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Muck or Show?

Bruise Pristene

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the other day I was holding a full house, Aces over Queens, so naturally went all in, at which point the four players I was playing against all folded I remember reading somewhere that you should never show your cards, but I decided to show them so they knew I went all in with a killer hand, to give me the opportunity to go all in on a bluff later if i needed it, and they would think i must have something decent. is this the right thing to do? what are peoples philosophy on mucking/showing at the end of a hand?

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Re: Muck or Show? There are some occasions where I think it is ok to show your cards, but generally I think the less information you give to your opponents the better. Generally if i do show my cards I prefer showing a bluff rather than showing that I actually had a genuine hand, as that might get me more action later on when I do raise / go all-in with something legitimate. Showing my cards is something I do very rarely though, and I think the best thing to do is to always muck unless you have a very good reason not to. Hope that helps :ok

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Re: Muck or Show? I very rarely show my cards. About only occasions I do is in some "friendly" regular games where I have played the same people again and again (they know my general style(s) already). Even then, I prefer to say "had a J" or even "think I was winning" rather than physically show (say) my AJs. I never show my bluffs or semi-bluffs, prefer people assuming I've got a hand whenever I'm in the pot.

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