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Terrific Tuesday 3rd December - Where's it at?

A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 1973

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7.30pm: Grosvenor - £3 PPUKT satellite (3 seats gtd).. OUT -$5.42 8.00pm: Full Tilt - Hendon Mob league.. People are so incredibly lucky in this (and the previous leagues), but at least I have a playable stack left this time (8th/25). So far: Lost A/Q with a trips flop to a worse queen. Lost a river all-in to an open-ended hoper. STANDARD, srsly. K/K all-in just lost to A/K, so 7th of 7 left. 6 pays. Seriously, this league is always the same. WEIRD.. lol. Well, made the cash, so... Out in 4th, all-in call with A/2 to the big stack's 7/2... ta ta then... IT WAS SUITED THOUGH.... LOL, DONK... 4/48.. +$41.80 8.00pm: Bwin/Party - $0.11 Pokerfest #12 - $1,000 Gtd Short Stack Hyper-Turbo.. 250th of 695 left.. 220 paid. I actually won an all-in with A/K versus A/J, Q/Q, 3/3, and K/9 suited. Only happens in a 7p game.. lol Finished 140/1373.. +$1.69

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Re: Terrific Tuesday 3rd December - Where's it at? 7.30pm Stan James - Badges Achievement Freeroll - internet problems caused me to fold down to barely any chips. So frustrating when you can see AKh and 88 but cant do anything but watch them fold away :wall. Finished just outside of the money. 8.00pm Boyle Santa's Sacked - Bubbled 10th place :wall Add in a losing football bet and the internet im pretty much :@ ............

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Re: Terrific Tuesday 3rd December - Where's it at? $2.20 PLH/PLO 9.10pm = 16th/ 43 , 74suited normally my lucky hand into AK pre , I was sitting in 16/16 so went with it. $2.20 NLH 9.15pm = 1649th / 2294 + , Out KK can't beat AK & 1010 runs out Q 10 7 2 J $1.35 Turbo KO 9.30pm = Bounties x3 (AQ > KQ)(K9s > QQ)(A10s>A9o) , very short $0.55 Hot 9.45pm = Still In

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Re: Terrific Tuesday 3rd December - Where's it at?

dont talk to me about hendon mob' date=' big stack shoves and as i have QQ obvious call, he has 5/5 --------1st card out ..........a poxy 5, so many times its chips to chips.[/quote'] I was on your table and seen that qq v 55 it was sick so I thought I keep quiet but that guy I think went on to win it or come 2nd as I came 3rd in it
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