication that the problem is yours, not mine. sodisconnection4ht.jpg I hope you give this matter your utmost attention, and understand that monetary compensation for this matter may not suffice.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem With respect to all you guys, why are you still playing on their site? These problems existed weeks ago and despite my complaints at the time, I was met with a very ignorant and dismissive attitude from them. Fine, if thats their attitude to customer service. So i've taken my custom elsewhere but I don't understand why everyone is continuing to 'put up' with it??? I couldn't imagine anything more frustrating than whats happened to you tonight V regarding poker but, as with my own efforts, your valient (get it!) attempts to get an answer will be met with the same wall of ignorance that mine were. Is it time for a well-worded PL email and a blanket ban until they can assure us that they are aware of the reason behind the problems and that they are in the process of fixing it? I actually like their software's gameplay (when it works) but if it continually lets us down, what's the point? Just a thought.....

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I am coming round to your way of thinking wayne tbh. It is getting to the point that the disconnections/bugs are spoiling any potential enjoyment because of the expectation of them. It would probably be my favourite site were it not for these issues. Come on guys, please let me know what you think. I'm firing it off when I get back up in a few hours.

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem I'm with you Mr V and the email sounds fine, although I'm not sure what they can do other than financial recompense (unless you mean a bye into the final) ? Personally not had many problems on SO as disconnections are usually the fault of my pc ('getting-in' before they do it to me probably !) but have read other threads and now only play freerolls, or this month the $ up so not risking more than 60p. Pathetic but I find the disappearing cents the most annoying. good luck :ok

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem

With respect to all you guys' date=' why are you still playing on their site?[/quote'] Good question!!! I was on tilt before this one even started for various reasons (due to SO!!) I'm hearing the right things from SO when I send them emails, but they don't seem to be doing anything proactively - only responding to what we say ..... and then only dealing with the specific problem, and not tackling the wider issues!!! I've also started to lose confidence in their security - when someone is banned, then reappears in a tournament with a very slightly altered user name the next day, you have to question their vetting procedures!!! Problem is, they do run good promotions. I'm tempted with a "middle way" - I might withdraw all of my cash and only play their freerolls!!
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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Yeh thats my approach GaF. Freerolls and the Dollar Up and thats it. Shame because I'd be more than happy playing there regularly for cash if I didnt worry about getting disconnected with my hard-earned sat in the pot. There's no way they'd refund the dosh so there's no way I'll play there. Good luck though Mr V. :hope

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Just to add another issue to the long list of SO's shortcomings. I've been playing a lot of ring games on there, and they offer a $100 monthly bonus for every 3000 raked hands. I got on live chat to see how many hands I'd raked that month to find out if I qualified for the bonus. I wish I'd taken a screenshot of the livechat, cos it was a pretty funny conversation, but I didn't think at the time. Basically she told me that there was no way of checking how many raked hands I'd played in a month. By which I don't mean that there's no way to check in the software, or easily - but that there's no way at all, the support desk doesn't have access to raked hands info. They can tell you how many you've played since you've signed up, but that's it. This is doubly ridiculous since it's a staggered monthly bonus, ie you get $20 for x hands in a month, $50 for y etc. So they're offering a bonus based on playing a specific amount of raked hands, with absolutely no way for anyone to find out how many raked hands they've played (apparently the software automatically credits the bonus if you do achieve one). WTF?

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Re: My Latest Sporting Odds Problem Just tried to deposit a tenner (min deposit) to play the dollar up tonight. Despite having plenty of cash in the bank, my card details being as before and the bank saying there's no problem with my account, the transaction was declined. A SO number appeared for me to call - it closed at 8.00pm! I got on the live chat and SO have told me that the bank declined the transaction, not them. Fair enough although Bet365 have just accepted a deposit! The whole system is fooked! Amateurs, who is and who isn't.......................

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