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Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM


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All right everyone, A disgusting chain of events recently at pokerroom, but I thought I would give them a chance to sort it out before posting this on here...they never did. Playing on 1/2 NL to clear a bonus I had 56spades preflop and called a small raise as did everyone else, someone popped it back up a little and yet again everyone calls so do I with about 204 infront of me...the pot was now 80 dollars before the flop (large for 1/2). Flop : 782 So I have an open straight draw, to cut a long story short 4 people were all in on the flop - most of them with almost 200 infront of them - this includes me. The pot was gigantic, almost 800. I had just clicked call for someones all in bet of 200 when SOFTWARE CRASH. No matter I restart it immediately however pokerroom informs me ring games are down and connects me to the tournament lobby instead. In chat there I asked if anyone else had the same problem - SEVERAL people replied saying they had been booted also and no they could not get back into the ring games either. Eventually I got back into the ring games to find I was down 200. I phoned customer support and it was answered by a total retard (I am not usually harsh on people who man the phones for big companys, I realise they take the brunt of complaints for what is not their fault however she was a...retard). After EVENTUALLY getting her to understand what was going on she reads me out the result of the hand. The turn was K and river....9 - the winner had a set of 8s my straight didnt count (it took her at least 2 minutes to work out who held the best hand). I had called an all in for 200 leaving me with 4 at the back, someone had bet that 4 later in the hand and I had been auto folded leaving my 200 in the pot. She said I had been given 30 seconds to respond after I reconnected. Your software wouldnt let me I told her...the ring games were blocked from any entrants after that crash, several people confirmed that for me I said - no answer from her just repeated its not their fault and I was to piss off basically. I am not bemoaning the auto disconnect protect I told her but your server and software were to blame...no joy from her so I wrote an email to them instead. Several emails went for days unaswered, eventually one was answered, asking me was this the hand? They had chosen some random hand - days before the incident. No, I replied, its easy to find my hand its the last one I played on pokerroom. No reply to my email. Sent several other emails, eventually a few days later I got a generic email stating my hand had been a tournament hand and if I get disconnected I am auto folded till I return. LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!! I send an understandably angry reply to this, NO ANSWER AGAIN. I've now cashed out and left, 800 dollars to the poorer than I should have been I am not bemoaning the lack of auto protect disconnect but what I am saying is... 1) Their software was to blame for the whole incidentin the first place 2) They refuse to acknowledge the fact I was not allowed back into ring games to call the 4 dollars, again their server was at fault and not me 3) They are ignoring my emails and the few answers I have got are laughably retarded, completely irrelevant to the questions. Basically what a pirate fly by night operation, they dont care about anything but getting your money, I would not trust them with your money guys. I have cashed out my bankroll from them and will just leave this post here as a reminder to everyone how the bad poker sites out there operate. Jez

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM Most poker rooms do not offer all in protection in NL games as the feature is open to abuse. However I think it is pattently obvious that your never going to pass your last $4 into a $1000 pot now are you. If im involved in a big pot that I know im probably gonna end up all in with anyway i tend oto get my chips in anyway. One the other guy might fold and two, if you get bumped your all in anyway. Not much consolation I know but youd tihnk tink the poker room would at least refund you your $200. They make enough money! In the early days of Ladbrokes the Poker Manager there refunded a $10 buy in after there software crapped out on me. Good will gesture that has seen the recoup that a 1000-fold over the next 3 years

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM It's not the lack of all in protect I am bemoaning... It's the fact their software was to blame for not letting me into the ring games when I reconnected (so their fault I could not call the last of my money) and more to the point the customer service. My emails were either ignored or replied to days later with derogatary answers that clearly showed whoever had read them did not understand what I wrote/did not read it/did not care. The same was true when I phoned, it was a total joke. Thanks paul hopefully I will get a sensible answer from them

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM I think you're better off highlighting this matter with a few of the more popular poker forums out there to be honest to see whether they can help you or find other people with similar experiences. All you're gonna get is a shrug of the shoulders because they know they'll get more people to play....just like you. They'll usually ask for the hand number for things like these (honestly, who writes the fooking hand number down?!). If you can kick off a stink of the unfairness of it all at one of the more outspoken poker forums, you might get a chance (no such thing as an arbitrator but mind you, something like a poker IBAS would be useless). The way you've written it, it looks like Pokerroom will do bugger all even when prodded to be honest as would most companies. I wouldn't take it lying down down and I'd take it 'round to other online poker forums.

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM Still no reply from them - this is what I mean, ignoring their customers - disgusting really when you consider they want you to put thousands of $ of yours in their trust. Paul have you heard anything? Jez

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM

horrible I had so many different drinks given to me and drank (or downed) them all :o :o Woke up on the floor at 7am and didnt get out of bed until 9pm :o :o
But you posted at 4.45pm to say: "I am so ill :o :o ". There's dedication for you!
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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM Yep, got an email form them yesterday First of all apologising for the way support handled it then offering me my stake back (but not the pot I would have won). This is a fair settlemant IMO and I think I have only paul to thank for this as they were totally ignoring me until he stepped in! Thanks a lot again paul... Jez

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Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM great you got your money back... But its still a place to stay away from, couse how many cares to use several weeks, and email, and phonecalls, to get their money back.. Must be LOTS OF MONEY bookies/poker companies gets every year on that method.... / cains

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