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PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread


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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Not a personal best but one of those hands you dream about...:loon ------HAND 4------ Game #1175174043: Hold'em NL (£0.25/£0.50) - 2005/10/28 - 23:47:55 (GMT) Table "Lullaby" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: KnallFall (£43.50 in chips) Seat 2: dannycash (£73.95 in chips) Seat 3: Tallvik (£48.95 in chips) Seat 4: Phil1004 (£36.72 in chips) Seat 5: Mark05101 (£45.60 in chips) Seat 6: lawyer399 (£130.20 in chips) KnallFall: posts small blind £0.25 dannycash: posts big blind £0.50 Phil1004: posts big blind £0.50 + posts small blind £0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to dannycash [6h 3d] Tallvik: folds Phil1004: checks Mark05101: folds lawyer399: calls £0.50 KnallFall: calls £0.25 dannycash: checks ----- FLOP ----- [5c 2s Ac] KnallFall: checks dannycash: bets £0.50 Phil1004: calls £0.50 lawyer399: folds KnallFall: folds ----- TURN ----- [5c 2s Ac][4h] dannycash: bets £0.50 Phil1004: raises to £5 dannycash: raises to £15 Phil1004: raises to £35.47 and is all-in dannycash: calls £20.47 ----- RIVER ----- [5c 2s Ac 4h][Kh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Phil1004: shows [Qh 3c] (A Straight, Five high) dannycash: shows [6h 3d] (A Straight, Six high) dannycash collected £71.19 from Main pot :nana Had to feel for Phil, I bet he couldn't believe it.

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread

Well' date=' at last I get on the Bragging thread in serious fashion - as you may well have seen in the other thread ........ I won the final of the Daily Mirror Freeroll - what did I win? A $10,000 seat to the 888.com UK Poker Open (and $2,500 for travel and expenses from Kent :lol). Just 108 entrants fighting it out for $1m - and guess what? I've NEVER played live poker before :loon I seriously can't believe it. It starts off with a 6 seater table in a TV studio, with the winner pocketing $10,000 and qualifying for the Semi's. Dare I look at the Semis? well again it's a 6 seater table, with top 2 going through to the final, where LAST place wins $30,000 and first place wins $500,000, but I certainly won't look there ...... details are here[/quote'] :nana :nana :nana :nana N1 GaF.....
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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread I came second... damnit... with a 8,000 to 3000 headsup stack lead. Guy had an AA when I called him in... he came back and beat me. good battle but i wanted to slap him :spank PokerStars Tournament #14384091, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $50.00/$5.00 9 players Total Prize Pool: $450.00 Tournament started - 2005/10/28 - 19:40:44 (ET) Dear bizzybone24, You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A $135.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account. Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread HELP - despite following GAF's step by step instructions I still cannot manage to put up a screenshot of any successes I may have had. Can one of you guys go into Betfred and take a picture of final placings in $5 20 man tourney (tourney Bondi Beach - finished around 10.30pm) :hope :hope :hope :hope Be nice to keep GAF quiet. Not my highest win but it will move me up the Personal best league and I promise I'll get my 14 year old son to show me how to display it tomorrow. :lol

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread PokerStars Tournament #14449176, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $11.00/$1.00 45 players Total Prize Pool: $495.00 Tournament started - 2005/10/30 - 07:00:02 (ET) Dear bizzybone24, You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A $106.43 award has been credited to your Real Money account. Congratulations! Thank you for participating. YAY for me!! I am good. Praise me. :clap :clap

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread

Hey Sharpe1ne - Pocket Lady is really looking after you ;) . Lucky Man!!!!
Cheeky- spankie.gif Sharpe1ne said he couldn't screenprint if he won so I said that I'd get it for his PB. If anyone else has probs when we're watching let us know and myself or Mr V will get a screenshot and pm 'em to you for your PB. bigokay.gif
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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Cheers PocketLady for getting that screenshot for me:notworthy I'm on an old battered PC and i ain't got a clue what im doing:wall And cheers GaF for probably getting the Number 2's kicked out of me if i ever come across Mr V and the Lady:rollin Greatly appreciated:ok

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