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Betfred Software


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Playtechs entrance into the online poker world (playtech are a medium sized online casino gaming software company - not as big as microgaming but still have a lot of clients). I am guessing this is going to be a prima style network with all their clients going into the same games. Anyway The software S U C K S..... so far...in 10 mins of playing a small cash table I have noticed 1) Every time you reload chips on a cash table it unticks auto post blinds for you, I mean WTF??! 2) The slider bar for when you choose how much to bet or raise. Everyone knows it is much easier to type the exact amount to bet into the box next to the slider bar. Indeed betfred/playtech provide you with this box BUT IT DOESNT WORK!!. You type in the amount you want to bet and click bet and it BETS THE FCUKING MINIMUM - the only way to up your bet is to fiddle around with the slider bar...ho hum. Jez

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Re: Betfred Software My problem was that I couldn't see how to reload on cash tables .........apart from when it automatically gives you the option when you get busted. I actually pressed no by accident at the time and then couldn't see how to reload without leaving the table and returning ( not much use if there is a waiting list)

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Re: Betfred Software Now it wont let me reload :rollin I want to reload for 5 dollars...it says min buy in is 6 I wait and want to reload for 6...it says min buy in is 7 I am now up to reloading for 17 and it says min buy in 18 :rollin :rollin F C U K O F F!!!

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