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2tipsters - Tennis and basketball bets

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Hi, all. Sorry bad english (Russian tipsters):cheers System name -2tipsters - Tennis and basketball bets Sport: Tennis and basketball Bank:100 % Variable staking: 3-4% of starting bank 1. NBA. NY - San Antonio 2/+1 3%*1,91 - 2. NBA. Chicago - Atlanta >191 4%*1,91 +

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Re: 2tipsters - Tennis and basketball bets :welcome Good luck, funny combination Tennis and Basketball, how do you see this as a single system ? Also can you check the Guidelines for posting systems at the top of the Forum. We like a bit more info on the systems posted. And in particular we DO NOT EDIT posts containing selections. It has happened in the past that people change the selections after the event. So no editing, simply add another post.

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