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Inside Edge Final Freeroll Tournament


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Re: Inside Edge Final Freeroll Tournament

Hospitality at MORTON , would that be a china cup for your Bovril and a lacey knapkin wi' yer pie !!!!!!!!
For £70.00 at Cappielow you get a 3 course meal and a FREE bar. Add to this a match programme, a tour of the ground (lasting approximately 30 seconds) and a chance to lambast the manager after the game! Cracking value for money... especially for the alcoholics amongst us!! :lol I love it when they call last orders at the bar... there's always someone who shouts '10 treble vodkas and Irn Bru please!!' :eek Almost forgot, you get to watch the match too... Thanks for the support tonight... I hope I kept you entertained!! :rollin
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Re: Inside Edge Final Freeroll Tournament

Not sure how we can include it as a PB though - cos it's not of monetary value ...... unless you do end up getting cash equivalent.
No worries... I think I'm still coming down after the way that turned around... haven't been this hyper in a long time!! :tongue2 Bllx... I've now got to fork out for something for our 10th wedding anniversary! :wall
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Re: Inside Edge Final Freeroll Tournament

Would she like tickets to a Premiership game?
Unfortunately not. Mrs B hasn't been to a game since 1999. When I put it to her she didn't answer... she just gave me 'the look' that said 'fork out you miserable b.....' ! :lol
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Re: Inside Edge Final Freeroll Tournament

No worries... I think I'm still coming down after the way that turned around... haven't been this hyper in a long time!! :tongue2 Bllx... I've now got to fork out for something for our 10th wedding anniversary! :wall
brael, why don't you offer the tickets (for sale) to us sassanachs if its for the EPL? I wouldn't be arsed, because like you I am a REAL football fan, not like these gloryhunting Gooners (for example). :lol If you didn't get an offer you're satisfied with there is always e-bay(?). Or if it's for Manchester or London could you not get cheap flights from Glasgow? It may not be Las Vegas but a weekend away from the little 'uns would do you both the world of good (even though I'm sure you'd prefer Paisley :D).
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