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Betfair Downtime Tournament


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Re: Betfair Downtime Tournament out in 37th. Coulda just waited and maybe made it up to next tier of money, but little chance of winning. Tried to steal going all in with 8 10 suited and woulda doubled my stack if they had folded, got called with KJ made an 9 and J on the flop so had a chance to hit something but didnt. im fooking knackered $285.

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Re: Betfair Downtime Tournament WP plow....sounds like a fair move you made...I would have gone for the carribean as well in your spot instead of folding everything to make 1 higher place on the payout...285 is nto a bad return for your 4 hours. Jez

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Re: Betfair Downtime Tournament Had a bit of food now. After my exhausting efforts im currently attached to a drip:rollin I did fairly well. Only thing was the aq ak hand. Not sure If I played that bad or not. I had 45k of chips, blinds were 1200, 2400 I think. I raised 7k Everyone folds but one guy goes all in with 35k. I did fear a pair or AK. I thought about it for a few seconds and thought maybe AJ, A10 suited. I called it and that was my downfall. managed to limp on for a bit after that, but was too short stacked. Do you guys think it was a good call or not?

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Re: Betfair Downtime Tournament PS. Just have to say cheers to everyone for their support. Not really played in a tourney with that big a buyin for the amount of people in it. And my sincerest apologies to unwittingly knocking out a PL Member without realising it at the time. Sorry CJB

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