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Re: Poker Tracker

interesting that gaf' date=' do you know what all the abbreviations are?[/quote'] Full explaination of each category here Basically they fall into 3 parts. First part is (T)ight, sL (Semi Loose) or (L)oose. Second Part is pre flop play - (P)assive or (A)ggressive Third Part is post flop play - (P)assive or (A)ggressive Other thing I meant to say - if anyone fancies yelling your NordicBet usernames at me, if I've seen you, then I'll let you know how the software classifies you ..... (I've started leaving tables open just collecting data - so I may have data on you even if we haven't played against one another.....)
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Re: Poker Tracker

I might have to download Nordicbet then GAF and have a proper play with this.
It works with all Prima sites (NordicBet/Bet365/Laddies etc), as well as PartyPoker, PokerRoom, Crypto (Betfair etc), Pacific and Full Tilt ..... I really do think it is worth it - yes it's mind boggling when you first open it, but the wealth of stats is phenomenal (I've bought the full version so that I'm not limited to 1000 hands) - I've no doubt that I''ll quickly earn the $55 back...... For me, I feel it's worth so much, that I hardly play SO ring games now (where I thought it was great before) - but when I do go back to SO now, I feel I'm playing better each time ...... Probably worth adding, Poker Tracker is quite a bit poorer in how it deals with tournaments, than ring games, and I wouldn't recommend it if you play tournaments ....... (there's issues with getting tournament results, and this needs to be done manually for Crypto, and Prima (I think - haven't spent a lot of time TBH) I'm going to really break down how I played JJ and TT now - hopefully someone can give me an idea for a new approach......
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Re: Poker Tracker Well I already got an account with laddies so i could always open that up again. I only really play cash games and very occasionally tournies. Although at the moment I am doing quite well on paradise so might stay here until I hit a bad patch. Just playing now and turned $200 into $310 so far. It;s just when I first looked at Tracker it just looked too complicated and I am to lazy to work out what everything did lol.

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Re: Poker Tracker Breakdown of JJ and TT play. JJ I have played JJ 13 times, winning 69%(9). 55%(7) of the time I win with this hand without seeing a flop. 45%(6) of the time I see a flop, but only win 14%(2) of these hands and lose 30% (4). Of the 6 hands where I see the flop. 4 went to showdown. Two of these hands included big losses. Loss 1 I was 1 off the button. A "calling station" in Early position raised 3x BB. ($0.30) (!!!!) Everyone else folded to me. I reraised (to $0.90) Button flat called SB and BB folded Initial raiser called Flop 497 rainbow First player checks I raise (pot sized) Button reraises Pot plus my bet (and is all in) Initial raiser folds I call (Pot now $13.95) Turn T River 3 Button shows KK Looking back at this, I'm happy with the way I played - I had a pair higher than anything showing, with no obvious straights or flushes. I ran into KK and there was nothing I could do to escape. I was just lucky he didn't have a big enough stack to really take me to the cleaners. The only time he showed strength was post flop when he reraised me all in - which offered me a pot of $11.35 for a bet of $2.90 - not going to walk away from that when I have a large pair .... Loss 2 Same position as before - I was 1 off the button. Two players in early position flat called. Other players folded. I raised 5x BB ($0.50) Button and SB folded BB flat called Two early callers both folded Flop 5d3h7h Pot is $1.25 BB raises $0.40 (I read that as weakness) I raise $2 He raises to $6.80 and is all in I call Turn 9c River Td BB shows AA Again - it is very similar to the previous hand and I'm not sure what I could do. I had a pair bigger than any cards that were showing and felt quite safe. Again, I was saved from bigger losses by the limited stack of my opponent. For one other loss, I got out when faced with aggressive betting and an overcard (a Q) on the board. This hand went to showdown, and it turns out I had the best hand (up against TT and JKs) - however, It was a hard one to contest and my losses here were 1/3 of the other 2 hands. Conclusion Overall, for the 3 hands, not sure what I could/should have done different. I'm tempted to put it down to "small numbers" (i.e. not a huge sample) and short run bad luck - and trust it will turn itself around with more hands ...... anyone agree or disagree? I'll look at TT next, but later........

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Re: Poker Tracker

I've got a keygen for this if anyone wants to use it for free ;)
Nice one - I really would recommend people take up guesswest on his offer. Just one question - what version is it for? I did look at a keygen version and it was an older version that didn't support Prima ..... Does that mean you use the software as well? Any insight into it? Where have you found the "real value" in it?
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Re: Poker Tracker Yep good point, just looked and is for a slightly older version and is pre-prima (which I guess they just added support for recently) - may be that theres a more current keygen floating about tho, it was the latest version at the time I was using it, about 6 months ago, and haven't looked since. Thoughts on Pokertracker: Great piece of software, but has quite a learning curve. I guess it's kinda like when you first start thinking pot odds etc, ie it's more of a hinderance for a while because it distracts your attention from reading the language of the game, but is very useful once it becomes second nature. I'm also not sure that the player classifications are very useful as the correct type of play is normally a result of who you're playing against as much as anything, or should be anyway. I hear what you say about striving towards a tight-aggressive style, it's the way I try to play too, but I'd worry that a result of being presented with that kind of calculation would be a tendency to try and adjust play in a vacumn, I know it's what I found myself doing. Focusing too hard on adjusting playing style as a result of analysis software like that can distract from the 'right' play being totally dependent on the players in a particular game, all of which are unique. Also. at the time I was using it it didn't really support many sites I played a lot on, which is another part of the reason I didn't stick with it for very long. And lastly I think, I mostly play HU and that's prob the least useful game type for that kind of analysis since it's mostly about your opponents personality. Despite all that, it's a really impressive piece of kit overall, jampacked with features. Definitely worth a look at with 1000 free hands or a crack. :ok

