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PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread


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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Wow played in the $5000 freeroll at bet 365 and came 3rd out of 6000+ won $375 (£213) my biggest win yet ended up going allin pocket 9s got called with aj and suprise suprise and ace came out on the flop still not a bad nights work,used to play the betfred tourneys but the freerolls are rubbish now anyone know if they are planning anymore tourneys like the manchester/telegraph?

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread

Wow played in the $5000 freeroll at bet 365 and came 3rd out of 6000+ won $375 (£213) my biggest win yet ended up going allin pocket 9s got called with aj and suprise suprise and ace came out on the flop still not a bad nights work' date='used to play the betfred tourneys but the freerolls are rubbish now anyone know if they are planning anymore tourneys like the manchester/telegraph?[/quote'] Nice one :ok I doubt Betfred will have any more tournaments like that as they were designed to get a lot of new customers quickly. Its possible they will have another tournament in conjuncture with another newspaper/company etc, but now betfred has a bigger customer base they probably won't bother, as its likely they wouldn't get that many new customers from it. They can also afford to lose customers who only play freerolls as they don't make any money from Them. :\ Things like the beat the boss freeroll (raked hands requirement) and the stephen hendry freeroll ($25 worth of tournament fees in the previous month required) are more what they seem to be concentrating on........................... Its a shame, but it makes good sense for them.
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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread I was struggling to get in the money at all. 23 left got dealt KK on BB (1,000), allin 1,600 after flop river was K Best money result so far. :loon Usually avoid MTT due to the jokers in 1st hour, but as this was turbo thought it wouldn't be so bad. win1205hn.jpg Almost did better. 2nd last hand, had 2 pair after Turn, went allin and joker got straight on river. But such is poker.

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Ok. Since I've been posting on the poker forum recently I,ve got to come on for a brag. Five minutes ago I just won a £2 MTT on Interpoker (cryptologic), username "Cuillin". 483 entrants, £246 1st place. Got real lucky with about 50 left when all-in with QK against AK and hit a Q on the river. I've won a couple of these in the past but only with around 100 entries. Now where's that beer..... :nana :cheers :beer :nana How do I transfer the screenshot anyone?

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Well done - great result :clap :clap :clap I play in these quite a bit and have never managed to get anywhere :sad I've grabbed a screendump for you - now I'll add your PB as well. There's a link in the PB section of Poker News to the thread with instructions on getting screen dumps..... cullin3wx.jpg

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread

Well done Highlander. I know it's ancient history, but can I claim my PL League win on 6th September just to get my foot on the personal best ladder? http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18825&page=2&pp=25
As it will put you above me, the answer is NO! :lol Well done Highlander61 too. :clap enjoy that beer.;)
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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Where are these PB rankings you were talking of GAF? Thought i'd have a go on one of the new high roller tables at betfred :loon First and last time though - nerves can't take it. Managed to drag 2 others along to the turn with a (55) fullhouse on the 1st hand. Probably the only reason i made it. 1508pb.th.jpg

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Hi everyone, I have been reading through this thread and I would like to congratulate you all on your wonderful results! I must admit i have been neglecting this site and got attracted back to it when i got sent the PL poker team forum challenge. Can anyone tell me how i can enter this please? Anyway I have more of a story than a brag to share with you. (Sorry if its long winded!) Last summer i started playing online poker after getting dragged into it by a mate of mine. All things started well and i ended up after week 1 being £600 up. Consequently i decided to accept my mates invitation of going round Europe with him the next month travelling. Including a stop in Lisbon for the England v Croatia match at Euro 2004. So i booked my months european rail ticket, flight tickets and countless hostel/hotel rooms with some of my winnings. Everything was rosey in the garden of poker. After a such a great start i thought i wouldn't do myself any harm by moving up a level, thats where the nightmare started. I lost almost everything resulting in my brilliant holiday plans looking in serious doubt even though everything was already paid for I barely had a penny for general expenses. I went through the humilation of borrowing money off a couple of friends and getting a bank loan. But had a amazing holiday, i needed it! :lol Anyway to cut an already long story short! I truly learnt the hard way. When i got back from holiday i made a few home truths with myself and said if i was to ever sit in an online poker table again it would be after months of research into the game. I did the lot, read all the books, sites. You name it, iv'e probably read it. After all that reading the biggest peice of advice i can give anyone starting poker is PATIENCE. It's already been said inn this thread but it is such a hard discipline to keep, but once you've got it, your on your way to being a very accomplished player. Words of advice i can give people in MTT's or STT's is to keep your mind active. For the first 30 mins i will usually surf the net while in a tourny reading forums, checking emails, looking at websites. Sometimes i even sit out and watch some tv. Anything to stop me getting slack and calling an all in raise with KQ off. Obviously once you start nearing the money all concentration needs to be on the table. After my harsh lesson i now have a very healthy bank roll and have earnt enough money to pay back my debts and have alot left in the kitty. All i have to do now is keep my discipline and i can't lose :hope Anyway sorry about such a hugggge post but i had to get this off my chest! I hope it helped someone :lol ! I look forward to battleing it out with some of you in the freerolls, if i learn how to enter them!

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Hi Hayward - welcome back to the forum!! To enter the forum challenge, follow the link George has provided, and there you will see 3 steps to playing (Just don't forget in step 3, you need to register in the tournament lobby on the day of the 24 hours before the tournament). Sorry to hear about the problems you've had with poker, but thanks for your post and sharing your experiences with us. I am glad you have them behind you now. I would recommend that anyone new to Poker need be very careful. Don't risk money you cannot afford to lose!! Simple advice, sometimes hard to follow, but very very important if you want to enjoy poker for years to come. Poker is also played at different skill levels in different types of game - any newbies should ensure that they don't try and run before they can walk - any newbies looking at this thread, should also look here, to get an idea for what type of poker they should be playing. http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showpost.php?p=286384&postcount=3 Don't move up a level before you are ready!!! However, the Forum Freeroll is free - it won't cost you a bean!!(and no need to give any financial information). So there's no reason for anyone not to give this a go. Nothing to lose, and everything to gain. See you at the Forum Challenge Hayward :ok

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