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PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread


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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Well there's my dreams shattered!:lol Went out in 258th out of 676. Had no decent hands all night, only played 4 in nearly 2 hrs apart from my blinds when I could. Finally made a stand with A10 suited with a flush draw on the board but alas it did not come and I drowned on the river by my opponent catching a 4 of all things to make a pair.:sad

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread This is just for GAF to update my PB tongue2.gif. I cant remember if that was mentioned. Might have been before poker forum existed. And that was before I knew about Print Screen button embarassed.gif (taken with mobile). It was Bank Holiday in August last year (I think), Bet365 10k guaranteed $10+1 with around 1000 players (Its 20k now eveyday at 20.30pm). It was $3082.50 and if its not clear enough below is a transfer from poker with nearly the same amount, as I left few dollars for playing. best.jpg3k_pb.JPG

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Bit of a cheek posting this here, but what the hey. Got slaughtered in every game i played today 'til this STT for a place on Friday's $7500 MTT on betfred (One loss i have put in the bad beat section) Was getting gubbed in this too until this hand http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/5994/royal4fi.jpg and just to show i won... http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rwin5wf.jpg Hey, amn't i supposed to win a bundle for getting a royal :sad

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread That's it - I'm ready!!! Bring on the PL Heads Up tourney..... Discovered that they have sit and go heads up tables on Laddies - so gave a 16 entry one a go, and won it :nana :nana Not a PB, but I'm dead chuffed with that..... headsupsng4gp.jpg

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Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Ladbrokes heads up tourney... semis (8 players started) First hand, I fold. Second, he folds. Third, I fold. Fourth, he raises, I reraise with QJo. He goes all in, I call. He has AKo. Flop 77Q. Turn K. River Q, Full house, and final place for moi :) He wasn't overly impressed!

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