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what is working


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Re: what is working

just spoke to customer support at Blue Square (same network as sun) explained the problem, first question she asked was am i an NTL customer Apparently NTL have done something to bugger it up my SO isnt working either probably same reason Bet NTL wont answer the phone as quick as Bluesquare __________________ Claim to fame - Last in The Sun Tourney
I had this trouble yesterday ive still got it are you on NTL
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Re: what is working

e-mailed me to say server will be down untill morning but it only affects NTL customers. Funny I'm sure my direct debit says Virgin Net:wall
I'm confused... surely if THEIR server is down then EVERYONE is affected and not just a particular group??! :unsure
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Re: what is working I've now had this off them........................ Subject --------------------------------------------------------------- servers Discussion Thread --------------------------------------------------------------- Response (P Cloherty) - 20/10/2005 06.45 PM Hi, Thank you for your email. When you login initially, your browser should store a login cookie, which is resubmitted when you access secure pages (i.e. Deposit, Update Details, Password/PIN). If you browser is set up not to store cookies you will be denied access to secure areas of the site. We recommend accessing the Privacy/Security settings of your browser. Firstly, you will need to access 'Internet Options' which can be found under the 'Tools' section (Located in the horizontal menu across the top of your browser). Secondly, (Having accessed 'Internet Options') we recommend you select both the 'Security' and the 'Advanced/Privacy' sections and 'Restore Defaults' in both sections. Thirdly, we recommend deleting your 'Temporary Internet Files'. This option is found under 'Delete Files' (Also located in 'Internet Options'). Restoring default settings and restarting your P.C is probably the best way of resolving this problem. Our site is designed to run on popular browsers in a default state. Kind regards, Customer Service Team Could this be right? I have not altered any of the settings on my PC for months.

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Re: what is working Burt Mine did exactly the same just spoken to NTL support They cannot help any further tonight ( cos its 3am in India and all the supervisors have gone home) the twat on the end of the phone says he is going to escalate the fault and it will take 48 hours to be looked at BULLSHIT i dont believe that it hasnt beed escalated all ready they are just playing for time im going to ring back in the morning, become unreasonable and shout, demand a refund or something

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Re: what is working Spoke to NTL again last night :wall :wall :wall they say its going to take 72 hours to fix :@ :@ As usual they are completely out with thier estimation of how long :tongue2 :unsure Cos guess what tried it just now and iits Working :nana :nana :nana :nana so:moon :moon :moon :moon :moon to NTL as you can see ive just found out the advanced editor lol :gimme :gimme

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Guest gazza271

Re: what is working Anyone else having problems with Sporting Odds ????? I managed to log in earlier and register for the safety net but have not managed to log in since...:@

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