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Punters Lounge 9 Tournament


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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament To be honest mr o it sounds liek something has happened to your installation of it....I have not heard of a problem like that before? I agree tho paradise need to sort a lot of things out If its any consolation tho...you have made the final table :rollin Jez

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Sorry I couldn't make it in time, tried my best and found I'd been eliminated in 11th place - not bad for not playing, would have liked to have made the final table for the extra few points to keep me at the top though. I'll definetly make the next one! Whoever wins, enjoy my $10:rollin

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Whahey nice one..... Still cant catch that bloody doddsy tho...begininng to rue the tourney I missed now :o. Well played everyone tho, special mention to suzy who was destroying the whole table and then got unlucky right near the bubble and to laidbackbloke who really was putting the pressure on heads up....great match. Jez

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Congratulations Jez when I left (really really early flopped a set of 10's to Hagarty's 3 aces:eek ) you were in the shit musta just put the head down then.well done quality will out at the end of the day. I appreciate all the advice:ok

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament An excellent game and well played Jezza/laidback in the heads up. The only gripe I have was I was disconnected twice and other people had problems too. Is it possible to play on another site next time. I don't feel as though we owe Paradise Poker anything and should be able to move elsewhere if poss. Other than that thanks to Billy for organising it

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Well done Jez :clap Finally a PL tournament that I played some good hands :lol :nana :cow I agree Jez, Suzy was dominating the table (After me earlier donating half my stack to her through an ill advised effort to steal the pot when she had flopped a straight :o) , She was just unlucky enough to get decent hands when I had AK then AA. Unlucky Suzy and well played :clap CJB I was disconnected a couple of times as well,:wall though fortunately it was ok towards the end. It would have really pissed me off to get disconnected during the heads up. Thanks again Billy for organising the tournament as paradise poker always seem to throw something up that causes you more hassles. I've never been a fan of the site as (in addition to their many screw-ups) the software doesn't seem to agree with my computer :unsure The graphics seem to bugger up frequently, with me all of a sudden not being able to see the cards, then having to restart the software (or sometimes my computer)...............not the best situation. I don't have these problems with any other poker software. If i remember correctly we originally chose paradise poker because they were (at the time) the only site that put on private tournaments, and would accept debit cards (necessary for some members) Changing the site after PL10 definitely gets my vote :ok

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Had to leave after the tourney last night as I work nights so this is the first chance I have had to post. Firstly thanks to all for a really good game, I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I did blow it at the end. And secondly, thanks for your encouraging comments fellas. I don't play nearly as often as I would like and look forward to these games as it makes me play. I have to say that I did have a rather good teacher, no prizes for guessing who that is, and have learnt masses from playing you guys. You are very difficult to play Jez, but I promise to keep on trying!! One day.........one day....... Suzy

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Must just say Suzy is being very modest, the ONLY time she ever plays is with us lot, so i make that about 8 times in all. As for teaching her, well she's read my books and watched me play a bit. Despite the cock up in the times i thought it was a good turnout and a very good quality game, we need to research into the next league and where we are going to play at. I'll post Paradise well early next time so we can see what they do with the times and warn everyone well in advance. Supposed to be Sat 28th at 8pm. Just thought thats Bank Holiday Weekend so if anyone thinks this is worth changing then we better sort it out this week.

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