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Poker Academy


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On the 7th of October (I assume it was after my early demise in the dollar-up), I was staring at the SportingOdds lobby and glanced at the scrolling ticker at the bottom. Basically SO had been giving away copies of Poker Academy (seems like for quite a while the way the message was phrased), so I fired off an e-mail, and this morning it has landed on my doormat. Has anyone tried it? Does anyone use it? Is it any good? When I have a chance to, I'll let you know what I think, or rather what it thinks of me.

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Re: Poker Academy :$:rollin To be honest, when I saw 'copies' I thought it was a book. Turns out it is a poker 'trainer'(?), kind of thing. http://www.poki-poker.com/ Features include;

  • Players stats.
  • Showdown calculator
  • Advisor-bot
  • Tournament mode (STT)

6 specific bots Pokibot-with well rounde AI Jagbot-uses simple rule-based strategy Averybot-Plays aggressively Jambot-Uses Sklansky systems 1 and 2 Oddbot-Erratic wild card Xenbot-Follows Darse Billings (who) strategy from his book. I also saw a credit to TJ Cloutier, but can't find it now. I've had a little play and it seems like Poker Pro 3, but with knobs on.

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Re: Poker Academy

:$:rollin To be honest, when I saw 'copies' I thought it was a book. Turns out it is a poker 'trainer'(?), kind of thing. http://www.poki-poker.com/ Features include;
  • Players stats.
  • Showdown calculator
  • Advisor-bot
  • Tournament mode (STT)

6 specific bots Pokibot-with well rounde AI Jagbot-uses simple rule-based strategy Averybot-Plays aggressively Jambot-Uses Sklansky systems 1 and 2 Oddbot-Erratic wild card Xenbot-Follows Darse Billings (who) strategy from his book. I also saw a credit to TJ Cloutier, but can't find it now. I've had a little play and it seems like Poker Pro 3, but with knobs on.

I thought those sort of program's weren't allowed on poker sites? :\
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Re: Poker Academy

I thought those sort of program's weren't allowed on poker sites? :\
They're allowed so long as they only use the information available to the player anyway. I've tried a few of them (and bought Poker-Spy, and qualified for a "free" copy of Calculatem). Calculatem, IMO isn't very good. Poker Spy makes a better effort (it records and gives data on your opponents) - but is pretty limited. Interestingly, when I run them both at the same time, they give different odds on the same hand ..... :unsure I've been playing around with the demo version of Poker Tracker tonight (which works for upto 1000 hands), and am severely tempted to part with $55 to get the full version - anyone else use it? I don't understand most of the stats at the moment, but I'm getting there....... Is this the kind of thing that Poker Acadamy is Valiant? What do you think of it?
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Re: Poker Academy

They're allowed so long as they only use the information available to the player anyway. I've tried a few of them (and bought Poker-Spy, and qualified for a "free" copy of Calculatem). Calculatem, IMO isn't very good. Poker Spy makes a better effort (it records and gives data on your opponents) - but is pretty limited. Interestingly, when I run them both at the same time, they give different odds on the same hand ..... :unsure I've been playing around with the demo version of Poker Tracker tonight (which works for upto 1000 hands), and am severely tempted to part with $55 to get the full version - anyone else use it? I don't understand most of the stats at the moment, but I'm getting there....... Is this the kind of thing that Poker Acadamy is Valiant? What do you think of it?
Tried Poker Spy and another one, thought they were both pants myself. Just downlaoding this Poker Tracker...
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Re: Poker Academy You can just leave rooms open with it and it tracks the games you are "observing" and forms a profile on those players - I did that and it identified a fish - so I sought him out, got in the queue for his table, grabbed my seat, bought in for $10, and quickly had a hand where I limped in with AT for a flop of AT7 - ended up heads up and all in with the fish - he had 77 :sad This software is definitely on a different level to Calculatem and Poker-Spy ...... There's almost too many stats (Impossible!!!) - got to decide what is most significant.....

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Re: Poker Academy Poker Academy is more like a simulation. The 'bots' are just opponents that are supposed to simulate certain types of players, and you can customise their stats in order to replicate players you come across. The trainer tells/suggests which hands to play or not, and how to. The showdown calculator can either enumerate or simulate hands up to 5 million times, although you may as well leave it at 500 000, as the %ages don't change much. According to the Showdown Calc. Pocket 2's against AKo is 52.8% favourite. Is this right?

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Re: Poker Academy

Could not find a crack for the new version' date=' just found cracked version of 2.06.02 on news if you wanna save $55 ;)[/quote'] Ohh - yes please. I did download a crack ....... except it wasn't and I ended up having to rebuild my machine ...... are you sure about this one?
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