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**PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up


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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

BigAndy' date=' This dealer is a tw@t, u do his right leg and i'll do his left:D[/quote'] I kicked him earlier on, the cards got worse,.................................................. I think I best feel his inner thigh :unsure :hope
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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Gone in 67th. Got bored with rubbish hands and chased a club flush against Heniek (well played / nh btw!). Then I got A9, went all in and got called by pocket TT. Caught nothing. Ah well.

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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up out in 34th with QQ. Some guy put me in with A8 o/s and hit 4 cards around his 8 to make his straight. Thanks God! Gl to those left in.... DC

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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Well played legendkiller. I was trying to keep up, but missed one or two big hands for you where your chipstack made massive leaps. I still think I'd struggle if I had 4 monitors, let alone 2. :clap Whilst flitting between SO and SunPoker tonight I noticed on the SO 'ticker' that they are updating their system, and will be officially down from 6am to 2pm on Wednesday. The day I am certain about, the time not so. Keep 'em peeled.

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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

Whilst flitting between SO and SunPoker tonight I noticed on the SO 'ticker' that they are updating their system' date=' and will be officially down from 6am to 2pm on Wednesday. The day I am certain about, the time not so. Keep 'em peeled.[/quote'] That would mean Wednesdays Lunchtime DollarUp would not run :sad
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