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The Sun Weekly Final - Monday 11th November 8pm GMT


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Re: The Sun Weekly Final - Monday 11th November 8pm GMT

not much you could do about that GaF
567 rainbow flop - I had 7K I should have known from his betting (I kind've did - but couldn't lay it down.....) that he had flopped the straight .........
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Re: The Sun Weekly Final - Monday 11th November 8pm GMT I'm gone - 134th Never got going really, up and down with max 2200 or so. Started taking risks, eg 8 10 suited got nowhere so folded 8 10 os next hand and the flop came 79J. Beaten by kickers and rivers, but then who isn't. One AA but no-one took me on after the flop. Good luck to all left in.

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Re: The Sun Weekly Final - Monday 11th November 8pm GMT I'm out ......................went all-in with A-9 (my best starting hand all night) while i still had a few chips left ............... flopped an open ended straight draw, but didn't hit .......................... turns out i was up against KK ...........................game over :(

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