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To Play Or Not To Play


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Okay, probably not really worth starting a new thread for, but would value advice... As some of you may have seen on the bragging thread, I won a satellite the other day to the Ipod tourney tonight at Betfred - top 10 win cash plus Ipods, currently 84 registered. Top prize $3,000 dollars, 2nd $2,000, down to $100 for 11th - 20th. Anyway, got up this morning, checked the tourney, to find out I'd been unregistered - with $33 (the reg fee) put into my account. Was about to just use it to reregister, but got a bit nervous and am wondering whether I'd be out of my depth and would be better off holding onto the money - there's no way I'd normally pay that much to enter (well, apart from the SO one this afternoon!), but was excited after winning the satellite and am quite tempted to risk it... So, anyone who's got experience in playing the bigger money tourneys got any advice as to the standard of play?

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play Of course there will be a different playing opponents, who paid 33$ for a tourney, than 3$ for a tourney.. But most of the players, might have won access same way as you.. But if you dont believe 100% in your self that you could end top10, then same the money for later.. Use it on other tourneys.. But 84 players registred atm. You have been unregistred.. How many others has been that?? And will register again later?? Think you should check back 15min before it begins, and see number of players, and prizes, and then take a decision there.. Could be 400 players and still only 10prizes..

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play I've never paid that amount of money to play an MTT but I think I'd apply GaF's rules on value to gauge whether it's worth playing or not. If there's a couple of hundred playing in the final then the sporting odds MTT this afternoon is probably far better to enter. That's my opinion anyway. If I got $25 together by 3pm this afternoon I'd be off to Sporting Odds as you'd probably have a better chance of taking more home! :dude

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play Jaded. For me this afternoon is my cup final. I'm going to play as tight as the cards and play allows, but I'm not going to tie myself up in knots being to scared to play a hand. I'm playing this MTT with SO's money not mine, perhaps thats how you could look at the i-pod tourney. I just convinced myself that I have played well enough in the past to get to final tables, and that I did it by doing the right thing. If I don't win today, it won't be because of stupid play, because I'm better than that. You are too.:ok

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play The beginners amongst us have all wondered about whether or not to play in MTT's with a 'large' buy-in, and I think its worth mentioning this for future reference. I wasn't surprised at how tight most of my table played, and that aspect I enjoyed. It took some of the guesswork out of the game for me. I also believe that I wasn't out of my depth, although finishing 79th I felt that was down to a bad beat rather than bad play. I certainly will consider spending $25 or so for a similar tourney, and I must say to those who have never payed so much, if you can afford to lose it, go for it. :ok

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play Jaded, Personally I would play in it, I played in a $100 STT and won it. The amount of entry doesn't neccesarily dictate the standard of play as I have no right to win a $100 tourny at my standard of play really. You will get good players, but you'll also get lots of players who think they are good. ;)

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Re: To Play Or Not To Play

Personally I would play in it' date=' I played in a $100 STT and won it. The amount of entry doesn't neccesarily dictate the standard of play as I have no right to win a $100 tourny at my standard of play really. You will get good players, but you'll also get lots of players who [b']think they are good. ;)
I agree with Paul - some people play with an amount that they can comfortably write off as a fun evening or pocket money - this doesn't neccessarily mean that they are any good, they could be a right muppet. You have to find what you are comfortable with as you cannot play and think about the money that you have staked at the same time, self confidence has a lot to do with this. After watching Mr V. on SO payday today I would have no qualms about paying for an MTT like that one. Watching how tight everyone was playing was like watching my "ideal" SO Safetynet or Dollar Up. This was my style of play.
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