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Monday Maulings


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Re: Monday Maulings Sorry guys, gave it a damn good go. As always 1 hand at the critical stage scuppers the whole tourney. Difficult to get away from the AQ hand i think though. After that blinds and antes creeping up steeply, had time but not much. Raised TT, big blind 3bet with just over minraise. There are good arguments here for the shove, the call and the fold. In my position with my stack I like the call (in position). If the flop is raggity I shove. Flop comes down AJx, big blind shoves as expected on that texture and I'm forced to fold because behind to majority of his 3bet range there but probably saved my tourney by call/folding. Folding is probably the right option there, but given stack/blinds, I'm happy taking the shot. Eventually open shoved remaining 5.3bb QJ from small blind, big calls with K7, no help, goodnight Vienna. Really appreciate everyone that railed though. Really helps knowing friends are routing you on :ok I'll be back for another attempt ;)

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Re: Monday Maulings Sorry Bart that was my fault. I fecking jinxed you :cry You played those hands perfectly well. No getting away from the AQ imo and if you had shoved the 10 10 you were getting called. AK down to A9s was in his range and you were deffo behind post flop. As for the last hand perfect hand to shove with your stack and no fold equity unfortunately against K7o Well played mate. Like you said, there'll be other times :ok

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Re: Monday Maulings

Sorry Bart that was my fault. I fecking jinxed you :cry You played those hands perfectly well. No getting away from the AQ imo and if you had shoved the 10 10 you were getting called. AK down to A9s was in his range and you were deffo behind post flop. As for the last hand perfect hand to shove with your stack and no fold equity unfortunately against K7o Well played mate. Like you said, there'll be other times :ok
Absolutely not, far from a jinx, knowing you were there was a big help. 3 hours into an intense tourney and I'm always going to get mentally drained. You gave me a lift :ok Will pull out and review the hand history tomorrow when mentally more alert, but really appreciate your input. Difficult in the midst of battle and with a 1 second time bank (whats that all about lol) to decipher everything but I thought it was ok at the time. That's where having a friend on the rail helps tremendously, independant and calm considered view, helps no end in identifying and fixing any potential leaks.
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Re: Monday Maulings Thx Heb, really appreciated mate :ok Yeah I seemed to be progressing well and never at threat of busting. Managed to creatively win a few without showdown and won all but 2 or 3 at showdown. Overall happy with my play, but a review in the morning might show some areas I can improve further on. If anyone railing saw or has view on anything please feel free to share or pm me privately. All thoughts & views welcomed :ok

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Re: Monday Maulings I don't think there's much to review mate. You seem to have played the perfect tournament and those two hands at the end just didn't go your way. I only caught the latter stages but with 7 or 8 left you were min raising in position and picking up the blinds without any resistance. The AQ v AK was one of those raises but as you said wasn't much of a reraise and no one is folding AQ on that flop when you had him covered. The 10 10 hand you were unlucky to run into maybe AK again, although there is a chance he had KQ/Js (if I remember rightly two spades on the flop and he was pushing with that). Maybe but more likely A-x

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