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Muppets and Morons


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I was playing poker last night on Bluesq. I had been playing the Bluesq only MTT at 8.30 in the evenings every day this week and done ok. Managing to win Wednesdays one. They range from $5 to $25. As its Bluesq only and at the same time each day there are a lot of familiar faces you come across. Also after winning wednsedays one I felt on the Thursday I was getting commanded a lot more respect at the table, which is never a bad thing. There was this one guy I remember from earlier in the week who was rubbish. Going all in on all sorts of mediocre hands. And he got called a few times and got lucky. And of course rather than hold his hands up and apologise for being lucky. He’s giving it all YESSSSSSS in the chat window. I cant stand muppets like that. Anyways when someone did finally take him out. I just responded with something like, finally that muppet is gone. And he wasn’t that happy asking me what I meant, just generally trying to start an argument as he had been knocked out. Now generally these morons , especially on this particular skin are commonplace so I just put it down to another muppet and didn’t take him on and totally forgot about it. Now as I was playing yesterday I noticed a weakfish player going all in and as I had more chips than him thought it was worth a call with my 99. He turned over A2, off suit. And he didn’t get lucky and hit an ace and left the tourney, now it turns out this guy must be the same guy as earlier in the week, with the torent of abuse that followed. Just saying what a lot of BS that last hand was. I found all this hilarious and tried winding him up a little, and he goes on at me saying I think I’m too good and that he knows he can beat me. Anyway just thought I would name and shame this loser so If you ever come across him in a tourney it’s a sure fire double thru. idiot.JPG

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