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Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3)


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So I've previously tried to stick with a blog thread , on here and after awhile have ended up in the same cycle I have a small amount of success then end up having a horrible session that lead me to undo all my hard work by looking for a quick fix to the losses namely playing hyper turbo's a stake's above any kind of appropriate BRM never mind the extra swings of Hyper HUs and 6-Max. My tilt level since the last thread started by me on here has not been too bad , have become much more adjusted to when I'm playing bad and when just running into a brick wall. However last night I felt that tilt monster starting to bubble inside of me and started cursing my luck admittedly that is probably also frustration creeping in from the fact that thought had finally landed a job and it not being legit so back searching. This has however re-motivated me to not mess up at the tables and keep focused on achieving whilst continually improving myself. Where am I at right now : Currently my main game is a mixture of $1.5 & $3.5 6 Max Turbo SnGs , I have a 50/50 profit split on these as although I'm profitable it much easier not having to worry about reloads , as I know can just grind it back up again. I'm also allowed to play MTTs with this stake so basically covers all buy-in's play on Stars , with the added bonus of keeping me away from Hyper Turbo's. Where as before I had goals that was aiming for , I think might be best to just play the games that fit the budget and if want to add in goals at later date I will , maybe starting smaller monthly goals from June onwards. I will still be playing some other games on the smaller sites when I feel there is value either added value or a structure I feel that may have edge in or looks like a fun concept. Also looking at a way of building in some charity aspect in to my activities on the felt. Good Luck to everyone else on the felt , and making it my number one goal to put some names to faces and attend the next Punter's Lounge Championships

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) So playing without set goals is maybe not the best strategy for trying to grind out a profit. Will be designating a set time-table of events for me to play adding in a lot more free-roll's and playing more MTTs , and staying away from Cash Tables & Heads Up these are my main Tilt Inducers. Will post further details of my goals for June in the upcoming days.

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Friday Nights on Paddy Power Playing as Love2Gamble89 Will be playing $11 Full House Friday & $11 Freddie Bounty each of the next 4 Weeks , splitting Profit with Ooblio. This Post will be edited to summarise each game played. Bounty : Out 12th of 50 , A9 > K6 BvB Full House : Out 11th of 110 , Got blinded down as card-dead around bubble still $50.40 2nd Full House : Out 73rd of 94 , AJ shoved into AK & QQ 2nd Bounty : Out 19th of 45 , 99 losing to A5 pre 3rd Bounty : Out 10th of 49 , 108s shoved just over 7BB UTG 5-handed looked up by J5off after lost big with AA > KQ on Q34 flop cant hold. 3rd Full House : Out 20th of 125 , when 18 get paid , on bubble lost QQ > 66 pre flop to get into 3rd with 22 left , then crippled A9 cant hold against J8 when all the other shorties kept doubling up. 4th Bounty : 1st of 46 , $207.20 4th Full House : 100th of 108 , the classic cooler Kings into Aces Basically works out at £100 profit £50 each , Ooblio kindly offered a new deal 60/40 his No Stakeback with the initial $88 :clap

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) So a new month starts tomorrow and time to put up some goals for June. I've been feeling more confident in my play and understanding of the game of late and exactly where my strengths & weaknesses lay. Objectives for June : Play at least 150 SnGs a week - Avoid playing Cash & Heads Up (only if MTT) - Review more hands - Find a leak in my game and fix it - To organise a diary of best MTTs to play - Hope's for June : Win an MTT with 100+Runners - Improve my PB score -

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) RED ALERT Well felt was playing really well in most , playing most spots well until get right on the bubble. * 1st Aces can't hold in the Bounty to finish 4 off the money vs KQ on Q43 flop , turn helps is a 3 so just need fade Queen now but wait ..... Q on river * 2nd Queens cracked by Sixes preflop when 3or4 off the money , to leave me with 5BB blind down to 3BB get in A9>J8 and cant hold to finish 2 off the money. Incredibly frustrating and just reminds me that my biggest challenge is the fact the now just deflated and mentally drained. Something I really want to overcome but just seem to haunt me , and have me replaying the hand even though I know played the situation fine and its just variance

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3)

RED ALERT Well felt was playing really well in most , playing most spots well until get right on the bubble. * 1st Aces can't hold in the Bounty to finish 4 off the money vs KQ on Q43 flop , turn helps is a 3 so just need fade Queen now but wait ..... Q on river * 2nd Queens cracked by Sixes preflop when 3or4 off the money , to leave me with 5BB blind down to 3BB get in A9>J8 and cant hold to finish 2 off the money. Incredibly frustrating and just reminds me that my biggest challenge is the fact the now just deflated and mentally drained. Something I really want to overcome but just seem to haunt me , and have me replaying the hand even though I know played the situation fine and its just variance
I saw matey. Unlucky :( Will pm you.
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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Well feeling a bit more positive today , only played one event took 2 bullets in Fixed Limit Badugi MTOPs that finished 5th last time round , and again managed to Final Table so back to back in an event with 928 & 723 runners respectively I'm very happy with. Initially was gutted that couldn't improve on 5th but given that was down to 2BB at 60/120 level got to be pleased to even get near the money never mind build a stack that was top with 4 tables left. Tomorrow the plan is to concentrate on No Limit MTTs though while getting in more SnGs as failing on my Weekly Target of SnGs , as try find a good balance between playing and rest.

