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Jezza...Can You Help? Or Anyone Else?


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Re: Jezza...Can You Help? Or Anyone Else? Hi Valiant, Sorry for the delay in replying - he is indeed as norfolk says on stars, but he is most often on ultimatebet. He is one of the pros that represents them in the real world, so he has his own name reserved as his nick "PhilHellmuth"...occasionly to be found in the big NL games on there mouthing off :rollin. Other players of interest up there on UB are "dill pickle" (mike matusow - LOVES his internet poker), "spirit rock/mahatma/aplusgame247" (prahlad friedman) and "HASSAN SLASK" (hallingol of pokerstars fame) I am away to vegas tomorrow for a few weeks so wont be around for a while, good luck everyone and see you all when I get back Jez

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