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Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips


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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Cheers, Danny, the longest winning run for the system, this season, out of 42 TV matches so far has been 5 consecutive matches, recorded before I started to post it on this thread, and was a determining factor that made me decide to 'go public'. The result of the last match before tonight's, two days ago, was 0-0, and as a matter of interest I checked what results have followed this score, so far this season. There have been eight 0-0 results out of 42, so far, slightly more than the seasonal stats would suggest, and they mostly seem to precede a 2+ goals match... 3,2,5,3,5,4,3,3, which doesn't look too good for tonight' trade. Of course, this could just be coincidence, or a statistical anomaly, ('blip'), and there is no plausible reason for a connective relationship between one score result and the next. Anyway, enough science, I'm crossing my fingers!! :hope :loon

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Half time, Luton v Sheff. Wed., 1-1. Trades still in profit, provided no more goals scored in second half........:\ Anyone on a total corners buy will be smiling ......13 so far.... Expect goals in the next 45 mins.....................:unsure

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Result of System Match No. 15, Luton v Sheff Wed., 2-2. Well, as predicted, more goals in the second half, perhaps less predictable was the draw result... which makes no odds to our trades whatever the result is, it's goals scored and shirt points that make or break us. Thanks to a couple of scorers with high shirt numbers, (Howard, 2x19; Graham, 1x30), we took a hefty loss on our shirts trade. Here are the big numbers: Total goals MU= 4, P/L= -£8, Totalshirts MU= 72, P/L= -£35. Total Match P/L = -£43. :( Next match, stake increased by one unit to £10 per goal, £2 per shirt number point. Spreads and trades here tomorrow morning.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match No.16, Birmingham v Liverpool, Sky Prem Plus, 12.45 p.m. k.o., Saturday, 24th September. The first of today's televised EPL matches, with a possible 2 or less goals hoped for. Liverpool are favoured, but as long as the Birmingham defence can hold out, 0-1 or 1-1 sounds the call. Sell total goals at 2.2, for £10 per goal. Sell total shirts at 30, for £2 per goal. Next match, Bolton v Portsmouth, Sky Prem Plus, 5.15 p.m. k.o., today. GL :ok :hope

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Birmingham v Liverpool, H/T score 0-0. Closing trades for system 'B'. The system 'A' trades carry on, as usual,for the 90 mins. Buy total goals at 1.4, buy shirts at 19 to close trades, profit = +£8 and +£22, total match profit, so far = +£30. :D

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Results for System match No.16, Birmingham v Liverpool, 2-2. Ouch, our second consecutive loss, so the unit stake for the next match to be traded on increases by one point. The half time trade out for the system 'B' provided +£30 profit. Just as well really, as system 'A' trades took a knock..... Total goals MU=4, P/L= -£18, Total shirt numbers MU=55, P/L= -£50, Total P/L= -£68. Higher than average shirt numbers counting against us there. Next trade posted here, shortly.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match No. 17, Bolton v Portsmouth, Sky Prem Plus, k.o. 5.15 p.m, Saturday, 24th September. Previous match results for this fixture have been low scoring results...1-1, 0-1, 1-0 ......watch the trend reverse when this televised match automatically qualifies for our System 'A' trade. I am also risking this match for a System 'B' trade, with the option to close at half time. Here come the numbers.... Sell total goals at 2.3 for £15 per goal. Sell total shirt numbers at 35 for £3 per point. Results posted here later. GL. :ok :hope

