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Punters Lounge 9 Tournament


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Hi guys, posting from Suzy's as i have had no connections since last Thursday. Emailed Paradise about the next tournament which is scheduled for Thursday at 7pm. Due to Paradise not recognising BST (which is why the times of the events have been cocked up lately) we have tried to calculate the time for submitting purposes. In effect we have asked for a 6pm start (after deducting 5hrs for US time zone) which should give us a 7pm start UK time. We will just have to keep our fingers crossed that it works out this time. Hopefully i will be back online to play but the way its going just now i may be absent. Cheers BH

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Won a STT at paradise so I've got my donation ........... ahem, entry fee for the PL tournament. Cheers for setting it up Billy :ok I hope you get back online in time.................... actually come to think of it you've put me out in the last 2 tournaments......... no rush, take your time.:tongue2

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament

actually come to think of it you've put me out in the last 2 tournaments......... no rush' date=' take your time.:tongue2[/quote'] LOL Yeah bearing in mind you knocked me out of PL8 take your time Bill! :rollin
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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament I can't remember if it was him who actually knocked me out in the last tournament but he might as well have when he left me short stacked just before we moved to the final table. We went all-in pre-flop and his pocket 10's beat my pocket Q's :cry .................. 4/1 underdog............... grrrrrrrr ........ "$@#/* .........( kicks over chair and wanders off in helmuth style rant)............................. not that I'm bitter :lol

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Seems like Paradise have cocked up the times once again, the lobby says it will start at 5pm yet the time left states it will be at 6pm. We asked for 7pm! emailed them this morning asking for it to be changed. i'll keep you posted.

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament

Seems like Paradise have cocked up the times once again, the lobby says it will start at 5pm yet the time left states it will be at 6pm. We asked for 7pm! emailed them this morning asking for it to be changed. i'll keep you posted.
Paradise poker have cocked up? ................................. surely not? they seem so reliable to me :lol Welcome aboard Mikkav :welcome The more the merrier :ok If you don't already have a Paradise Poker account you will need to open one. Jezza's post #6 in the "PL Poker League and Top Money Earners" "sticky" Thread at the top of the page explains what you need to do for entering the tournament. I don't think Billy has mentioned it, but I imagine the password follows the same format as the other tournaments and therefore will be punters9 (case sensitive)
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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament Count me in too - Whatever the time And Mikkav, You also need to think up a witty reply to all the people who come to the tables and ask for the password - Thats part of the fun

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament It still due to start at 6pm despite numerous emails to change it to 7pm The password is indeed = punters9 Just hope enough players will be available to get it on. Register from 4pm See Ya Later

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Re: Punters Lounge 9 Tournament I'll not be able to make it for 6pm start but I'll still register anyway. Should be ready just after 7 so hopefully all my stack won't have been blinded away by the time I get there!:( Free chips for you all anyway:rollin Hopefully speak to everyone tonight, if not, good luck:ok

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Won't let me play??? The software is not letting me play?? Took my money alright...then gave me an 'unable to open table' error, 'some bitmaps did not load'. I've checked and got all the update loaded, have restarted the comp several times too. Anyone know wht the problem is here? To be honest I'm close to ****** off with this site - after the crash in a previous game too.

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