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Poker News


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Can I draw your attention to the Poker News Thread. You will notice that a lot of the stickies in this forum have disappeared - the information has not however and will now be collated in the "Poker News" thread. This is a closed thread - meaning that only the mods can post and edit it. This is necessary because there is a lot of information in there and we need to keep it in an organised and structured fashion. So if you wish to comment on something in there and there is not already an open thread on the topic, please open a new thread. Any queries on this, feel free to contact me.

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Re: Poker News Yep nice 1 :clap For the sake of the personal bets bit can you update my other cruise tournament in there underneath the one already there please GAF? Youve got the qualifier up but the weekly cruise final (buy in would have been $1200) was out of 80 and I came 3rd bagging the prize. If you could stick em both in there thatd be great :ok :nana

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Re: Poker News

For the sake of the personal bets bit can you update my other cruise tournament in there underneath the one already there please GAF? Youve got the qualifier up but the weekly cruise final (buy in would have been $1200) was out of 80 and I came 3rd bagging the prize. If you could stick em both in there thatd be great :ok :nana
C'mon mate, you can't have TWO personal bests ;) In all seriousness, I'm only going to put one in per person, otherwise the list will very quickly grow too long ........... so I'l take both cruises out and put your Everton Final qualification in ;) So I've only got the qualifier in at the moment? Thought it was the final.....don't worry, I'll update it as soon as I'm knocked out of Betfred......
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