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Bad Beat? Get in you beauty


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I was reading through the bad beat thread and thought about starting this thread. Its just for a bit of a laugh really and is very much inspired by my poker Mentor Mr Muzeman. We log all the times we have been bad beaten, but do we log all the times we have beaten someone badly? Lets have a thread of all the times youve been totally beaten all ends up and you have caught the runner runner straight or flopped a set from a beaten pocket pair. And the guy on the recieving end is typing in the chat box about how this has happened to him all day, nae all his life and then starts going mental in the chat box I'm sure Mrmuze will be happy to get this started with his tail of the omen against the lucky 7's :clap

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty i remember being drunk and playing a stt and reraising a guy with K4o because I wanted to go to bed needless to say I eneded up destroying his Aces with 2 pair he went bananas oh I won the thing in the end

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty STT Ladder on ladbrokes last night.. Had KJs on first hand. Flop is J,9,4 rainbow.. I made a small raise preflop. And a small raise on flop after the other guy checked to me.. I raised to 200 i think it was.. So i went all in.. (yup bad move..) He thinks for a while, and call, with J9.. :o My KJ was spade. The 9 was a Spade.. Yes runner - runner spade to give me flush.. And he is out on first hand.. And i get a nice stack of chips, so i can bully the others, from level4 on.. And i got my top3 spot to go through to next round :ok

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty The best one I had was when I was playing a cash game at the same time as a MTT, Just as I was about to press the button to call in the cash game the screen for the MTT poped up and I ended up calling a raise for 3/4 of my stack with Q 7o two other people had called the raise so there was a big pot. The flop comes QQ7 banana.gifbanana.gifbanana.gif I beat AA and AQ.................... don't remember what the other guy had laugh4.gif Very happy people they were toolaugh4.gif

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty Thats a good un laidback! :lol

Mr muse all in with 66 called by 77. His coat was on, the taxi was ordered, we had all started typing in the chat window GG Mr Muse unlucky, theres always next year and had began making our way to the exits. When low and behold a true gift from the poker gods came from the sky and floated down onto the green baize. The juiciest of juicey 6's on the river. bowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gif
I couldnt have put it better myself plow....except for the fact that he wouldve got a flush if id caught the six of hearts so infact I was drawing to a 1 outer....the devils card - 6 of spades
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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty Good timing for this thread......last night I was playing a Level 2 $10 ladder on Ladbrokes. I was down to the last 7 on a 10 man table, blinds were high & I was short-stacked....so I went all in on A3. I was called by A10 (oops i'm dominated!), the flop was A6K (going out to kicker) turn 7, river 6 (phew shared pot!). Still short-stacked so a couple of hands later go all-in on K10. This time called by AJ. Flop was 245, turn A (surely going out this time!), river 3 (shared pot again!). By this time a couple more had gone out, down to last 5 but very short on chips... ...now i'm on an automatic all-in due to blinds - QJ so still hope. 2 of my opponents contest a side-pot - flop, turn & river still I have nothing, surely time for bed?...none of us have anything and I share the pot with one other (also QJ). So 3 all-ins, 3 likely beats & 3 shared pots! Suffice to say I then double up a couple of times, finish in the top 3 and proceed to the next level!!! What a beauty! :cow Still not a patch on The Omen's 666 though!! :lol

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty OK-I'd been out all day on a trip to Norwich, and didn't think I'd be back in time to play anything. I was registered for the Blue sq, but didn't last long. So as I've been playing STT's on Nordicbet I jumped on there - 1st game sat next to Rednutt (thanks Red btw ;)). Then I registered for another AND jumped into the rounders (which I qualified from). I am rubbish at bluffing as most of you know, but I thought even I was safe trying this one (after reading the poker player article on maths today 91% he will fold-BAH). ** Game ID 597190193 starting - 2005-12-01 22:55:54 ** J Bay Slide [Hold 'em] (160.00|320.00 No Limit - STT) Real Money - blueboy121 sitting in seat 5 with $3620.00 - patman88 sitting in seat 7 with $1370.00 - arnak sitting in seat 8 with $1860.00 [Dealer] - Valiant23 sitting in seat 10 with $2910.00 Valiant23 posted the small blind - $80.00 blueboy121 posted the big blind - $160.00 ** Dealing card to Valiant23: 4 of Hearts, 9 of Spades patman88 folded arnak folded Valiant23 raised - $560.00 blueboy121 raised - $960.00 Valiant23 went all-in - $2430.00 blueboy121 called - $2990.00 blueboy121 shows: Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: King of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 8 of Spades Valiant23 wins $5980.00 from the main pot :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol To make it even sweeter, I calmed down after that and walked away with 1st place winning $10.:cow