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Re: Poker Tracker Hi GOF, Downloaded the package lastnight, and seems good. Seems the type of package that can really help you see where your going wrong and force you to play tighter. I was just looking around it and noticed the catorgizing of the different players. How did you come up with the different classifications? Are the default ones the best to use, and how good is this function as there are thousands of members.

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Re: Poker Tracker F1Man - The default aren't a bad starting point, but I would recommend importing the text file from here - http://www.bet-the-pot.com/assets/downloads/NLautorate2a.TXT Explaination is here http://www.bet-the-pot.com/poker-tracker-part-2a-page44.html Quite a few articles on Poker Tracker on that site - I recommend printing them off and reading them. If you haven't already, I strongly recommend that you download Gametime+ - http://www.pokertracker.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3812 - this overlays the opponents stats (and classification) directly onto your poker table. Let us know how you get on with it mate .....

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Re: Poker Tracker This is so good, I can only imagine how good it is once youve played thousands of hands. I reckon on tournies it will help loads too. Cheers GOF. Are there anyother features I should no about, seems to be a lot of buttons at the top that I have not used yet.

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Re: Poker Tracker Hi Gaf, Been using this software and it was helping at the beginning esp with the gametime +. I started playing tight and aggressive to good affect. If a rock or something similar was playing I would fold unless I had a good hand. This is where my problem starts. What do I do againsts loose players. They generaly dont fold if you raise which is great if you have a good hand. But I am getting draged into scenarios where I dont know if the loose players are bluffing. I call as I can see there loose and seem to lose to a big hand. I have also seen that tight agressive players seem to lose and the loose players seem to win. This may just be down to luck, but confused at the moment. Good software though, really makes you think.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Poker Tracker GaF, this poker tracker, does it anaylse other players at the table ?...........................just wondering what it says about me.........i know i am a cnut but i have a new stratagy for SO and its working a treat.......play the first few hands like the rest of the muppets and drop about $3 and they think you are a muppet like them and call anything and then clear up.......he he....working well at mo.....:D

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Poker Tracker I normally play STT's with the odd MTT, but decided to try cash games because I remembered you saying about it being less useful for STT's. (And I'm doing so badly at the tourneys that I can't do much worse!!) $17 up from about 3 hours play at the $0.10/$0.20 tables on Laddies, am fairly pleased with it so far. I'm a semi-loose aggressive/aggressive player, pretty much what I'd have expected... ignoring the hands I've only had once or twice, have done well with KTo, QJo, and K5s. (The latter one I've lost 3 times on but had a big win with, see below...) Also found a few fish! (I'll post their names up here if Laddies cash players would find it useful...) K5s win. ** Game ID 431767882 starting - 2006-02-18 19:57:47 ** Arrow [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - fila_1 sitting in seat 1 with $12.55 - stefan69 sitting in seat 2 with $0.00 [sitting out] - Bollando sitting in seat 3 with $38.07 [Dealer] - Krystal33 sitting in seat 4 with $9.64 - JadedJ sitting in seat 5 with $11.38 Krystal33 posted the small blind - $0.10 JadedJ posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Spades, 5 of Spades fila_1 folded Bollando folded Krystal33 called - $0.20 JadedJ bet - $0.80 Krystal33 called - $0.80 ** Dealing the flop: 10 of Clubs, 2 of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds Krystal33 bet - $0.20 JadedJ called - $0.20 ** Dealing the turn: King of Hearts Krystal33 bet - $0.60 JadedJ called - $0.60 ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts Krystal33 went all-in - $8.14 JadedJ called - $8.14 Krystal33 shows: Ace of Clubs, Jack of Clubs JadedJ shows: King of Spades, 5 of Spades JadedJ wins $18.53 from the main pot End of game 431767882

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Re: Poker Tracker Make sure you have "Gametime+" downloaded - it's free and "overlays" stats for each player onto the game window. Think you should download the new autorate conditions from here as well - http://www.bet-the-pot.com/assets/downloads/NLautorate2a.TXT (and good tutorial on PT on this site as well) These are mentioned above, so you may be sorted with them anyway.......

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Re: Poker Tracker I'm also finding the position stats interesting... playing 6-handed, I'm winning mostly on the button and 2 seats off the button, but getting absolutely slaughtered in the small blind and UTG. Have seen 71 players, 46 of whom are net losers. Pleased to be one of those 25 winners :)

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