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RFO Value System


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Using the RFO(Racing and Football outlook) forecasted odds; I’m going to see if we can make a profit by backing value prices. Basic rules off the system are as follows:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

1) Back a team (or draw) if the price is greater than forecasted price in the RFO.

2) Only back if the price obtained divided by the rfo forecasted price is greater than 1.25

The RFO forecasted prices are their estimation of what the true odds should be based on their unique ratings system. So hence if I obtain a price greater than that it will hopefully be a value price depending on how accurate the ratings system is.

I have not back tested it as I do not have back copies of the RFO so there is no proven track record with this system what so ever.

I will start with a bank of 100pts and use 1 point for each selection.

Any thoughts or comments welcomed.

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Re: RFO Value System

Just a quick thought. Does anyone know if I'm actually allowed to use thier data without thier permission?
You should be alright as you're only using their data as a guide. If you quote now and again, give credits. If you quote a lot, get in touch with them, just as a courtesy. Good luck. :ok :ok I'm an RFO 'fan' so I'll be watching with interest too.;)
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Re: RFO Value System Lakhani I tried doing something similar a couple of years ago, didn't look at draws, but looked at home/away wins where the best odds available were 10%+ than forecast and they teams were rated 100+ index point superior . i didn't have a great deal of success and sorting out the picks was a real pain - especially when my copy didn't arrive until Thursday!! But I wish you the very best :ok

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Re: RFO Value System I have always wondered if their predictions and prices proved to be value but never got round to following it through. Glad to see someone giving it a go :ok. I remember working some out one week, then finding that their predictions in the Singles Bar section went completely against the value in their forecasted odds! Are you using a threshold to select your bets, say 10% edge, or are you using all value bets? It would be good to post (and keep a record) of the projected value for each bet. Good luck :D Sorry - just re-read your post and you have put down your selection rules :o

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Re: RFO Value System Just further to this:

The RFO forecasted prices are their estimation of what the true odds should be based on their unique ratings system
When I was doing this I did find that similar teams were qualifying week after week, one that springs to mind were Boston, and the results just didn't support this, so as you say the picks are going to be subject to any quirks in their ratings system.
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Re: RFO Value System More picks: Liechtenstein V Luxemborg -Price Obtained 10.975 - RFO price 6.25 -Yield on price1.756 - 1pt Denmark V Georgia - PO 23.8 - RFO 5.22 - Yield on price 4.55 - 1pt Cyprus V Switzerland - PO 6.51 - RFO 3.13 - Yield on price 2.07 - 1pt Poland V Wales - PO 10.5 - RFO 3.8 - Yield on price 2.76 - 1pt All prices are with betfair and are net of commision.

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Re: RFO Value System I kid you not, i was going to include Northern Ireland in my selctions. Im backing these selections to small stakes with my own money and didnt back it either. Northern Ireland were comfortable qualifiers as well! But as a general rule i never bet when my own team is involved. However i might have to reconsider as England are often poor value. Results: Norway V Scotland :D £5.13 profit Liechtenstein V Luxemborg:( -£1.00 loss Denmark V Georgia :( -£1.00 loss Cyprus V Switzerland:( -£1.00 loss Poland V Wales:( -£1.00 loss Hungary V Sweeden :( -£1.00 loss Starting Bank : 100pts Profit: 0.13pts Current Bank: 100.13pts Yield: 2.16% dosheroonie: Yeah it is something i thought about but due to time restrictions i thought i would just try this one out first. Each teams match odds have a corresponding asian handicap and price. Sometimes this represents better value sometimes worse. I would be happy to give any support if you wanted to start a thread for this.

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Re: RFO Value System Bet 7: Chelsea V Sunderland, Betfair price 21.9, RFO 12.37, Edge 1.77, 1pt Bet 8: Man Utd V Man City, Betfair price 9.55, RFO 6.53, Edge 1.46, 1pt Bet 9: Newcastle V Fulham, Betfair price 6.13, RFO 3.67, Edge 1.67, 1pt Bet 10: Sheff Utd V Ipswich, Betfair price 4.8, RFO 3.67, Edge 1.3, 1pt (All prices are net commision)

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Re: RFO Value System Bet 7: Chelsea V Sunderland, Betfair price 21.9, RFO 12.37, Edge 1.77, 1pt:( 2-0 Bet 8: Man Utd V Man City, Betfair price 9.55, RFO 6.53, Edge 1.46, 1pt:( 1-1(nearly) Bet 9: Newcastle V Fulham, Betfair price 6.13, RFO 3.67, Edge 1.67, 1pt:( 1-1(nearly) Bet 10: Sheff Utd V Ipswich, Betfair price 4.8, RFO 3.67, Edge 1.3, 1pt:( Bet 11: Celtic V Aberdeen, Betfair price 10.5, RFO 8.25, Edge 1.27, 1pt:( 2-0 Bet 12: Falkirk V Rangers, Betfair price, 14.3, RFO 11, Edge 1.3, 1pt:( (nearly Starting bank:100 Profit/Loss:-5.87pts Current Bank:94.13 Yield:-48.92% More Picks Later

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Re: RFO Value System Bet 13: Barcleona V Mallorca 19.05, 1pt, RFO 8.25, Edge 2.30 or Bet 14: Livingston V Hearts 7.27, 1pt, RFO 3.63, Edge 2.00 Bet 15: Lecce V Ascoli 6.13, 1pt, RFO 3.27, Edge 1.87 Bet 16: Messina V Fiorentina 2.88, 1pt, RFO 2.18, Edge 1.32 Bet 17: Roma V Udinense 5.08, 1pt, RFO 2.97, Edge 1.7

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Re: RFO Value System Bet 13: Barcleona V Mallorca 19.05, 1pt, RFO 8.25, Edge 2.30 :( -1pt Bet 14: Livingston V Hearts 7.27, 1pt, RFO 3.63, Edge 2.00:( -1pt Bet 15: Lecce V Ascoli 6.13, 1pt, RFO 3.27, Edge 1.87:( -1pt Bet 16: Messina V Fiorentina 2.88, 1pt, RFO 2.18, Edge 1.32:( -1pt Bet 17: Roma V Udinense 5.08, 1pt, RFO 2.97, Edge 1.7:D 4.08pt Profit on these bets +0.08pts Starting Bank 100 Profit/Loss: -5.79 Current Bank: 94.21 Yield: -34.05% More bets to come

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