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Blue Square Freerolls


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Re: Blue Square Freerolls Very well done Jaded :clap :clap :clap Obviously, I couldn't see your cards, but you did look to struggle with the heads up - you were pretty level going into it, but he seemed to dominate. At first you seemed to fold everything from the SB to his BB, then on the occasions when you did raise (presumably you had something), he folded. You then became a lot more aggressive (by this point you were down to about 1/3 of the chips) - and seemed to raise on his BB, 3xBB, every hand - IMO this was a lot better than your first strategy, but as soon as he realised you were doing it every hand, he started calling (and re-raising - pushing you out). IMO you need to mix it up a bit, try and keep him guessing. I've read that an average Heads Up hand is J high - if you're beating this, push it a bit, if not, slow it down ..... I think as a group, quite a few of us struggle at heads-up. I've been making a concious effort to try and improve this part of my game (playing SnG heads up tournies at Ladbrokes) - I really do think it's worth everyone making an effort at this! And of course there's Big Andy's Heads Up tourney coming soon ;) But it takes nothing away - second is a superb result :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Blue Square Freerolls Thanks for the tips, GAF - would definitely agree with the analysis of the strategy. I find my major problem on heads up is I tend to be prone to stupid lapses, raising too much too often, and early on was trying to avoid this - then as you pointed out, got down to 1/3 or so of the chips and realised I needed to start getting some back. Really looking forward to the Heads Up tourney, think I'll start playing a few more low stakes games of heads up to try and prepare myself.

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Re: Blue Square Freerolls Nice one Jaded :ok Playing heads up is a skill by itself. When you get to the end of a tournament you can always tell when you are playing someone with little heads up experience and it is generally easy to bully them out of the game. its definately worth playing some heads up games to get the experience.:ok Come to think about it, i haven't played any heads up for ages ............... i could do with some practice for the PL tournament myself;)

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