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30k BET365 Freeroll


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Re: 30k BET365 Freeroll Scary was about put the same post up. I will be there under my user name Longy11 (just like to confuse everyone by having a completely different name on here). This is my big tourney of the month, so unfortunately it is the one where every sod play the same as me. Tight as wait for the nuts;) .

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Re: 30k BET365 Freeroll Hope I don't get at the same table as you jez cos i have experimented with playing loose. Yet i think my post flop play is not good enough yet and i feel more comfy going in with a hand im comfy with. Thats why i hate playing shorthanded.

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Re: 30k BET365 Freeroll thats me gone mark..... Raised with 56s UTG (in true LAG style lol)...one caller out of the blinds....Flop AK6 he checked I bet half the pot he called Turn 10...this gave me a flush draw as well as a pair...I thought he must have an Ace so check and take free card hopefully to river him...he checks and I check River 6...perfect I think he will never put me on that, I have shown weakness and I am about to double up...he bets all in I call in a flash and he shows QJ for the straight :o GL Mark!! Jez

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Re: 30k BET365 Freeroll First break on 2375 in chips did have 4000. Made a poor play with pocket 9's on button. Raised 3bb no one else in pot. BB who is a poor player calls. We have an all in the small blind. I decide not to bluff Flop comes rainbow kj5 check check. Turn 7 checked down. River 4. He bets 400 i call think he has one of the rags. Turns over 8 6o for the straight. I should have bet the flop with position. Oh well still in there.

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