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The bigger stts


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Hi guys I've been playing the $5 and $10 stt's at stars with some nice success so I decided to try the $FIFTY buy in and see how I got on.I played mostly tight there's a whole heap of LAGGY play going on in these tournies and most ppl respect the raises.I decided to let this thing play out and see what reads I could get on players.Here are my conclusions: The more expensive the table the more likely you reads are to be correct, eg this one guy would raise all in on his sb when he was shortstacked I can't outplay hime here because his play leaves me with no options,so I leave hime foe someone else to KO with the goods OR I'll do it when it happens.(I KO'd him with 10's to his 45). Don't be afraid to try to out out play someone.I was at 600 chips and waited for yhis one guy to start his raising .I smoothcalled him with rags the flop came down ACE-rag-rag. I raised him all-in he folded.He gave me respect for having the cards.If you do decide to try this make sure it's a frequent raiser and you've been playibg pretty tight. Let othere players knock each other out .Don't be the centre of attentin if there's a loud mouth then let him.Just build your stack nice and steady. I can't really think of any more but here's the result.I'm not saying that I'll stay with the 55's but I'll have a go everynow and then,:ok PokerStars Tournament #13757741, No Limit Hold'emBuy-In: $50.00/$5.009 playersTotal Prize Pool: $450.00 Tournament started - 2005/10/13 - 21:37:13 (ET)Dear mikkav, You finished the tournament in 1st place.A $225.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account.Congratulations!Thank you for participating.:beer :cheers :cheers

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