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The 10/10 System

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Before i introudce this system, just a few words. Ive had a few systems on here in my time. The naive lucky 15 system, 2/1+ system, the Under 2.5 Goals system and the Total Goals system and one i cant remember the name of. The Unders system i found didnt offer any value, the odds were far too low and you needed two winning bets for every losing bet to finish just over even and i didnt see any future in it. Never the less i thought i would test it to see how it went. It was in profit the vast majority of the time and wasnt unsuccesful in the 4 weeks i posted but these are the conlusions i came too. The 2/1+ System did reasonably well and finished around even at the end and i was impressed with the theory of it. The mistakes i made were the staking and some games i shoudlnt have included. A level staking plan could be introduced and a lower number of bets, i found myself doing some bets for what seemed just for the sake of it, which is a stupid thing to do. I learned from these mistakes in testing and i am planning to start it again with real money next year. The total goals systems is still going well and i like the market and the odds offered. Im going to put it on hold slightly, a restricted number of bets now as the end of season brings some funny results. The other systems arnt worth mentioning. I hope its ok me posting this many systems here as im testing theorys i have and seeing how they pan out, some succesful, some unsuccesful. I think its very important to test a system before using your own money as you can learn from any mistakes and take in any feedback you receive to make the system as profitable as possible. Emersonthome game me some sound advice a while back, one which gave me the idea for this system im introducing now. Right the 10/10 System: Simple idea, any bet found that you would consider a massive value bet and would therefore have maximum stakes on it. Simply rely on these 10/10 bets in your betting and ignore the 8/10, 9/10 bets you would normally have a dabble on. This is the simple system or stratergy im using here, im still always unsure whats a system or a stratergy, so ill change the name if needed. This may mean betting just once every two weeks so it requires patience and discipline. It also requires a degree of skill in punting to decided what makes a value bet. Level staking at 10pts Bet 1 Everton vs Manchester United Odds: 1/1 Stake: 10pts

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Re: The 10/10 System

I hope its ok me posting this many systems here as im testing theorys i have and seeing how they pan out, some succesful, some unsuccesful. I think its very important to test a system before using your own money as you can learn from any mistakes and take in any feedback you receive to make the system as profitable as possible.
No it's not. Stop filling the place with all your shit!! Only kidding. If you ask me that is one of the main functions of this forum. Most threads Ive started have ended as failures but as you said they need to be tested. Testing them here rather than making personal records creates the chance for others to make inputs and maybe spot ways to improve it. It also means if someone has a similiar idea it may save them the hassle of testing if its already proven to work/not work.
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Re: The 10/10 System Hope it works out mate, cos now you'll make me look a c*nt as well if it doesn't:lol I'm a firm believer that the key to long term profit is in the bets you leave out rather than the ones you put in. i.e. if you miss a good bet, you don't loose anything, but if you back a bad one, you're down. i'm not sure that the above point actually makes sense, but I know what I mean:ok

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Re: The 10/10 System I reckon if you're thinking about it, it's probably not! I think it's just having the dicipline to say "to be honest, I don't know enough/haven't watched enough games etc. to be able to make the call" Everybody on here want's to think they know it all (me included), so that makes the above very hard to do. Like the other week I was thinking- I know that Liverpool are going to get knocked out of the CL by Juve. But then I thought hang on, how many Juve games have I seen this season? the answer is just the first leg at Anifield, so why do I think I'm an expert on this game? I came to the conclusion that I was talking shite, and didn't bet, thus saving myself the money I would have lost. Having said that you might be well up on Everton and Man U, or it might fit the criteria of your 0-1 goals system, in that case go for it.

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Re: The 10/10 System Unfortunately bet one lost, not the best of starts. United could have won that much, few missed chances and dominated but Everton in the end wanted it more and give more commitment which won them the game. Bet 2 Blackburn vs West Brom Blackburn to keep a clean sheet Odds: 12/5 Stake: 10pts They have kept clean sheets in 8 of there last 10 matches and there last 8 away games have finished 0-1 Goals. Hughes is employing shut out tactics and its working. Fantastic value here, i make it a 50% (Evens) chance they'll keep yet another clean sheet.

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