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Should I have played this any different?


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I'm wondering if I should have played this a little differently.The guy who was also in the hand was really aggressive.Just your thoughts please. Game #820585260 - (blinds $0.25/$0.50) No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2005/05/08-14:46:49.7 (CST) Table "Gau (5 max)" (real money) -- Seat 4 is the button Seat 1: spastik ($0.00 in chips) Seat 2: Gil2368 ($117.00 in chips) Seat 3: mcgregorkid ($43.25 in chips) Seat 4: mikkav ($72.25 in chips) Seat 5: Nato76 ($60.00 in chips) Nato76 : Post Small Blind ($0.25) Gil2368 : Post Big Blind ($0.50) Dealing... Dealt to mikkav [ Ah ] Dealt to mikkav [ Ad ] mcgregorkid: Fold mikkav : Call ($0.50) Nato76 : Raise ($0.75) Gil2368 : Raise ($5) mikkav : Raise ($15) Nato76 : Fold Gil2368 : Call ($10) *** FLOP *** : [ 6h 6c Ks ] Gil2368 : Bet ($0.50) mikkav : Raise ($30) Gil2368 : Raise ($101) mikkav : Call All-in ($26.75) *** TURN *** : [ 6h 6c Ks ] [ Tc ] *** RIVER *** : [ 6h 6c Ks Tc ] [ 3s ] *** SUMMARY *** Pot: $143.50 | Rake: $2 Board: [ 6h 6c Ks Tc 3s ] spastik didn't bet Gil2368 bet $117, collected $44.75, net -$72.25 (showed hand) [ Jh Js ] (two pair, jacks and sixes) mcgregorkid didn't bet (folded) mikkav bet $72.25, collected $143.50, net +$71.25 (showed hand) [ Ah Ad ] (two pair, aces and sixes) Nato76 lost $1 (folded) I know I won the hand but culd I have come unstuck anywhere? My game is starting to improve I know but I need all the help and advice going out there. Thanks:hope

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Re: Should I have played this any different? Hi mikkav, From reading the hand history I think you limped on the button with AA? This is a dangerous thing to do - and definately where you could have come unstuck.... The problem is you have a hand that everyone falls in love with/finds almost impossible to fold after the flop and you are letting two guys with random cards see a flop for free - Dangerous! Say for example the flop came K83 - against a player who had limped of his own accord you would prob be getting action from KQ or KJ or something like that - but the blinds could easily have 83/K8/K3 all these sorts of hands and you are going to get mega action then believe me! I do agree with slowplaying AA or KK on occasion, but the time to do it is when a very aggressive player (who is liable to bet the flop and on) raises before you and you are going to be heads up with him on the flop and beyond with position, when this happens a smooth call of his preflop raise holding AA is a tricky play but one that can definately work (see teddy kgb in rounders :lol). What you must remember is on 0.25/0.5 cash tables peoples tendency is to call and pay you off so I would have been in there raising with my AA on the button - the guy with the JJ (from the looks of it) would have reraised and then the pot starts. As it happens he woke up with his JJ and proceeded to dump his chips to you on a K high flop (lol) so it worked out well for you in the end but just be a little more careful about letting people with random cards see a flop when you have a hand you will find it hard to let go of afterwards...... Jez

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Re: Should I have played this any different? Thanks Jez! Your right looking at it in the cold light of day I should have made him pay a lot more to see the flop.Looking back the flop could just have easy been J55 or something and then I would have been in serious trouble.Thanks for going to the trouble of that analysis. Cheers:notworthy

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