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Betfair downtime $50,000 added


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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added yeah.. bad connection here as well.. :( im loosing my chips now.. getting crap hands.. And are getting re-raised all in, everytime im entering a pot now.. Hope i will soon change table... down to a bit above avr. chips.. COME ON PL!!!... 384 at break / cains

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added game over. :o 998th ATs i go all in.. im late... SB habbends to have AKo and calls me.. he has more chips than me.. 986 on flop... chanting for 7 or T... but only had 5 and Q.. none in my suit.... GL to the rest of you.... / cains Cant believe how fast i lost all those chips... On stupid playes, i normally dont make... :wall

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added I tried to play like that guy from flopturnriver says.. And it went ok in the beginning.. With high raises, with good hands, and people actually called.. But at one moment i think my mind said to me i was at the final table at wsop, and should play like gus hansen.. so just started loosing my chips. :( also got re-raised twice when i raised big, with nothing.. so had to fold. :@ think i will go for some poker food.. (pizza).. / cains

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added out in 650th. Did the best I could with my cards but I allowed myself to become too short stacked. Out eventually with A7 to a KQ. (and I had folded KQ quite a few times too) GL to those left.

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added You are just pushing everyone around... :ok I expected a ALL-IN from you pre flop with that A9, or at least after the flop, when both players checked to you... but you doing great mate.. / cains only 279 left... COME ON.. :beer

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