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Playing MTTs on bet365


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Cheers again guys for your kind words :D. After winning my 3rd tourney on 365, its time to write a few words, as I contribute so little to this forum :o. Its hard to write if you dont really have a strategy :eyes.

You will have to start a 'Tips on how to win tournaments' thread..please:notworthy
Tbh I learned all I know about poker from tables. I swear, I have never read any books or even checked some poker websites :o. Its all just practice. I only play at bet365 and thats where all my experience comes from. All I can say about MTTs on bet365, they are riggid (spelling?) LIKE FCUK. You have to play them tight and slightly aggressive. You start with either 1k or 1.5k. I usually try to play first few hands with even bad cards. If I lose 2-3 hundred I go tight and try to double with a good hand going all in. Always watch every single player as there are always some loons at your table and some who will always bluff from certain positions. From my observation: - avoid playing against a player with a bigger (or biggest stack). My estimation are, he will have more than 80% of winning hand it doesnt matter what you hold especially preflop. Theres many examples. Let say you call all in with AK and guy holds low pair. You wont get any face cards on the table (not the ones you really need anyway). Or lets say you have a good pair or AK and other guy have Ad and some low card. He will catch 4 diamonds on the table. Maybe Im taking this to extreme, but believe me guys, I have seen it hundreds of times. -every so many hands, there comes something I call "a set up". Basically there are at least three good hands on the table before the flop. Those kind are easy to spot (unless you are first to play and then you are fcuked :lol). Ok, If you see three guys going all in preflop, run like fcuk (unless you have one AA or KK). I could not count how many AK, AQ, KQ, KJ, 1010, JJ, QQ I folded. Many, many. -keep looking back at last flop (or last two) before you commite to the present one. Most of the time there will be different cards on the flop. Let say on the last flop you had three low cards and now you holding 1010. Think before going all in, as most probably you will see one or two face cards and you might be caught by the better pair. Well, I know some of my thoughts might look really trivial, but if I compere playing on 365 and on Paradise it looks differently. Just remember THOSE TOURNAMENTS MUST BE FINISHED AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE, THATS WHY THERE IS SO MUCH UNFAIRNESS IN THEM and thats why "big guys" have the advantage most of the time. Im sure its nothing like it in live ones (god, I would love to try one :\). Thats enough from me. Feel free to add anything from your experience on bet365. "ordinary poker player" :ok
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