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**$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM


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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM How stupid do I feel? Lost everything bar 100 when he rivered a J to make his trips which beat my 888. Got back to 2800 and tilted massively after getting grief about 2 all ins - called him all in with my 2 pair 10 7s with a 10 and 7 on the board, he picked up a K for his 2 pair. I am annoyed because I never tilt, like I said. Stupid.

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Guest gazza271

Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM out in 43rd, did'nt get many hands but when i did i dont think i played them particulary well, no excuses,bad play, GL to those left in:hope

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

Well why not try something mad like keeping a record? :unsure
Well, as I said earlier, that's what I'm going to start doing - however my view is that this is basic information that should be provided by SO ......
As far as I'm concerned SO are giving us players a damm good deal - we are sitting down to play for a 1000 bucks totally free of charge and all some people can do is moan about it.
Come on, we have to moan about someone/something ;) Can't critise their promotion - this, with the $100 bonus are the best value deal I'm aware of in any of the poker rooms on the net - that's why they have had so much coverage here and so many people are playing there. It's also how I've been enticed to start playing cash game. However, basic information like whether we reach the qualifying conditions and what we have to do to meet them if not should, in my opinion be provided by the room. I can see what you're saying though.......
Now' date=' excuse me while I prepare to finish in 113th place. :lol[/quote'] Not sure what your ID is - hope you beat it ;)
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM out in 28th, ............................. best cards i had all night were AJ ................. and thats what i went out with:cry . the only reason i stayed in as long was that i fluked a pot earlier when my J6 s on the sb beat the BB's KQ by making trips on the flop :lol

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

out in 28th' date=' ............................. best cards i had all night were AJ ................. and thats what i went out with:cry . the only reason i stayed in as long was that i fluked a pot earlier when my J6 s on the sb beat the BB's KQ by making trips on the flop :lol[/quote'] Yea Laidback you were 'lucky as hell' to quote your own words. :lol
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

Yea Laidback you were 'lucky as hell' to quote your own words. :lol
I only had about 750 chips left, so i couldn't really afford to wait any longer. I figured i'd try and steal the blinds, or take my chances in an all-in ..................... it worked out :ok though it wasn't as good as my earlier all-in with 7-2o where everyone folded:lol ........... i was very happy with that ;)
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

My Dad couldn't make it tonight' date=' so I'm helping him out......[/quote'] Err, literally?:tongue2 GaF? I thought that was nice play by hogahe - 3xBB makes it seem as thought is an attempted blind steal, especially with you having A10s. You had to mak a very difficult fold, one that Ulliott would've been proud of, so no shame in going out that way, imo. Unlucky,
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM I think 3x BB is a pretty typical bet for AA - you want some action ...... weaker hands, where you want to take the Pot down straight away are typically played 5x BB. Really I made a mistake - at that stage of a game you want to take a Pot down without a showdown - so going all in with ATs (not exactly a monster) when he had the pot odds (and chip stack) to call with pretty much anything - even if he didn't have the strength he did, I needed something very strong to go up against him......... We live and learn ..... I'll grab the hand history so hopefully others can learn from my mistake..... :sad

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #115828990 at table: $1000 Freeroll Started: Thu Oct 13 21:19:07 2005 7poker7 is at seat 1 with 25718.00 Hogahe is at seat 2 with 20336.00 Nynne1978 is at seat 3 with 15677.00 Ildiko is at seat 4 with 6982.00 Somika is at seat 5 with 3572.00 Martin44 is at seat 6 with 7964.00 Titus is at seat 7 with 16139.00 Daveboy is at seat 8 with 8552.00 jonbern is at seat 9 with 6060.00 Martin44 posts the large blind 2000.00 Somika posts the small blind 1000.00 Somika: --, -- Martin44: 10h, Ah Titus: --, -- Daveboy: --, -- jonbern: --, -- 7poker7: --, -- Hogahe: --, -- Nynne1978: --, -- Ildiko: --, -- Pre-flop: Titus: Fold Daveboy: Fold jonbern: Fold 7poker7: Fold Hogahe: Raise 6000.00 Nynne1978: Fold Ildiko: Fold Somika: Fold Martin44: All in Hogahe: Call 9964.00 Showdown: Hogahe shows: Ad, As (a pair of Aces) Martin44 shows: 10h, Ah (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 4c, Kc, 9c): Turn (Board: 4c, Kc, 9c, Ac): River (Board: 4c, Kc, 9c, Ac, 2h): Hogahe shows: Ad, As (three of a kind, Aces) Mainpot: Hogahe wins the pot of 20928 with three of a kind, Aces (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM GAF, I think you're being a bit hard on yourself as Hogahe could have raised the pot by any amount or even go all in and 95% of us would still have called thinking A 10s at that stage of the game has to be played.:) It is different earlier on in the game but when a chance comes at the final table I think you have to take it. By the way he squandered your chips and ended up in 7th place. :puke

