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Tuesday Poker 15/10/2013


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Doh! Couple of hands I could've played better at the end there, in hindsight I should've took the chance against the other shorties shove, would've had 2 live and if I bink I cripple him to give myself a chance but always going to dominated by his tight range from ep & short himself. Bubble boy to the sizeable £650 cash, but was freerolling anyway. As in last year, never underestimate what can be achieved from a freeroll, back in the Sharky this Sunday to start all over again, see you all there :ok Still in heb?, firing up full tilt to rail.

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Re: Tuesday Poker 15/10/2013

Doh! Couple of hands I could've played better at the end there, in hindsight I should've took the chance against the other shorties shove, would've had 2 live and if I bink I cripple him to give myself a chance but always going to dominated by his tight range from ep & short himself. Bubble boy to the sizeable £650 cash, but was freerolling anyway. As in last year, never underestimate what can be achieved from a freeroll, back in the Sharky this Sunday to start all over again, see you all there :ok Still in heb?, firing up full tilt to rail.
Unlucky that mate, still $650 from a freeroll is quality :ok yep still in for now sitting 16/41
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Re: Tuesday Poker 15/10/2013

Eagle railing you, bring it home :ok Nah I bubbled the money, but cost nothing, will be back ;)
Misread it mate :spank next time eh. have completely luckboxed this mtops event so far played half of it whilst watching the Football, gotta go for the win now though top 4 or 5 is where all the $$$$ is! 6/36 remaining now!
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Re: Tuesday Poker 15/10/2013 Good luck anyone still grinding, allcomers welcome to join me on the rail of MTOPS#13 (Tourney:259040165) to help Heb secure the silverware! * * * * * Nearly for me

Grosvenor - GUKPT (£10 token) Sat = 4/41 (8+1) +£110 Token Grosvenor - GUKPT £110 online final = 7/60 (5+1) Doh! Boyle - $5.25 No Lose = 21/59 (4+all)
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Re: Tuesday Poker 15/10/2013

I know and typically Full Tilt do f.a. to enforce the language rule, googled some and not poker related but not the point, still distracting. His 5 secs of fame will soon fade, your game is going from strength to strength :ok
Nice one Bart rails much appreciated! would have been nice to have made the FT but ah well plenty more to go...
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Definitely mate, you're consistently picking up some great results, just a matter of time before everything slots into place. A one off bink is good for the soul, but consistency is what we all strive hard for. * * * * * On a totally different topic, just noticed a 2nd $11 mtt token credited to my relatively inactive Encore (Coral skin) account, but not my recently active Coral one. Worth checking your emails & accounts people ;)

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