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Results for System Match No.17, Bolton v Portsmouth, 1-0, Saturday, 24th September. As suggested by previous results for this fixture, a low scoring outcome of 1-0. This wiped out our losses from the previous two matches, so it's back to where we were on last Thursday night. Because of this - winning, but only winning enough to put our bank back to its former level - I am considering introducing a fine tuning adjustment to the staking plan I am currently using for these system trades, ( at the moment I increase the stake by one point after each and every losing trade, until a win result, and then it reverts back down to the minimum one point stake per trade), in a way that, hopefully will increase our profit after a series of losses, without entering the realms of Matingale..... The adjustment, (to the current staking plan), that I intend to use requires the stake level to remain, after a winning trade, at the same points level as before, if the win is not sufficient to cover the previous losses, and ensure a moderate bank level increase over the level at which it was, before the losing trades. In other words: bank is at +50, two losses reduce it to +10, the stake is increased for the next trade which wins, but only +30 points, making the bank up to +40, which is 10 points less than the bank level was at the start. Currently, using the existing staking plan, for the next trade, the 3 point per trade stake would then revert back down to 1 point stake units, regardless of whether the previous losses had been recouped. Butwith the 'fine tuned' staking plan the points per trade would remain at the higher level of 3 points, in our example, until the system bank becomes GREATER than what the previous level was, before the losses. So our stake level would not decrease until our +40 bank increased to at least +55, greater than the original bank level of +50. It's a 'maintain increased stake level until back in profit of +5 over previous bank level' type of system! Sorry if I have made it sound more complicated than it really is, but for the sake of accuracy and so everyone, (mods included), know how the system works to a strict 'regime', and I won't be accused of deviation, (!!), I have let everyone know of my intentions. I think that it is important to try and get the best out of any system, and I believe that this fine tuning will do just that. Anything you are unclear about, or would like to suggest, just post up on this thread. I will start this system refinement after the next loss occurs, as it inevitably will.... And, now, finally, the figures for the last trades of today: Total goals, MU= 1, P/L= +£19.50, shirts MU= 4, P/L= +£93, Total match P/L= +£112.50. :D Next match, Middlesbro v Sunderland, Sky Sports 3, 4.00p.m., Sunday, 25th September, trades and spreads posted here tomorrow.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Nice recovery mate and I understand exactly where you're coming from with the new staking plan. good luck for tomorrow... although you don't want Viduka scoring... I think he's number 36 :loon !!!

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Cheers, Danny, ...and Yakubu is 20....he stuck one past Arsenal, recently, so I expect goals in this match, with my usual lack of optimism. It may be that the Premier goal famine is over, with a few more goals being scored, although yesterday's 16 goals from 8 matches is still spot on this season's average of around 2 goals per premier match. Bookies have wised up, on the fixed odds front and dropped the value in unders, no goal scorer etc. Hopefully the new staking plan will help, but I am still apprehensive about the possibility of a long losing run..........:eek

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match, No. 18, Middlesbro v Sunderland, Sky Sports 3, 3p.m., k.o.4 p.m., Sunday, 25th September. Today's only televised EPL match is a 'local derby', where goals seem to be the order of the day. Nonetheless, we stick to the system rules and sell both markets, reverting back to minimum stakes after yesterday's win, System 'A' only. Sell total goals at 2.4, £5 per goal. Sell total shirts at 44 for £1 per point. The shirt spread is marked higher than normal, so the market traders expect a few goals, and there are a few high shirt numbers running around the field, including Viduka (36). Match results posted here later, next match, tomorrow, Tottenham v Fulham.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Cheers, Matty, it appears that we made a lucky escape....0-2 after 90 mins., but Julio Arca's goal dented our shirts trade to the tune of £33 less. However, we were let off with a total match loss of £1. Which is fortunate, looking at some of the Sunderland shirt numbers. :eek

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Results for System Match No. 18, Middlesbro v Sunderland, 0-2. We would normally have shown a small profit in a 2 goal game, but thanks to goal scoring Arca's high shirt number, (33), we suffered a small loss. Total goals, MU= 2, P/L= +£2, Total shirts, MU= 47, P/L= -£3, Total match P/L= -£1. Stake unit per point increases for next trades to £10 per goal and £2 per shirt point, which are for the tomorrow evening's match, Tottenham v Fulham, spreads posted here, after 6 p.m..

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match No. 19, Tottenham v Fulham, Sky Sports 1, k.o. 8 p.m., Monday, 26th September. Fingers crossed for two or less goals, previous results have been 2-0, 2-0, in line with the current Premier goal average. A few high shirts on the pitch, Defoe (18), Mcbride(20), 23,25,28. A small bookings sell might show a profit, previous counts have been 10 and 10, but the ref. is A. Wiley, who has an average of 40 per match. Sell total goals at 2.4, for £10 per goal. Sell total shirts at 35 for £2 per point. No system 'B' trade for this match. GL. :ok :hope

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Result for System Match 19, Tottenham v Fulham, 1-0. Phew! An end to end match, we were lucky to see only one goal scored for a profit. Total goals, MU= 1, P/L= +£14, shirts MU= 18, P/L= +£34. Total match P/L= +£48. Anyone who followed the suggested bookings sell would have made an 8 point profit. Next match, Wolves v Burnley, Sky, this Friday, September 30th.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Brilliant again, spreadman. How long do you think the low scoring games can last. I like many others thought the way Fulham play may lead to quite a few goals last night, so I bought total goals.:o Had a poor weekend on the spreads this week, but still decently in profit, and am now entitled to the free bet or free cash. £100 free cash, that'll do nicely!

