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Betfred data?


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Can anyone tell me how, if it's possible, to retrieve hand data from Betfred? I'm sure I had a flush last night, went all in and got beat! :puke I haven't a clue what the winning hand was and would like to see it again if only to see where I went wrong!! :cry :cry

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Re: Betfred data? happeded me once where I was holding A,4 of say diamonds in a stt and being short stacked i went all in.....when the flop dropped 6,8,9 of diamonds... I got called by 10,10 and the river turned 7 diamonds thus giving him a straight flush which knobbled my Ace high flush..... It happpens and I'm pretty sure thats what happened you last night

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Re: Betfred data? i've been in the same situation - but i think if you go to history they show you the hands you played - cannot remember if they show the winning hand annot believe that they would not pay the winning hand - it is the speed st which the card dissappear that causes the problem as mentioned cheers

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