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty I was doing pretty well in an MTT - can't remember which. Guy went allin and 5 people pulled out. Couldn't figure out what he had so called him. He had 2 pair 5&6 on flop. I had i pair K Until the river when i got my 2 Not a happy bunny. Did tell him i was just wanting to see what he had...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty woohoo..... solitariog: --, -- jerry60: --, -- Hukleberry: --, -- danno375: Ah, 10h EVA 69: --, -- AllReds2: --, -- *El Neng*: --, -- Alcubierre: --, -- sneker: --, -- Pre-flop: Hukleberry: Call 30.00 danno375: Raise 120.00 EVA 69: Fold AllReds2: Fold *El Neng*: Fold Alcubierre: Fold sneker: Fold solitariog: Fold jerry60: Call 120.00 Hukleberry: Raise 360.00 danno375: Call 360.00 jerry60: All in Hukleberry: All in danno375: All in Showdown: Hukleberry shows: Kd, Kc (a pair of Kings) danno375 shows: Ah, 10h (high card, Ace) jerry60 shows: 7s, Ad (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 2s, Kh, As): Turn (Board: 2s, Kh, As, Qc): River (Board: 2s, Kh, As, Qc, Jc): danno375 shows: Ah, 10h (ace high straight) Sidepot 2: danno375 wins the pot of 10 with ace high straight Mainpot: danno375 wins the pot of 3210 with ace high straight

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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty You forgot to sign it mate,:lol

ERm........ I don't remember any quads! Oh alright!!!! but that was the millionth i have seen over the last two days!!! Cheers for hoisting me by my own petard MrV!
Danno the forgetful. :lol I watched most of the final table and really enjoyed it. Well played Dan.:clap
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Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty I love this one, its posted up on the wall in my local casino. I wasn't involved in it personaly, it was actually a hand that was played in the main event of one of the festivals thats on down there every so often Guy 1 has KK Guy 2 has A something else Flop comes up with two jacks and a low card. Turn is another Jack, and the river comes with the last jack. Guy 2 wins it with quad jacks Ace kicker :rollin

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty Just playing in the Betfair 50 Euros Bonus... Game #1485258444: Hold'em NL (50/100) - 2006/01/22 - 18:37:49 (BST) Table "50BONUS 1778474 - 3" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: cheryboy (1745 in chips) Seat 2: jockster1 (2100 in chips) Seat 3: mypet (2670 in chips) Seat 4: brannmann (4220 in chips) Seat 5: rickytard (5790 in chips) Seat 6: dic28 (3075 in chips) Seat 7: shewi (1950 in chips) Seat 8: N1pper (2040 in chips) Seat 9: MrJade (5425 in chips) Seat 10: Curty (2155 in chips) dic28: posts small blind 50 shewi: posts big blind 100 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to MrJade [7s 7d] N1pper: calls 100 MrJade: raises to 300 Curty: folds cheryboy: folds jockster1: folds mypet: folds brannmann: folds rickytard: folds dic28: raises to 800 shewi: raises to 1950 and is all-in N1pper: folds MrJade: raises to 5425 and is all-in dic28: is all-in 2275 Returned uncalled bets 2,350 to MrJade ----- FLOP ----- [7h 4c 7c] ----- TURN ----- [7h 4c 7c][2c] ----- RIVER ----- [7h 4c 7c 2c][Ts] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- MrJade: shows [7s 7d] (Four of a kind, Sevens, Ten high) dic28: shows [As Ac] (Two Pairs, Aces and Sevens, Ten high) shewi: shows [Kh Qh] (A Pair of Sevens, King high) MrJade collects 2250 from Side pot #1 MrJade collects 5950 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 8200 Main pot 5950 Side pot #1 2250 | Rake 0 Board [7h 4c 7c 2c Ts] Seat 1: cheryboy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: jockster1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: mypet folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: brannmann folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: rickytard (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: N1pper folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: MrJade showed [7s 7d] and won (8200) with Four of a kind, Sevens, Ten high Seat 10: Curty folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty easy two for me $10 STT on vc 5 left I have about 9K with the other biggie (UTG) having about 4K blinds are 200/400 and I am on the BB with 72o UTG min raises - I knew he had Aces and said so after everyone folded thought about it and called 972 flop :) as I was first to act I bet 1000, knowing he would raise me, another min raise which I called 3 turn - I bet half his stack - he shoves and no help on the river for him! I said gg and he just left...... finished the other two off next hand :) *************************** $20 STT sporting 5 handed First hand 10 10 UTG+1 so I raise BB has AK he reraises min so I call A K 10 flop - nice double up thanks :) second hand on the button - UTG just calls, I raise 4x with 87 suited, BB calls as does UTG 887 flop :tongue2 I am thinking how to make money from this when the BB shoves followed by UTG calling, so I thought it would be best to as well..... :rollin BB had KK, UTG had AA - serves them right for slowplaying preflop :rollin the other chap says THANKS as he has just made the cash after 2 hands :) I was pissing myself laughing:dude needless to say i finished him off about 12 hands later as he started shoving nearly every hand with the blinds 15/30??? so QQ did me nicely thank you against J9 suited Damo :cheers

