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would anyone have played this differently?


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I was playing a $.50/$1 cash table on blue square when i got dealt this hand

[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Hand Start.
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 1 : bci has $239.61
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 2 : laidback1 has $75.25
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 3 : juicylips has $159.75
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 4 : IronMike34 has $49.50
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 5 : rmaccov has $63.46
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 6 : dollars999 has $47.50
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 7 : DouglasB has $84.89
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 8 : cityboy1961 has $61
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : Seat 9 : RollYerOwn has $116.25
[Jul 31 10:21:35] : juicylips is the dealer.
[Jul 31 10:21:36] : IronMike34 posted small blind.
[Jul 31 10:21:36] : rmaccov posted big blind.
[Jul 31 10:21:36] : Game [58182] started with 9 players.
[Jul 31 10:21:36] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Jul 31 10:21:36] : Seat 2 : laidback1 has Js Jd
[Jul 31 10:21:38] : dollars999 called $1 and raised $1
[Jul 31 10:21:41] : DouglasB called $2
[Jul 31 10:21:42] : cityboy1961 called $2
[Jul 31 10:21:43] : RollYerOwn folded.
[Jul 31 10:21:43] : bci called $2
[Jul 31 10:21:45] : laidback1 called $2
[Jul 31 10:21:51] : juicylips folded.
[Jul 31 10:21:51] : IronMike34 folded.
[Jul 31 10:21:53] : rmaccov called $1
[Jul 31 10:21:53] : Dealing flop.
[Jul 31 10:21:53] : Board cards [4c Kd 4h]
[Jul 31 10:21:55] : rmaccov folded.
[Jul 31 10:21:57] : dollars999 checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:00] : DouglasB checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:03] : cityboy1961 checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:04] : bci checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:07] : laidback1 checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:07] : Dealing turn.
[Jul 31 10:22:07] : Board cards [4c Kd 4h Jh]
[Jul 31 10:22:10] : dollars999 checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:15] : DouglasB checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:21] : cityboy1961 checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:21] : bci checked.
[Jul 31 10:22:25] : laidback1 bet $5
[Jul 31 10:22:33] : dollars999 called $5
[Jul 31 10:22:37] : DouglasB called $5 and raised $5
[Jul 31 10:22:37] : cityboy1961 folded.
[Jul 31 10:22:37] : bci folded.
[Jul 31 10:22:45] : laidback1 called $5 and raised $20
[Jul 31 10:22:50] : dollars999 called $25
[Jul 31 10:23:02] : DouglasB called $20
[Jul 31 10:23:03] : Dealing river.
[Jul 31 10:23:03] : Board cards [4c Kd 4h Jh 6h]
[Jul 31 10:23:06] : dollars999 bet $15.50 and is All-in
[Jul 31 10:23:12] : DouglasB called $15.50 and raised $15.50
[Jul 31 10:23:14] : laidback1 called $31 and raised $12.25 and is All-in
[Jul 31 10:23:14] : Under-Raise rules are now in effect.
[Jul 31 10:23:16] : DouglasB called $12.25
[Jul 31 10:23:16] : Showdown!
[Jul 31 10:23:16] : Seat 2 : laidback1 has Js Jd
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : Seat 2 : laidback1 has Js Jd
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : laidback1 has Full House : Jacks full of 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : Seat 7 : DouglasB has 4d 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : DouglasB has Four of a kind: 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : DouglasB wins $54.69 with Four of a kind: 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : Seat 2 : laidback1 has Js Jd
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : laidback1 has Full House : Jacks full of 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : Seat 6 : dollars999 has Ks Kc
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : dollars999 has Full House : Kings full of 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : Seat 7 : DouglasB has 4d 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : DouglasB has Four of a kind: 4s
[Jul 31 10:23:18] : DouglasB wins $146.81 with Four of a kind: 4s
frown2.gif got my arse well spankie.gif.......................by everyone laugh4.gif
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Re: would anyone have played this differently? No i can't see how you can get away from this. The only hand would have been geniunley worried about was KK. It is more likely that you have some sucker with just a 4 in this situation and you are going to get paid. You have the 3rd nuts on the board and i would discount the 2nd nuts cos i of the preflop play. I do my money here as well.

