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Re: Roulette

cheers! stemcin01
:rollin Was that meant to sound as sarcastic as it did ?? Theres a bloke in Ladbrokes near me, plays the normal roulette, waits for 0 or 32 to come out, says they come out 3-4 times on the same screen of previous numbers. He plays 25p chips on a few numbers and say £5 on 0 and 32, bonus if they come in, but Iv seen him put a grand in and walk away with nowt. I was wondering if thats the type of 'system' they sell on eBay. ?? Nasty machines them FOBT, I still wanna see that programme on bloke who sold his house and car to play them, now lives in a hostel. (nearly put brothel there, that wouldnt be so bad :lol )
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Re: Roulette na was just in the middle of something! i've seen a website http://www.casinoexpert.co.uk/ that plays on the outside of the table. I've been playing with fake money for a couple of days and it doesn't seem to be doing to badly. Was really looking for a system that works on the inside of the table, think im going to give your friends system a go with the fake money and see how i get on. cheers mate stemcin01:ok

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Re: Roulette Hi, Stemcin, have taken a look at the casino website, and, as I suspected, uses a staking system known as the Martingale, to try and make a profit by covering losses by increased stakes after a loss. You are basically betting against a long losing run occuring. You may initially avoid the LLR, but the odds are stacked against you. The site owner seems to be recommending an 'even' non-bias casino, complete with a link, and no doubt his referral code, (!). As Mr. Osesame so rightly puts it....roulette is a game of chance. And there's NO chance of long term profit. If the claims of $100 wins per day were true, we could all retire, and the casinos would be broke. Keep your hard-earned in your pocket, Mr. S. :\

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Re: Roulette It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to win in the long run at roulette - the systems can be tweaked to change the length of a winning run - but ultimately you can NEVER win = at the end of the day you WILL lose..... There is no skill or judgement involved - it is a game of pure chance - a game of pure chance where the odds are against you - as there is NO informed judgement you can make, you cannot beat the odds that are against you - play for fake money for fun - but if you don't want to lose it, save your hard earned real money.....

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Re: Roulette thank you :ok just trying to get an idea of people's views on roulette. because i've been playing with fake money on the online casinos and have been doing pretty well but i think if i started to play with real money i'd probably start losing. steve

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Re: Roulette Stemcin I will say it one more time on top of everyone else's statements. You cannot win long-term at Roulette. YOu are much better off learning blackjack or poker as there is a little skill in those games you have some chance of beating the odds if you become good enough. Roulette is unadulterated, 100% CHANCE and thus you cannot win long term. I am sure you are also correct in saying taht you are doing OK with fake money, but would probably lose if you started using real money. I do believe you are correct. Hope you stay away from the wheels man, expecially the American ones with two zeros on them! :) BZ

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Re: Roulette Thank you guys :ok i guess i started playing roulette because it looked like the easiest to learn but from everybody's input i guess i'll stay away from it. never really thought about blackjack, coz don't know where to start. Where would you recommend i get started? stemcin01

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Re: Roulette

Seriously though blackjack is the only reasonably fair casino game there is that ive come across. And even in that you wont win in the long run unless you get lucky.
Even blackjack is bs with those new card shuffling machines they have down here in melbourne now. I used to clean up when they did it by hand, once those machines came in they started getting it back. I play craps now which they only have one table in the whole casino at crown, what does that tell you?. Also, baccarat is the only real 50:50 game in the house followed by craps when taking full odds on the pass line
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Re: Roulette I know it has already been said, but just to emphasise the point once more you will never be able to win at roulette because of the maths involved. For example the payout involved for vetting on red or black is evens. But the true payout should be higher than this because of the fact that a roulette wheel has a Zero on it. The only way to make money out of betting is to bet at value prices, hence in the long term you will never make any money on roulette. You may make money on any given night but not in the long term. Value is KING!

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Re: Roulette

na was just in the middle of something! i've seen a website http://www.casinoexpert.co.uk/ that plays on the outside of the table. I've been playing with fake money for a couple of days and it doesn't seem to be doing to badly. Was really looking for a system that works on the inside of the table, think im going to give your friends system a go with the fake money and see how i get on. cheers mate stemcin01:ok
try any roulette system with "fake money" and i guarentee you will be up, when you start to play with the real stuff, it goes wrong, cheating websites.....
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Re: Roulette

Stemcin I will say it one more time on top of everyone else's statements. You cannot win long-term at Roulette. YOu are much better off learning blackjack
your talking about card counting right? otherwise blackjack leaves you in the same boat as roulette
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Re: Roulette I learned the hard way that Roulette is not profitbale in the long term. I got hooked playing in the real casino, I then decided to play online which was how my problem cannonballed. I was playing all the time, with various systems - all of which do not work and are flawed. From what I gather, your looking around the betting and casino world looking for a fast way to make money. Roulette is not the answer. People told me when i was playing all the things that people have outlined above, but your greed and vision that you can make money so easily will probably over-ride these voices and unfortunately you'll have to learn the hard way. My advice, is to just accept whats been said and look for better ways to gamble and make money. I only play roulette when I'm at the casino and only for very small amounts of money. Its a lot more fun that way !! and easier on the old wallet. All the best, Col

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Roulette I won 180000 on practice wheel but lost a house playing on the real wheel on internet casino sites. I just dont trust these sites; have played roulette and blackjack for 20 years and did OK but seem to lose on virtual wheels when playing big stakes; its as if someone the other end that cant be beaten; I have made it my new years resolution only to play in real casinos only:wall

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Re: Roulette Any game of pure chance with known odds and returns can be simulated by a Monte Carlo program. I've just run 20 x simulation of 250 spins betting even oods/evens or black/reds with a single zero. 15 losing simulations, 5 winning simulations. Don't bother with games of pure chance,only gamble on games of skills. Or sporting events that require analysis and knowledge to produce a winning method.

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Re: Roulette

It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to win in the long run at roulette - the systems can be tweaked to change the length of a winning run - but ultimately you can NEVER win = at the end of the day you WILL lose....
I know what you are trying to say. However, it is wrong to say that any individual "will definitely lose". I did a simulation for craps - another game of chance, and one which has a tiny over-round. If you always made the best value bet available there is a 24% chance of being ahead after 1000 "hands", and an 8% chance of still being ahead after 4000 "hands". Keep playing and that %-age gets closer and closer to 0. But the over-round is small enough that there is a decent chance of getting lucky over a long time. That is true to a lesser extent in roulette too. BTW the reason you are likely to lose at roulette is not because it's a game of chance - it's also a game of chance for the casino - it is because every bet you make has a negative expectation.
Roullete is for idiots or for playing a tenner on when you are bored.
It's entertainment, and you usually have to pay for that. Most gamblers pay more than the 2.7% either in the over-round or exchange commission. You might think you get better value than that in the horses or football betting, but most people do not.
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Re: Roulette Welcom to PL. amullk! I agree with everything you wrote. Just one point I'd add:

It's entertainment, and you usually have to pay for that. Most gamblers pay more than the 2.7% either in the over-round or exchange commission. You might think you get better value than that in the horses or football betting, but most people do not.
Personally I can understand the appeal of placing sports bets with negative expectation more than I can understand the appeal of games like roulette. With roulette, you know that your bets have negative expectation (or you should). With sports bets it's much easier to convince yourself that your bets have positive expectation, even if they don't. Even if you've consistently lost in the past, it's easy to convince yourself that you're better now than you used to be. I've placed exactly one bet on roulette. I was once staying in a hotel with a casino attached, and everybody who stayed there got a free voucher for a $10 bet. I put it on red and lost. Maybe that's why I never got hooked.
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