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Can anyone tell me what the hell this guy was thinking?


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I was playing a £0.25/£0.50 table and was in the big blind for this hand Hand #113809286 at table: Table TH 675 Started: Mon Oct 10 00:17:30 2005 Nikolaos is at seat 1 with 26.25 JumboJim is at seat 3 with 20.00 kosynier is at seat 4 with 123.23 GAN241 is at seat 5 with 22.75 View is at seat 6 with 53.16 Burnie211 is at seat 8 with 51.10 laidback2 is at seat 9 with 54.13 alb88 is at seat 10 with 52.45 laidback2 posts the large blind 0.50 Burnie211 posts the small blind 0.25 Burnie211: --, -- laidback2: 2s, 6h alb88: --, -- Nikolaos: --, -- JumboJim: --, -- kosynier: --, -- GAN241: --, -- View: --, -- Pre-flop: alb88: Call 0.50 Nikolaos: Call 0.50 JumboJim: Fold kosynier: Call 0.50 GAN241: Call 0.50 View: Call 0.50 Burnie211: Fold laidback2: Check Flop (Board: Qd, 2c, 2d): laidback2: Bet 2.00 alb88: Fold Nikolaos: Fold kosynier: Call 2.00 GAN241: Call 2.00 View: Fold Turn (Board: Qd, 2c, 2d, 3s): laidback2: Bet 10.00 kosynier: Fold GAN241: Call 10.00 River (Board: Qd, 2c, 2d, 3s, 9c): laidback2: Bet 11.00 GAN241: All in Showdown: laidback2 shows: 2s, 6h (three of a kind, Deuces) GAN241 shows: 5s, 5h (two pair, Fives and Deuces) Mainpot: laidback2 wins the pot of 47.30 with three of a kind, Deuces (2.45 rake were taken for this hand) unsure.gifunsure.gifunsure.gifunsure.gifunsure.gifunsure.gifunsure.gif When he called my bet on the turn I was certain he didn't have a 2 and was thinking he had a flush draw, Queen with a high kicker or maybe had slowplayed a high pocket pair (hoping he hadn't slow played pocket Queens) ................ but calling with pocket 5's eek2.gif ...................what the hell did he think i had that he was beatingunsure.gif

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Re: Can anyone tell me what the hell this guy was thinking? Guys!!! This is my point!!!!!! from earlier.......................... opening balance was 0.34c I took that up to $10.51 by playing only reasonable!!! went to STT - 6 players Went out in third to a massive hand (i had 77, flop 7,6,6, I WENT ALL IN with a house and he had 6,6 - brilliant!!! - I can only say well played as i love players gettin done with those inc. myself!!) Fantastic hand mate but I'LL BE BACK!!!! :lol

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Re: Can anyone tell me what the hell this guy was thinking?

more important is the fact that I went out in the bubble and because Blue Sq look after their customers, I get to play in the BUBBLE freeroll worth $5,000 next month. Blue Sq is the best!!!!! :nana:nana:nana
I think its only 1.000$ free roll next month... But not sure.. I played in the bubble 5000$ free roll last night.. Went out in 31place.. Money for top18.. (75$ for 11-18place) I went all in with KK.. Got called by JTs :loon Flop is 6,7,8 Turn 9 River Q GOODBYE CAINS!!! :@:wall
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Can anyone tell me what the hell this guy was thinking? I didn't know what thread to put this on, so i thought i'd revive this one so ............................................... Can anyone tell me what the hell this guy was thinking?happy.gif

Real Money Ring Game
Table NameHand IDGameStakes
The Princess Bride4914730-31213Holdem No Limit$1/$2
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Hand Start.
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Seat 1 : udis has $77
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Seat 2 : spirite has $215.23
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Seat 3 : laidback2 has $94.75
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Seat 5 : rpiper has $72.25
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : Seat 6 : newiemo has $97
[Nov 25 20:09:28] : newiemo is the dealer.
[Nov 25 20:09:30] : udis posted small blind.
[Nov 25 20:09:33] : spirite posted big blind.
[Nov 25 20:09:33] : Game [31213] started with 5 players.
[Nov 25 20:09:33] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Nov 25 20:09:33] : Seat 3 : laidback2 has Ad As
[Nov 25 20:09:37] : laidback2 called $2
[Nov 25 20:09:39] : rpiper called $2
[Nov 25 20:09:41] : newiemo called $2 and raised $2
[Nov 25 20:09:43] : udis folded.
[Nov 25 20:09:49] : spirite called $2
[Nov 25 20:10:02] : laidback2 called $2 and raised $16
[Nov 25 20:10:06] : rpiper folded.
[Nov 25 20:10:07] : newiemo called $16
[Nov 25 20:10:08] : spirite folded.
[Nov 25 20:10:09] : Dealing flop.
[Nov 25 20:10:09] : Board cards [3h Td Th]
[Nov 25 20:10:18] : laidback2 bet $40
[Nov 25 20:10:20] : newiemo called $40
[Nov 25 20:10:20] : Dealing turn.
[Nov 25 20:10:20] : Board cards [3h Td Th 4h]
[Nov 25 20:10:24] : laidback2 bet $34.75 and is All-in
[Nov 25 20:10:26] : newiemo called $34.75
[Nov 25 20:10:27] : Showdown!
[Nov 25 20:10:27] : Seat 3 : laidback2 has Ad As
[Nov 25 20:10:29] : Seat 3 : laidback2 has Ad As
[Nov 25 20:10:29] : Seat 6 : newiemo has 6s 7s
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : Board cards [3h Td Th 4h 4s]
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : Seat 3 : laidback2 has Ad As
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : laidback2 has Two Pair: Aces and 10s
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : Seat 6 : newiemo has 6s 7s
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : newiemo has Two Pair: 10s and 4s
[Nov 25 20:10:34] : laidback2 wins $193.50 with Two Pair: Aces and 10s
[Nov 25 20:10:44] : Hand is over.
i'd just lost $90 in a hand about 10mins earlier so i was bloody relieved to see him turn over a gutshot straight draw with one card to come bigokay.gif
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