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Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/day]


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poker_promo_title_708_x_189_02745_last_men_standing2-1.jpg [h=4]Image & all info courtesy of BoylePoker.com Be one of the Last Men Standing and qualify FREE for the Boylepoker.com IPO Killarney in this fantastic promotion![/h] For every 10 Players to attempt the Last Men Standing promotion we will give away one ticket to the IPO Killarney. You can REGISTER NOW in the Boylepoker Lobby under Boylepoker Exclusives > IPO Killarney > Last Men Standing. Registration closes on Monday 5th May at midnight. [h=3]Promotion details[/h] To qualify for this promotion, players must have opted in by midnight on Monday 5th May*. Players must accumulate 100 iPoints each day. If a player misses the target of 100 iPoints on any given day then they are eliminated from the promotion. Players must continue to accumulate 100 iPoints every day until the number of players left in the Last Men Standing promotion, matches the number of FREE IPO Killarney tickets. A leaderboard will be displayed on this promotional web page from Wed 7th May. [h=3]How to check your iPoints[/h] As this promotion involves iPoint accumulation you will want to keep an eye on your progress. The following are some details on how to view your iPoints. Just login to the Boylepoker Software and click on 'My Account'. Then click on 'Cash Table History' for iPoints gathered on Cash Tables & 'Tournament History' for iPoints gathered for Tournament play. Then just set your Date Filters and click 'Show sessions' and/or 'Show tournaments' and then view column 'IPOINTS EARNED'. [h=3]Terms & Conditions[/h]
  1. The official start of the Last Men Standing promotion is 00:01 on Tuesday 06th May, 2014.
  2. Only players who have opted in by midnight Monday 5th May are eligible for this promotion.
  3. Player must opt-in by registering to the 'Last Men Standing' holding tournament in the Boylepoker lobby under Boylepoker Exclusives > IPO Killarney > Last Men Standing.
  4. For the purposes of this promotion a ticket is a token that can be used to enter to the IPO Killarney starting day of choice, dependent on pre-registration tournament seating availability.
  5. For every 10 Players to opt-in and attempt the Last Men Standing promotion Boylepoker will add one Boylepoker IPO Killarney ticket.
  6. Extra prizes may be added at Boylepoker's discretion.
  7. A player who has attempted the Last Men Standing promotion is defined as a player who has opted in and has earned 100 iPoints on Tuesday 06th May.
  8. Players deemed to be abusing the good nature of the promotion will be notified and excluded at Boylepoker's discretion.
  9. If Boylepoker make any change to the way that iPoints are awarded, the daily points structure may be changed accordingly.
  10. This promotion will end on Sunday 15th June at midnight or when players left in the Last Men Standing competition, matches the number of free IPO Killarney 2014 tickets.
  11. Tickets won cannot be converted to cash. A ticket can be transferred to another existing Boylepoker account holder with the permission of Boylepoker. For queries please contact Boylepoker Customer Care through our Live Support
  12. The Leaderboards will not be updated on weekends or public holidays. If you wish to know your iPoints for a particular day during weekends or holidays please contact our Boylepoker Customer Care through our Live Support
  13. All decisions by Boylepoker.com are final.
  14. Boylepoker.com reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time.
  15. Normal Boylepoker Terms & Conditions apply

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da List of participants is now showing on Boyles website, good luck to all PL'ers taking part. Disappointing numbers to be honest, from well over 400 original registrations, only 30x allegedly took part yesterday, meaning 3x seats up for grabs. Word of warning however, I'm assuming there's been a tech glitch and these figures might be subject to change as I also reg'd and gained more than the 100 points requirement but not showing on the list# #Although I'm not personally going to get it corrected as don't have the time available to get into top 3, would've taken part if 10+ seats. Good luck to all PL'ers taking part, see at least 1 forum hero involved :hope

