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2 Pair vs 3 of a kind


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OK-I keep getting suckered when I have 2 pair. For the week I've played poker online I've been knocked out of MTT's 2 or 3 times (once they hit 4oak). I mean 3 of a kind is possible with the worst of flops, so in my opinion it is probably the hardest to 'find' in other players hands. The other problem with 2 pair is you're one hit from a full house and I find that a little too tempting. Is this a common mistake for a novice? Is this a minefield for experienced players too? Should I take a more cautious approach to the blasted things-I try to play tight as it is-even when I get short stacked. Thoughts please as I've loved playing this last week, but want to get better as I'm sick of ironing.

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Re: 2 Pair vs 3 of a kind Hi Valiant, its one of the hazards of the game. I get caught less by it in tournies where I'm playing the same people again and again and have remembered their style of play (if you know a particular player nearly always has the cards for his bet then you put in your "reasonable" bet - if he bumps it then he may well have 3 of a kind) - but IMHO its one of those things that its almost impossible to recognise in any structured way. Just have to live with it :-) just like you live with some muppet catching two cards after flop to make a flush! When you are short stacked you often have your back to the wall and have to throw caution to the wind, ignore chance of trips, and risk all with your two pair.

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