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) 1 Step Forward 1 Step Back , I don't know why I do it to myself I know which games lead me to tilt when I get a couple of bad beats and yet I decide these are the perfect game to have a relaxing night on 888 with. How foolish can one guy be , I end up starting nicely on a (push/fold) cash table and getting beat with Aces on a 873ccc board all in vs 85ss who hit runner runner straight on me , then start to play super turbo HU's and continue to run awful luckily the result in the end monetary wise wasn't as bad as could of been and only lost $35. It's more the mental side that I'm annoyed at myself for. Rule 1 - Only play if I know I'm enjoying playing rather than just chasing money Hope that is the last bout of TILT see for awhile.

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Unfortunately that was an early exit , Kings into Aces preflop , I suspected was a chance he had them but tough to fold them and too often see people play JJ , QQ & AK the same way and ended up 6 bet jamming but was committed after I 4 bet to 540 of my 2500 stack , on to the Bounty Game

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Paddy Power 2nd Deal $88 Stake ( 4x Full House Friday & 4x Freddie Mays Bounty) No Stakeback 60% Ooblio 40% Myself 1st Week 20th June Bounty - 30th /47 , Lost virtually all my chips with Aces preflop vs 44 who binks straight on river. 1st Week 20th June Full House - 20th/102 , shoved 12BB with 88 , called by A3 in hand that would of took me into the cash (top 15 paid) 2nd Week 27th June Bounty - 38th of 56 , KQ into A10 and fail to get there 2nd Week 27th June Full House - 102nd of 107 , A8 flop two pair bet all 3 streets into 106 on A987Q board 3rd Week 4th July Bounty - 27th /46 , KJ shoved a J95 flop into 99 3rd Week 4th July Full House - 40th /92 , KQ called off when Button shoved with AJ 4th Week 11th July Bounty - 41th /46 , AQ > JJ 4th Week 11th July Bounty - 96th /115 , KK > A10 & QJ on 7910 board , Mark's QJ wins with a King on Turn and then blank river.

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Currently of to a good start in the Friday Full House over double average , but got crippled in Bounty by some guy overplaying 44 and getting lucky vs my Aces AIPF. <a  href=http://img15.imagefra.me/i26k/danshot/qh9w_a43_uca6a.jpg' alt='qh9w_a43_uca6a.jpg'>

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Further update , the guy who overplayed 44 continued to spew off his chips rapidly to bust 1 place after me #standard Lost another big pot with the higher pair 99 vs shorter stack 77 but he binks a 7. Just one of them nights I guess still got 12BB so time to spin it up hopefully with bit of kind fortune :hope

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3)

Close again. GL :hope
Unfortunately pretty much bubbled , didn't do much wrong just couldn't win the bigger all-in hands even from dominating positions. Not sure how limp calling off another 11BB with A3 is a winning play , but good luck to him. <a  href=http://img10.imagefra.me/i66k/danshot/r8r7_b8a_uca6a.jpg' alt='r8r7_b8a_uca6a.jpg'>
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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Okay so this month's goals are already pretty out of the window , trying to find the right balance being poker and non-poker hasn't been as easy as though would be and also been distracted bit by the World Cup however for one reason or another my interest in seeing all the matches as slowly faded for 1 reason or another (mainly the fact England lived up to expections :spank). So my sole goal for the rest of this month is to get back into the groove of multi-tabling for more than just an hour here and there. And allowed me to set some realistic goals that I'm actually focused on achieving.

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) About to start the Paddy Power games , can feel a final table coming 8.50pm Update : Out very early exit thought chance he had J10 but the 106 gutshot rolling in surprised me. 102th /107 :wall <a  href=http://img15.imagefra.me/i26r/danshot/m8o4_c29_uca6a.jpg' alt='m8o4_c29_uca6a.jpg'>

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Also no luck in the Freddie Mays Bounty , Just no spots tonight ended up shoving KQ into A10 and fail to get there , 38th of 56 Will hopefully get some traction behind me next friday , also running below EV in SnGs the last few days but still feeling positive that will have a big result soon :hope

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) GL next Friday :hope:hope At least you don't have me to contend with ;) Will be playing live at Aspers Stratford......................... oh................ and GL Donna, and Me too :hope:hope

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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3)

GL next Friday :hope:hope At least you don't have me to contend with ;) Will be playing live at Aspers Stratford......................... oh................ and GL Donna, and Me too :hope:hope
Thanks , Good Luck are you both playing the WPT Accumulator ?
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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) Donna won a seat (playing flight 2), and i am in flight 2, and 3, from party poker last longer (Got $1000) so 2 flights plus bit of expenses

Thanks ' date=' Good Luck are you both playing the WPT Accumulator ?[/quote'] Think Washy might have won a seat too?
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Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3)

Donna won a seat (playing flight 2), and i am in flight 2, and 3, from party poker last longer (Got $1000) so 2 flights plus bit of expenses Think Washy might have won a seat too?
No, not me, have a wedding to go to Saturday :beer
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Battling against Tilt (DanShot Phase 3) So have been neglecting this thread , for a number of reasons. 1st , As mentioned before have mainly been playing 6 Max SnG's so not as much to report back. 2nd , When have played tourney's to say not been spectacular is an understatement (albeit small sample size) 3rd , Lost a bit of motivation to grind poker while trying to improve the rest of my life off the virtual felt. and 4th but not last , I have finally landed myself a Job and looking forward to starting that sometime after next Tues , will still play some games but obviously a lot more for fun than trying to eek out profit in Micro SnGs (although when motivated do enjoy grinding these). So yeah that is the latest , I will still be updating from time to time especially as might try other games out like eventually trying to sat into a Live Event

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