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MY Superdooper new computer


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After having lots of computer problems lately (not just when GAF wishes me luck in a tournament;) ) I got fed up and went out and bought a new one yesterday :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Its amazing the difference it has made. My old computer............ was old. It was powered by the equivalent of 2 hamsters running round a treadmill, and the monitors optimal screen resolution was 800 by 600 :lol which made Betfred poker a bit of a nightmare to run since they upgraded it recently. I now have no problem running lots of poker sites and my music player at the same time either :clap :clap :clap :D This may not seem very special to you, but trust me .............. Its bloody amazing to me :lol I'm just going to sit here being happy all day :D I just wish i had done it last week to save me all the bluesquare/golden palace problems :o

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Re: MY Superdooper new computer Morning Laidback..... Time to up that postcount now laugh4.giflaugh4.giflaugh4.gif I'll just find some dodgy spyware laden porn site for you to browse through at some point today wink2.gif Glad your happy with it mate. Im thinking of doing the same thing soon (maybe as a xmas pressie to myself, but most likely for new year sales)

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Re: MY Superdooper new computer Bloody hell I looked at this thread and wasn`t gonna bother clicking it. But my ears were burning at the time, so I thought I`d read it anyway, lo and behold my hamster antics were being talked about. :lol It`s still alive BTW :unsure You can send me them 2 hamsters as I`ve got a few barbys comin up ;) nice one on your new comp anyway laidback :ok

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Re: MY Superdooper new computer Looks like I'm going to get the chance to see how much poker software it will run at the same time. Tonight, at 8pm on Betfred I'm in the $5,000 stephen hendrey bounty raked hands freeroll, and then at 8.30pm I've got the PL freeroll and the everton freeroll loon.gif ....................... thats if i'm not forgetting any others laugh4.gif I Wouldn't have managed to run them all at the same time on my old computer............................... having said that, I used to solve the problem by playing badly and getting knocked out of them all quickly laugh4.gif

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Re: MY Superdooper new computer

Looks like I'm going to get the chance to see how much poker software it will run at the same time. Tonight, at 8pm on Betfred I'm in the $5,000 stephen hendrey bounty raked hands freeroll, and then at 8.30pm I've got the PL freeroll and the everton freeroll loon.gif ....................... thats if i'm not forgetting any others laugh4.gif I Wouldn't have managed to run them all at the same time on my old computer............................... having said that, I used to solve the problem by playing badly and getting knocked out of them all quickly laugh4.gif
Not bothering with the Telegraph and manchesteronline then mate? :lol:lol:lol
I Wouldn't have managed to run them all at the same time on my old computer............................... having said that' date=' [b']I used to solve the problem by playing badly and getting knocked out of them all quickly laugh4.gif
So your excuse tonight will be.........? :rollin:lol:rollin
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Re: MY Superdooper new computer

Not bothering with the Telegraph and manchesteronline then mate?
Actually i signed up for the manchester one as well embarassed.gif It starts the same time as the stephen hendry freeroll. Im quite happy to stick to the freerolls tonight' date= as i have had a shitty day at the cash tables, including running into AA twice when i had AK and the flop came K x x ....................... actually i was quite pleased i managed to minimise my losses as i could have lost much much more .............................. but i still lost out cry.gif
So your excuse tonight will be.........? roll.giflaugh4.gifroll.gif
.........................................emmmmmmmm i'm working on it laugh4.giflaugh4.giflaugh4.giflaugh4.gif .....................though i've always found that, "I'm Shite at poker " is a good one that works bigokay.gif
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