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Feel like puking


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Look at this

Jul 4 03:18:51] : Hand Start.
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 1 : chuggs has $38
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 2 : atwintol has $52.58
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 3 : mb420sel has $6.80
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 4 : mikkav has $68.76
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 5 : CeKID has $8.22
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 6 : tulsatime has $14.75
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 7 : kdcalgary has $50.38
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 8 : buckeye has $99
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : Seat 9 : ehall36383 has $35.14
[Jul 4 03:18:51] : buckeye is the dealer.
[Jul 4 03:18:52] : ehall36383 posted small blind.
[Jul 4 03:18:52] : chuggs posted big blind.
[Jul 4 03:18:52] : Game [9147] started with 9 players.
[Jul 4 03:18:52] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Jul 4 03:18:52] : Seat 4 : mikkav has Qc Qh
[Jul 4 03:18:53] : atwintol called $0.50 and raised $0.50
[Jul 4 03:18:56] : mb420sel folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:02] : mikkav called $1 and raised $2
[Jul 4 03:19:08] : CeKID folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:08] : tulsatime folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:10] : kdcalgary called $3
[Jul 4 03:19:10] : buckeye folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:10] : ehall36383 folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:13] : chuggs folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:16] : atwintol called $2
[Jul 4 03:19:16] : Dealing flop.
[Jul 4 03:19:16] : Board cards [Ah 8c 6d]
[Jul 4 03:19:20] : atwintol checked.
[Jul 4 03:19:23] : mikkav checked.
[Jul 4 03:19:25] : kdcalgary checked.
[Jul 4 03:19:25] : Dealing turn.
[Jul 4 03:19:25] : Board cards [Ah 8c 6d Qs]
[Jul 4 03:19:29] : atwintol checked.
[Jul 4 03:19:34] : mikkav bet $3
[Jul 4 03:19:35] : kdcalgary called $3
[Jul 4 03:19:37] : atwintol called $3 and raised $3
[Jul 4 03:19:41] : mikkav called $3 and raised $59.76 and is All-in
[Jul 4 03:19:45] : kdcalgary folded.
[Jul 4 03:19:52] : atwintol called $43.58 and is All-in
[Jul 4 03:19:52] : Showdown!
[Jul 4 03:19:52] : Seat 4 : mikkav has Qc Qh
[Jul 4 03:19:55] : Seat 2 : atwintol has Ad Ac
[Jul 4 03:19:55] : Seat 4 : mikkav has Qc Qh
[Jul 4 03:19:59] : Board cards [Ah 8c 6d Qs 9h]
[Jul 4 03:19:59] : Seat 4 : mikkav has Qc Qh
[Jul 4 03:20:00] : mikkav has 3 of a Kind: Queens
[Jul 4 03:20:00] : Seat 2 : atwintol has Ad Ac
[Jul 4 03:20:00] : atwintol has 3 of a Kind: Aces
[Jul 4 03:20:00] : atwintol wins $108.91 with 3 of a Kind: Aces
[Jul 4 03:20:10] : Hand is over.
I don't want any sympathy I just want to know if amy one has ever felt like this before.
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Re: Feel like puking Mudder fcukers WILL NOT GET ME DOWN just battled back from having $5 left to $42 I WILL NOT SURRENDER but will continue to play tight -hyper aggressive poker until my money is here it belongs .I mean the table is gonna squeak I'm so tight

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Re: Feel like puking You have to give atwintol his due - he played it well - let you see the turn card and then pounced (especially as he could see no chance of a flush upsetting his evil plan) - I suspect (if you hadn't gone all in) that he would have let you see the river cheap as well..... If I was atwintol I'd be dancing a little jig after the result. But as previous appenders point out, it happens to everyone. Take it on the chin. If you really did feel like puking then it sounds as though you are investing too much of your own money (much better to play with ongoing winnings) in that particular game. IMHO, you made a perfectly valid assessment of the situation, bet reasonably correctly (arguably you might have played it slower) , and came up against the worst possible scenario. Losing 1 battle of the war shouldn't hopefully destroy your eventual victory. How many times have I gone all in massively with KK before flop and someone stays with AA. You take your best shot occasionally and sometimes it ain't good enuff due to the perfidity of chance and statistics. Me... I'm currently a wimp and try to stay away from NL real money games (or really annoy by going in with $10 doubling up or losing and leaving) and play tourneys (where you cap your potential loss up front), although I suspect I'm gonna have to revisit them sometime if I want to build my return on investment (both in time and money) and reach that magic "give up the day job" (safely) stage. Lots of luck

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