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Cheers Bart - I doubt if I will be able to play everyday but there is now only 21 of the 30 left after 3 days. Want to have a bit of fun with this so I've set myself a challenge of getting to 100 i points as quickly as possible and win cash on every single day. Each session I will sit with 100 euro and play 0.5/1 speed poker and as soon as I get to 100 points and in profit I will log out. I've done my session today and now after 4 days, I've made it to 100 points in between 9 minutes and 24 minutes and made a profit each day between 29.90 euro and 94.05 euro, so all good for now.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Nicely done mate, sounds like you're going to end up with a great result irrespective of whether you pick up one of the free seats :ok Yeah stay off nl5 speed, most pots are below the rake threshold, took me 2.5 hrs to get 100, with a couple of short breaks included lol Had just £2 in there and couldn't deposit due a prob with bank, but spun it up to £10, good for me as hate cash and lose interest quick. Looking like Dublin for me due to travel/accom costs, unless I bink a 2nd entry in the sats to justify the expense.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Been at the Regency hotel, Swords Road, just north of the city, south of the airport the last couple of years. Haven't seen any confirmation this year yet but assume the same. Think the Regency itself tends to get booked up a year in advance and/or is quite expensive (relative to the tourney buyin). Lots of other good options around though. Will have a look. Do you guys want to catch up on skype or facebook sometime next week? Perhaps book into the same hotel for a few beers in the evenings, maybe swap a small % and/or draw up a plan for the side events? Ideally I'm still going to try to pick up a cheap 2nd seat in the sats as think it's re-entry (different start day) and to help justify the flight/hotel cost.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Hi Bart - It looks like it is the Regency as they have whacked up the prices for that weekend compared to other weekends. Currently it is £352 for 4 nights (17th to 20th) on Travel Republic. I stayed there last year for the deepstack event and it is ok. The only alternative for me would be the Best Western Skylon which I think is the only hotel that is in walking distance to the Regency and is currently £249. Both are room only rates. The wife will probably go over with me so we will probably go into the town centre for some craic rather than play in any side events. Happy to swap a % if you guys are up for it. Andy

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da When i looked into this last year the prices in the centre were very expensive. I was considering just booking into the airport hotel and then taking a bus/taxi back and forth. Theres a free shuttle service from the airport to the hotel and a bus stop is only 2mins walk away and a 20 minutes ride into centre. Having said that prices are currently much higher than last year at present. Pretty sure they were around £45 a night when i looked fairly close to the time. Presently they are showing at 77 euro or £61.50 a night. Im going to have to start doing some bigger research into this now i think

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da If playing the Friday surely one could get away with booking three nights. So long as you could get to the start on Friday you would only need a maximum of Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights, then wrap up the win on Monday and fly out with a suitcase full of cash? 3 nights 17-19th Ardmore £128.30p (double room) (looks around 1.5 mile walk) Dublin Travel Lodge South £142.00 (with early book-in 12pm, double room) (looks around 1.5 mile walk) Crown Plaza £206 (king bed) (looks around 2mile walk) Skylon £220.76p (single room) advantage of being close by Regency £301 (double room) advantage of being at the venue. I think one of the problems i remember from searching last year was the start-time of the tournament - cant remember what time it was but obviously it would be nice if one is booked into the hotel, gear dropped off and at the Regency for kick off. It was quite early though and i think i was considering staying over on the Thursday night also. I think the hotels all have 24-man though and i would think they would all have somewhere to store a small suitcase and then could book in after the opening days play.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Guys it looks like a change of plan for me. Just asked the missus if she fancied a long weekend in Dublin and she said "yes, when" and then said "you can't go then, its your daughters birthday." So reluctantly I think I will have to look at Newcastle at the end of August instead.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Not a problem mate. If Newcastle is anything like London was (i.e. £230 buyin rather than €230), you might need to get Boyle support to manually reg/adjust your tokens. Don't know for certain, but assume they would be happy to transfer and sort any slight residue balance, they did say tokens could be used for any 2014 leg.

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Re: Boyle Poker - IPO Killarney - Last Men Standing Promo - Starts 6th May [100pts/da Missus wants to go abroad end of August so can't do Newcastle which means I've now got a pass to go to Dublin. Just booked the Regency on amoma.com at £64 a night which is by far the cheapest on the web at the moment. Got 2 tokens so will be flying out for Days 1b and 1c - catch up with both of you there.

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