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Great Night For Freerolls!


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Reminder to anyone not already registered, we have the Safety Net at Sporting Odds in 20 mins, the Betfair Grand Prix at 7:30, and the Blue Square Bankroll Booster at 7:45. Plus, Sporting Odds Dollar Up (almost a freeroll at that price!) at 9:00 - should be a great night for poker :) Hope no one minds me posting this, I know most of the tourneys have their own threads but just thought it was worth one last minute reminder. How many others of us are doing the four?

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Guest gazza271

Re: Great Night For Freerolls! Right, i've got the SO safety net and dollar up on the PC and the betfair and sun on the laptop next to me.........you watch it all go wrong and i'll be bored by 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Great Night For Freerolls! I'm absolutely knackered! I was playing three at a time for a lot of the evening, although towards the end I was concentrating on the PokerPlayer one, where I was doing best, and just popping back to the others to go all in if I had a big pocket pair or 72o or something like that. I was quite chuffed with my 13th place finish, and I came close to getting one of the bounties (we split the pot when he was all-in), but that pales into insignificance compared to some of the other PL performances. Absolutely superb, Brael, and very well done all the rest of you who made final tables. I think two tournaments at a time is my limit from now on!

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