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM I assumed at the time though you were just trying to defend your BB which was 25% of your stack. I saw your cards first and thought 'nice', then his and thought 'oh shit'. But any other high pocket pair and you would have won, as the flop put nothing above a 9 up, apart from the A. If you had called at 6k, would you have put down A10 after the flop, because I'm sure he would have pressed you? I have to say that you are right about folding, but that is a call that I've seen better players on TV make with worse hands. They have called with less and got burnt. You walked into a monster, thats all. Anyway, this time next week you are in exactly the same position, would you fold? I don't know whether I could.

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

Anyway' date=' this time next week you are in exactly the same position, would you fold? I don't know whether I could.[/quote'] Absolutely - I've decided it's a no brainer........ At the late stage like that - my strategy is "All in" or nothing - with the objective of winning Blinds without a showdown. If someone before me raises, then I should be folding with all but the very strongest of hands. He had to pay something like 3500 into a pot of about 17,000 - he should probably have called with 72o!!! My whole strategy at that stage is based on picking up chips without showdowns - I don't want to be all in, even as 70% favourite...... Thanks for the support guys, but I'm convinced it was the wrong move, irrespective of his AA.........
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM Like I said, you are right. Like TQM said, you were being hard on yourself. Like I said, it is/was a difficult fold. BUT...If that is your 'strategy' (mine is looser(?) at the moment), then make sure you do fold next time. I'm guessing that these are on your 'play' list - all else fold. Pairs down to JJ or QQ. AK/AQ/KQ maybe add AJs in a late position or with few callers.

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM

BUT...If that is your 'strategy' (mine is looser(?) at the moment), then make sure you do fold next time. I'm guessing that these are on your 'play' list - all else fold. Pairs down to JJ or QQ. AK/AQ/KQ maybe add AJs in a late position or with few callers.
It's hard to give hard and fast cards, because so much depends on the situation - position / stacks (mine and those to act) / action before me etc ...... The primary goal is to win without a showdown. Failing that, I will very seldom have more than one opponent, so the goal is a good heads up hand. With something like suited connectors, you want a lot of opponents, so these are non starters if you're looking heads-up (if you hit, you hit a monster, but most of the time you miss). Any pocket pair is strong heads up (it's only an outsider against a higher pocket pair) - so I will often go all in quite a bit lower than JJ (I don't want a showdown, but if I get one, I'm probably still 50/50 - if my opponent knows that, he shouldn't call). KQ I don't like too much - if I go all in without a pair, I like to hold an A. If I'm desperate, I'll go all in with any Ax. (Ax v KQ - if neither of you improve, then A high has it...) You spoke in one of the earlier threads about if I'd called the 6000 in my final hand - absolute non starter for me - Aggression is key at this stage - calling with 66% of my stack is way too passive...... I'm not sure that it's text book poker - so treat my "advice" cautiously.
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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM Well I think the end result - 9th was it, was still a good one. I'm likely to concur with most of what you're saying, it's more a question of wondering whether I'm reading the same things as you, which is unlikely unless you got FIFA 06 on PS2 as well.:lol I think this is a hand/situation which is a tough/good one (depending on whether you get to play or watch it), and certainly worth analysis without any criticism.:ok You did good mate, really. :clap

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Re: **$1000 Freeroll** SO Thursday 7PM You did fantastic clap.gifclap.gif You can't say that you played the wrong hand - I got knocked out with the exact same hand last night in the Safety net in 37th - $1 win laugh4.gif - I had almost the same no of chips too. At that point I had to double up or get swallowed by the blinds. But I was playing tight aggressive and that is how i'd managed to last so long - i couldn't fold them, I was in a late position on the table and 'called' an all in with A 10s as everyone else had folded - though it was mine til the river. Sorry edited to say that I was on the BB.

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