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The big cash game on bet365


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IS running just now on table Borne again....blinds 100/200 NL They are playing heads up NL hold em...about 60k on the table atm :eek Zweig is prhalad freidman, one of the best NL players online, an arrogant ****head from america, 26 yrs old and one of the most successful pros on the net - always high stake cash games for him, hyper loose aggressive. McStuntz is a cheeky cnut who bad beat my mate out of the main event on the last ladbrokes cruise :lol Jez

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Re: The big cash game on bet365 They ended up at one point after having reload after reload with 122k on the table, 60 odd each :eek Zweig got it all after a titanic battle, he was sitting there afterwards with a stack of 122,000 I mean ffs!! Jez

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Re: The big cash game on bet365 I suppose if one was to get to that level, one learns to avoid the idiots (the number of ****ing railbirds just clicking to sit and then click off to get the hell outta there is bloody annoying as is the inane chat. I assume the two concerned must have removed the chat option). Apparently the other fella who Zweig won his money off, is the owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team. I was watching for like half an hour. Looked a bit like a game of high stakes chicken and who had the bigger balls (I think Friedman dared to show a 92o as he bluffed he other guy).

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Re: The big cash game on bet365 http://dev.heathmont.net/cruise/id-5/start-40/area-42_87.html Scroll down very near the top you will see him being a rivering fcuk to my mate...(that hand was all in preflop) There was a guy called "baseballnut" who got spanked for a few hundred k on those tables not so long ago over the course of about a month....not been seen of since. Jez

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Re: The big cash game on bet365 Ah well there you go. It looks like bullshit from the railbirds. Marc Cass? Just done a quick Google and it's hurting my eyes trying to see if these two are the same person or not (probably not, just looking at the noses). http://www.worldpokerpromotions.com/var/poker/players/957_Marc_Cass_800x600_ladbrokes_poker_cruise_2004.jpg http://www.marccass.com/ Stuntman? McStuntz? Merely a coincidence? :unsure Marc_Cass.jpg EDIT: I think it might very well be.

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Re: The big cash game on bet365 :rollin Great detective work stereoman, I am sure they are the same...... Risk taker by nature all round then I guess Jez Cant believe he worked on that traversty that was the last series of red dwarf tho :lol

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