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How Frustrating


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I was playing a £5 STT at Betfair and hadn't had a decent starting hand all game, then I got dealt this one. Table "STT1 589284 - 1" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: brainache (3729 in chips) Seat 2: Syngyn (205 in chips) Seat 6: millpond (1993 in chips) Seat 7: Chinooka1 (1442 in chips) Seat 8: 624200 (203 in chips) Seat 9: Debyfish (1600 in chips) Seat 10: cadzow (828 in chips) millpond: posts big blind 30 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to cadzow [As Ad] Chinooka1: raises to 60 624200: folds Debyfish: folds cadzow: raises to 120 brainache: folds Syngyn: folds millpond: folds Chinooka1: raises to 1442 and is all-in cadzow: is all-in 708 Returned uncalled bets 614 to Chinooka1 ----- FLOP ----- [9d 4c Td] ----- TURN ----- [9d 4c Td][4s] ----- RIVER ----- [9d 4c Td 4s][5s] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Chinooka1: shows [Ah Ac] (Two Pairs, Aces and Fours, Ten high) cadzow: shows [As Ad] (Two Pairs, Aces and Fours, Ten high) Chinooka1 collected 843 from Main pot cadzow collected 843 from Main pot I was pretty much being dealt rags after that, and was getting short stacked. The guy to my left had a large chip lead and would call almost any bet i made (making bluffing a bad idea) So I decided to go all-in the first decent hand that came along and try for double or nothing. Table "STT1 589284 - 1" Seat 10 is the button. Seat 1: brainache (4481 in chips) Seat 6: millpond (1554 in chips) Seat 7: Chinooka1 (1304 in chips) Seat 8: 624200 (1343 in chips) Seat 9: Debyfish (750 in chips) Seat 10: cadzow (568 in chips) brainache: posts small blind 50 millpond: posts big blind 100 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to cadzow [9h Ad] Chinooka1: folds 624200: folds Debyfish: folds cadzow: raises to 568 and is all-in brainache: calls 518 millpond: folds ----- FLOP ----- [2d 6d Jc] ----- TURN ----- [2d 6d Jc][4h] ----- RIVER ----- [2d 6d Jc 4h][Ah] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- cadzow: shows [9h Ad] (A Pair of Aces, Jack high) brainache: shows [9c Ac] (A Pair of Aces, Jack high) brainache collected 618 from Main pot cadzow collected 618 from Main pot What are the chances of someone having the same hand as you every time you go all in? Oh! and I ended up going out when my K10s lost to the chip leaders K3o :( Sometimes its not your day:cry

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Re: How Frustrating Would seem you had some bad luck there. Never seen AA up against AA TBH however with the amount of hands that are played everyday on poker sites it is bound to happen. I think thats what amazes me really when people moan about the poker sites saying that they are al fixed. With all the hands that are being played one after another 24/7 there are bound to be royal flushes, there are bound to be AA vs KK etc. Thats why when you get beat by a bad beat you should just accept it and move on I guess. And when someone calls trying to hit a straight or flush and doesnt enjoy the winning.

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Re: How Frustrating I've seen it happen with aces a couple of times, and I've had it happen to me with Kings before ..................... Statistically its bound to happen eventually if you play enough hands. It's still a pain in the arse though when they are the only good cards you get in a game....... and then you watch the other bugger turn over the same ones :lol I agree with you entirely Staffy about the moaning on the tables.................. I don't really use the chat much on the poker tables .................. hardly ever actually, but It is really funny watching the comments whenever there is a bad beat ..................... actually sometimes after plain bad play.e.g. Another (insert site name here) special, this site is rigged (why are you playing here then?) ................. Bullshit......... or just resorting to hurling other abuse etc. I mean if Hold'em was as simple as the best starting hand always winning we wouldn't need to see the community cards would we? If you aren't suffering bad beats or being out drawn on occasions then something would be wrong...................... however I still reserve the right to shout at the monitor whenever it happens to me on a big pot :lol

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Re: How Frustrating Yep laidbackbloke.....SOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating mate :o I had it happen in a live game final table...I slowplayed them as well :o. Guy raises the max before me...I just flat call with AA. Flop comes rag rag rag...perfect I think I hope he has an overpair and not AK. He bets the pot I raise all in he calls straight away...I turn over AA only for him to do the same :lol. Like you said before you think you have the other guy..as he thinks he has got you until the cards are over....frustrating to say the least. Jez

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Re: How Frustrating Sorry to drag back this old thread but Its bloody happened againeek2.gifeek2.gifeek2.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif I'd just had to lay down pocket jacks pre-flop a few hands earlier losing a good few dollars -when I correctly guessed I was up against at least one higher pocket pair, after one guy re-raise me all-in and another called him ( turned out one guy had pocket aces, don't know what the other had as he mucked) Then ............. #Game No : 2299173267 ***** Hand History for Game 2299173267 ***** $25 NL Hold'em - Saturday, July 02, 18:15:04 EDT 2005 Table Table 36866 (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 1: rws26 ( $20.82 ) Seat 10: ipummelu ( $51.25 ) Seat 9: laidbackblok ( $20 ) Seat 7: BioShock ( $17.55 ) Seat 5: rivercrest13 ( $24.7 ) Seat 6: raisinsun ( $4.75 ) Seat 8: caduceon ( $52.23 ) Seat 4: BobVoss ( $19.5 ) Seat 2: bclinn ( $26.15 ) Seat 3: acmoney1 ( $25 ) rivercrest13 posts small blind [$0.1]. raisinsun posts big blind [$0.25]. acmoney1 posts big blind [$0.25]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to laidbackblok [ As Ah ] BioShock folds. caduceon folds. laidbackblok raises [$2]. ipummelu folds. bclinn folds. acmoney1 folds. BobVoss raises [$3.75]. rivercrest13 folds. raisinsun folds. laidbackblok raises [$6]. BobVoss is all-In [$15.75] laidbackblok calls [$11.5]. ** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, 8c, Jc ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ] ** Dealing River ** [ 9d ] laidbackblok shows [ As, Ah ] a straight, eight to queen. BobVoss shows [ Ad, Ac ] a straight, eight to queen. BobVoss wins $18.82 from the main pot with a straight, eight to queen. laidbackblok wins $18.83 from the main pot with a straight, eight to queen. lol Game #2299178436 starts. cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif I'm not really having much luck right nowbanghead.gif I suppose I should be thankful ................. If he had had kings I would have lost laugh4.gif

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Re: How Frustrating had to tell this but sorry don't have any notes from it..... about 1 hour ago on V.C 3 players involved in an all-in situation - two going out if they lose. player with most chips turns over 5d,5 s player 2 turns KdKc player 3 turns KsKh flop comes Q,J,8,7 and 2 ALL DIAMONDS So PLAYER 2 wins with king high flush and player 3 has 3rd best hand loon.gif thankfully I was not involved in it but I pissed myself laughing at it cause if I were in I would have smashed the screen laugh4.giflaugh4.gif

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