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Re: would anyone have played this differently? I don't know that I would have played any differently, but I do think there were options. Re-raising before the flop might be one in order to reduce the field. Certainly not automatic with JJ, but calling puts five people in the hand with three people still to act - which isn't very desirable with JJ either. Also, after the flop is checked around, it seems at least a little surprising / suspicious that after the J on the turn makes your hand, your bet is called by one person, then raised by another. It's never easy to put anyone on quads, but KK isn't looking so unlikely. I don't think I'd fold, but I might just call instead of re-raising. Can I still get out of the hand after that? Frankly, I don't know, but I'm not as committed as I am after the re-raise.

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Re: would anyone have played this differently? No you played it just how I would. I dont like raising with the JJ before the flop like Arjonius says I would have just called too. You have to think your good here to be honest. The KK guy was also very unlucky so as least you werent the only 1!

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Re: would anyone have played this differently? Interesting hand..... Your play looks fine to me - getting beat by the quads never mind the Kings full house is a bit naff, but you just take it (the quads) on the chin as one of those occasional rarities that are gonna screw u. Even losing everything to KK is excusable - chances are that there is some-one else around with a pair on the betting - arguably from the initial $1 raise it could be anything from (say) 99's upwards (depends on what sort of player Dollars999 is), the fact its KK is one of those chances you unfortunately have to see in your position. I personally think I might have raised it b4 the flop in your position, say to $5, (and knowing me got suckered all in by QQ,KK or AA but at least I might have had a chance of getting out)... DouglasB might have folded his 44 - especially if the KK reraised - if the KK reraised me then I'd definitely fold - hard if he just stays with the bet. Both of the other players look to be fairly good, both trap checking after the flop with monster hands, you might have shoved a trial bet in after the flop (say $2) and if anyone raised presumably with a 4 or K then you could fold... once the turn is there I think you are doomed to stay all in!!!! Look on the bright side - the KK probably felt much more screwed :\.

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Re: would anyone have played this differently? Hi Arjonius :ok and :welcome to the PL. I suppose i should provide more background details. The play at the table was very loose, and there had been some pretty heavy betting previously with relatively weak hands. I have to say that this did have some influence on my decisions.

I do think there were options. Re-raising before the flop might be one in order to reduce the field.
I thought about re-raising (and if it was a tournament i would have probably made a decent pre-flop bet) and perhaps i should have in this case, but I don't like re-raising with Jacks in a cash game and considering how loose the play was in general, I was happy to flat call and hope to make trips on the flop, rather than face the possibility of being re-raised (quite possibly by a weaker hand) and having to decide whether to call on not.......... I actually thought there was a decent chance one of the people in the late positions would raise anyway:\ Basically I wasn't really looking to bet my JJ post flop.............. if there was a lot of action,I was prepared to fold if i hadn't improved my hand, but if i did make my hand I felt i would be able to take down a big pot.
Also' date=' after the flop is checked around, it seems at least a little surprising / suspicious that after the J on the turn makes your hand, your bet is called by one person, then raised by another. It's never easy to put anyone on quads, but KK isn't looking so unlikely. I don't think I'd fold, but I might just call instead of re-raising. Can I still get out of the hand after that? Frankly, I don't know, but I'm not as committed as I am after the re-raise.[/quote']The standard raise at the table had been about $5 (which at times could have had 3 or 4 callers), so a $1 raise could have easily been made or called by A4, 4-5, AK, or worse. someone going for the nut flush with Ax hearts (which they would have made on the river) was also a posibility in keeping with previous play. However when there were still 3 players in after my $20 raise on the turn I did have a bit of a think. 44 and KK were the only hands i had to worry about ............... what were the chances that they were both in play (about 1 in 1 as it turns out :lol ) I thought 44 would just be too flukey :lol Though i did think 4-X was a real possibility for either or both the callers. I thought the flush draw was unlikely, but given previous play it was possible. AK or KJ were also possible for the same reason............... people had been going all-in or raising heavily with that sort of hand when the board had far stronger possibilities.:\ KK was my main concern though, but there was enough doubt that I felt i was committed and couldn't walk away from a pot that size when it was quite possible i was winning.:( Basically i had been looking to set up some loose players and ended up walking into a couple of monster hands:cry The reason i was asking for peoples opinions was that while i'm quite comfortable with playing tournaments, I'm still finding my way around on the cash tables. In this case i was wondering if i had let the previous play at the table affect my decisions a bit too much, so i was interested to see your opinions without the background detail. Looks like the general opinion is that the guy with KK must be even more gutted than me :lol Since i was well beaten having the third best hand, it was surprisingly easy to take ......... but it must have really hurt the guy with the KK. Fortunately it only wiped out the previous days winnings so i was able to be a bit more philosophical about it :ok Cheers for all the replys :cheers
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