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty I was playing in 2 STT's when The Safety Net started at 7, so when I went to it I decided (honestly, I did) to give my chips away..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #220574406 at table: Safety Net Started: Wed Mar 01 19:02:56 2006 omleny9 is at seat 1 with 1500.00 regulus is at seat 2 with 1610.00 gaborc1 is at seat 3 with 1470.00 elzbieta is at seat 4 with 1480.00 KenGery is at seat 5 with 1400.00 Raider22 is at seat 6 with 1500.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 7 with 1500.00 Ianaitch is at seat 8 with 1500.00 tornadoe is at seat 9 with 1400.00 hootie63 is at seat 10 with 1610.00 elzbieta posts the large blind 20.00 gaborc1 posts the small blind 10.00 gaborc1: --, -- elzbieta: --, -- KenGery: --, -- Raider22: --, -- Higgs23pl: 5c, 8s Ianaitch: --, -- tornadoe: --, -- hootie63: --, -- omleny9: --, -- regulus: --, -- Pre-flop: KenGery: Fold Raider22: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 20.00 Ianaitch: Fold tornadoe: Call 20.00 hootie63: Call 20.00 omleny9: All in regulus: Fold gaborc1: Fold elzbieta: Fold Higgs23pl: All in tornadoe: Fold hootie63: Fold Showdown: omleny9 shows: Ad, Js (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: As, 3d, 5d): Turn (Board: As, 3d, 5d, 5s): River (Board: As, 3d, 5d, 5s, Qd): Higgs23pl shows: 5c, 8s (three of a kind, Fives) Mainpot: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 3070 with three of a kind, Fives (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #220575351 at table: Safety Net Started: Wed Mar 01 19:03:47 2006 regulus is at seat 2 with 1610.00 gaborc1 is at seat 3 with 1470.00 elzbieta is at seat 4 with 1470.00 KenGery is at seat 5 with 1380.00 Raider22 is at seat 6 with 1500.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 7 with 3070.00 Ianaitch is at seat 8 with 1500.00 tornadoe is at seat 9 with 1380.00 hootie63 is at seat 10 with 1590.00 KenGery posts the large blind 20.00 elzbieta posts the small blind 10.00 elzbieta: --, -- KenGery: --, -- Raider22: --, -- Higgs23pl: As, 7c Ianaitch: --, -- tornadoe: --, -- hootie63: --, -- regulus: --, -- gaborc1: --, -- Pre-flop: Raider22: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 20.00 Ianaitch: Fold tornadoe: Fold hootie63: Fold regulus: Call 20.00 gaborc1: Fold elzbieta: Fold KenGery: All in Higgs23pl: Call 1400.00 regulus: Fold Showdown: KenGery shows: 3d, 3s (a pair of Threes) Higgs23pl shows: As, 7c (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 2d, 7d, 7h): Turn (Board: 2d, 7d, 7h, 9h): River (Board: 2d, 7d, 7h, 9h, 7s): Higgs23pl shows: As, 7c (four of a kind, Sevens) Mainpot: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 2830 with four of a kind, Sevens (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) By the way, I've changed my mind. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Bad Beat? Get in you beauty strike one back for danno! regnark2 is at seat 1 with 21.65 amac2020 is at seat 3 with 3.73 joe355 is at seat 4 with 14.55 danno375 is at seat 5 with 23.50 joe355 posts the large blind 0.25 amac2020 posts the small blind 0.12 amac2020: --, -- joe355: --, -- danno375: Qh, Kc regnark2: --, -- Pre-flop: danno375: Call 0.25 regnark2: Fold amac2020: Call 0.25 joe355: Raise 0.75 danno375: Call 0.75 amac2020: Fold Flop (Board: Jc, Jd, 3s): joe355: Check danno375: Bet 1.25 joe355: Call 1.25 Turn (Board: Jc, Jd, 3s, Qc): joe355: Bet 1.00 danno375: Raise 3.50 joe355: Raise 12.50 danno375: Call 12.50 River (Board: Jc, Jd, 3s, Qc, Qs): joe355: All in danno375: Call 0.30 Showdown: joe355 shows: Js, Kh (full house) danno375 shows: Qh, Kc (full house) Mainpot: danno375 wins the pot of 28.40 with full house (1.45 rake were taken for this hand)

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