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The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament


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Just had a first crack at this with Pacific Poker... was bored since I wasn't playing in the Telegraph FF Final! :cry Would have to say that the experience was truly awful. 2698 people registered and there were just over 800 left at the break. During the first hour I didn't win a single hand... the cards dealt stank beyond belief! :zzz I finished 677th having won 1 hand. I'd reckon, on average, that 8 players saw the flop so you can imagine some of the hands producing winners and the length of time it took to get round the board. If I go back for another shot at this then I think I'll be calling everything I'm dealt! It's probably the only way of staying in the game! :wall For anyone that's interested, there's qualifying rounds every night at 8:00pm and 8.30pm BST. The final is on 6 October at 8.30 PM BST where you could win a seat at the 888.com UK Open final. I didn't think I'd be eligible to enter as I'd already installed the software. The first time I tried to enter, it rejected my registration but it didn't tonight... although I'm wishing it had! :lol

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Re: The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament Hi IMA, First impressions were very negative - I didn't like the graphics, the preferences and options buttons failed to improve that. Because the tourney was advertised in the Sun I found it very difficult to 'read' any hands as almost everyone was calling before the flop, possibly the 1st online attempt by many. Raising made no difference as the majority still threw their chips in determined to see the flop. There also appeared to be too many 'village idiots' who were there mainly to write obscenities in the chat box - most likely kids. And to cap it all, I had the nuts flush and whilst I was deciding how much chips I could extract from my remaining 3 opponents, I got timed out!:@ I'm sure there are millions of people that enjoy this site but I won't be one of them.:D

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Re: The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament The program is terrible... I thought the warning buzz telling you that it's your turn was the battery on my mobile phone running out! I've attempted to withdraw prize winnings of $6.00 tonight... it will be interesting to see how long it takes to hit my bank account! :hope

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Re: The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament just signed up for this to see what its about......... Played ONE hand KK and went all in 3 callers AA, QQ QA suited Queen on flop, I think!!! (happen too quickly for me to notice laugh4.gif ) looked around and................ quick message saying I finished in 29** place and off now to uninstall the worst piece of poker software I've ever seen!! roll.gifroll.gif

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Re: The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament Finally gotten rid of the cnut. Had to go into system32 files folder and manually extract the fcukin file and delete it via the recycle bin As the quiet man said, Im off to run about 5 virus checks now........ AVOID THIS PIECE OF S*** AT ALL COSTS YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!

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Re: The Sun Restricted Freeroll Tournament I've qualified (I think) for tomorrows sun freeroll final - but like rest of you the software sucks. As soon as the final is over (which I think will be a bit of a raffle) then it gets uninstalled, unless I win one of the big prizes in which case I'll leave it around as it would be impolite to erase it before getting the prize..... :hope , luckily I resisted the urge to put any money in the account - although to be fair they did give me $5 straight up.

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