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match No.20, Wolves v Burnley, Sky Sports 2, 7.45 p.m., Friday September 30th. On paper this looks like a win for Wolves, with 3+ goals, but the way the some of the results have gone this week, nothing would surprise me. I am reluctant to sell total goals and shirt numbers in this match, but the strategy for the Double Sell system is such that all matches are traded on, when televised. However, I cannot recommend that you trade or not, I will just present the pros and cons as I see them, suffice to say that I will not use this match for a System 'B' trade. In our favour, previous fixtures between these two teams have been 0-0 and 2-1. Burnley have conceded only 2 goals in their last 5 games. Against us is the fact that we have had 3 consecutive profitable trades, the most so far. Cort, (Wolves), is the division's top scorer, (9), and his shirt number is 27, on form Miller is 16, Akinbiyi is 10. The spread firms have set the spreads high, no doubt expecting a free scoring match.... Fingers crossed...:hope Sell total goals at 2.7 for £5 per goal. Sell shirts at 46, for £1 per point. No other markets appeal, ref. is S. Tanner, bookings ave. 56, quite high, but Wolves ave. is 13 points, Burnley, 20. Previous cards, 45, spread 46-49. Corners ave., W, 11.6, B 12.4, but previous fixtures only 4 and 7. GL, results posted on this thread, later. Bank, P/L update not until after Monday's match.

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Result for System Match No. 20, Wolves v Burnley, 0-1. Thanks to the woodwork, a surprising win for Burnley, and a good profit for our trades. :D Total goals, MU= 1, P/L = +£8.50, Total shirts, MU= 14, P/L= +£32 Total match profit= +£40.50. Next Systems match, Sunderland v West Ham, Sky Prem Plus, tomorrow, 5 p.m., Saturday, 1st October. Spreads and trades posted here by 10 a.m. :ok

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips System Match No. 22, Man. City v Everton, Prem Plus 11.15 a.m., Sunday, 1st October. (Sincere apologies, this match was originally posted as a Saturday match....don't think anyone noticed, though....shows how many punters read this thread :\ ) Our winning run continues....but for how long? Spreads for this match are slightly lower than normal, but 2 or 3 goals are likely. Even so, I am going to tempt fate and class this as a system 'A' and 'B' match, with the option to close the trades for system 'B' at half time. As usual, the system 'A' trades run for 90 mins. Sell total goals at 2.3, for £5 per goal. Sell total shirt numbers at 32 for £1 per point. If any late team news or high shirt numbers are playing, I will update later. Any other trades that take my fancy, I will let you know. GL. :ok :hope

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Systems Match, No. 21, Sunderland v West Ham, Sky Prem Plus, 5.15 k.o., Saturday, 1st October. Sincere apologies, to all. Unfortunately in the previous thread I posted the next traded match as Man. City v Everton, playing today, however the match is not being played until tomorrow, Sunday. Oops.... O.K., apologies over, I'll have to get Matron to increase the tablets.... I'll post the spreads and trades for the Sunderland match later, after a lie down.....:\

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Re: Spreadman's Double sell System - Today's tips Systems Match No. 21, Sunderland v West Ham, Sky Prem Plus, 5.15 p.m. k.o., Saturday 1st October. After 4 consecutive profitable trades, we cross everything for this match with a high score potential. Sure, the goal average stats. are Sunderland H/A : 1.0,/2.0, and West Ham H/A : 1.0,/0.5, and the two previous meetings were 1-2, 0-2, but Sunderland are starting to wake up, and West Ham can hold Arsenal, (0-0), and put 4 past Aston Villa. Sell total goals at 2.4 for £5 per goal. Sell total shirt numbers at 34 for £1 per point. Next traded match will be tomorrow, Sunday 2nd October, full spread details posted here later with results and P/L from this match. GL. :ok :hope

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